Money and Power

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Money&Power (One Stop Integrated Data Source) publishes data about the assets, incomes, and expenditures declared by high public officials. Such data were either declared in a certain year or before the public official took office. In any case, the respective documents contain the date in which it was submitted to the High Inspectorate of Declaration of Assets in Albania (HIDAA). Such declarations are made not only by the public officials themselves, but also by their family members, who are subject to declaration in accordance with the national legislation. Annual declarations contain information about the incomes of the respective year, properties gained during the declaring year, and expenditures, which according to the law, should be declared. The high public officials subject to such declaration include: the President of the Republic, Members of the Council of Ministers, and Mayors of main Municipalities, Members of Parliament, high-level Judges, Chief Prosecutor, and directors of independent institutions. The information they declare is published and made transparent in order to inform the public about the economic interests and assets of the high public official, who represent and govern the country. The data published under Money & Power are interlinked with those published under the Open Corporates Albania moneyPowerDesc2

Officials List (Total: 67)

AllA B Ç D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z

Subjct Name Position Institution
Ilirjan CELIBASHI Chairman of CEC - Council of Ministers - Member of Parliament - Member of the Central Election Commission KQZ - Albanian Parliament - Albanian Parliament - KQZ
Ilirjan RUSMALI Adviser - Director - Member of the Central Election Commission KQZ - Council of Ministers - Central Election Commission
Ilirjana NANO Secretary General KLP
Ilmi HOXHA Major - Major 2019-2023 Municipality Klos - Municipality Klos
Ina HOXHAJ Judge Pogradec District Court
Ina RAMA General prosecutor - Judge - Member of Appeal Chamber The Appeal Chamber - Court of First Instance , Lushnja - General Prosecutor Office
Ina ZHUPA Deputy Election 2021 - Member of Parliament Albanian Parliament - Albanian Parliament
Indrit BUKA Major Municipality of Shijak
Insidor REXHEPI Adviser KPK
Irena BRAHIMI Judge Court of Appeal Gjirokaster
Irena ÇUNOTI Prosecutor Prosecutor's Office of the Korçe Judicial District
Irena GJOKA Judge - Judge First Instance Serious Crimes Court - Judge at the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime
Irena HOXHA Judge Tirane District Court
Irena PLAKU Judge - Judge - Judge - Member of KLGJ High Judicial Council -
Irida KACERJA Judge Shkodra Judicial District Court
Irida JAHO Adviser KPK
Irma BALLI Prosecutor Court of Appeal Korçe
Irma KOPLIKU Member of Parliament Albanian Parliament
Isa JATA Prosecutor - Prosecutor - Prosecutor Tirana's First Instance Court Prosecution - Prosecutor's Office of the Tirana Judicial District - General Prosecutor's Office
Isa SAKJA Major - Major 2015 Municipality of Kavaja - Municipality of Kavaja
Ismet BEQIRAJ Deputy Election 2021 - Member of Parliament - Member of Parliament Legislative IX Albanian Parliament - Albanian Parliament - Albanian Parliament
Isuf ÇELAJ Deputy Election 2021 - Member of Parliament - Member of Parliament Legislative IX Albanian Parliament - Albanian Parliament - Albanian Parliament
Isuf SHEHU Judge - President of the Court Kukës Judicial District Court - Kukës Judicial District Court
Iva ZEMANI Judge - Ndihmes Korce Judicial District Court - Supreme Court
Izabela RADOVANI Judge Shkoder District Court
Izet KADANA Judge - President of the Court Pukë Judicial District Court - Pukë Judicial District Court
Izmira ULQINAKU Member of Parliament - Member of Parliament Legislative IX Albanian Parliament - Albanian Parliament