Money and Power

Position :

Name :

Money&Power (One Stop Integrated Data Source) publishes data about the assets, incomes, and expenditures declared by high public officials. Such data were either declared in a certain year or before the public official took office. In any case, the respective documents contain the date in which it was submitted to the High Inspectorate of Declaration of Assets in Albania (HIDAA). Such declarations are made not only by the public officials themselves, but also by their family members, who are subject to declaration in accordance with the national legislation. Annual declarations contain information about the incomes of the respective year, properties gained during the declaring year, and expenditures, which according to the law, should be declared. The high public officials subject to such declaration include: the President of the Republic, Members of the Council of Ministers, and Mayors of main Municipalities, Members of Parliament, high-level Judges, Chief Prosecutor, and directors of independent institutions. The information they declare is published and made transparent in order to inform the public about the economic interests and assets of the high public official, who represent and govern the country. The data published under Money & Power are interlinked with those published under the Open Corporates Albania moneyPowerDesc2

Officials List (Total: 42)

AllA B Ç D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z

Subjct Name Position Institution
Alma FASKAJ Commissioner KPK KPK
Amarilda XHAFERRI (XHYHERI) Legal Assistant KPK
Anxhela TATO Legal Advisor KPK
Borana KORITARI Legal Advisor KPK
Brunilda BEKTESHI (VASHA) Commissioner KPK KPK
Bukurije MEMISHA Adviser KPK
Denata STOJA Adviser KPK
Edmond VERÇANI Secretary General KPK
Edrin FIDHE Legal Advisor KPK
Egida TOSKA Adviser KPK
Eleana DOKO Adviser KPK
Elona Selamet BUSHATI Adviser KPK
Enkeleda KAMBO Adviser KPK
Ermir MEMA Adviser KPK
Etleda ÇIFTJA Commissioner KPK KPK
Etleva NOZILLI Legal Advisor KPK
Farie OSMANI Legal Advisor KPK
Firdes SHULI Commissioner KPK KPK
Genard DYLQESHI Adviser KPK
Genta TAFA (BUNGO) Commissioner KPK KPK
Gentian METE Adviser KPK
Gentiana MILKANI Secretary General KPK
Iglon PEÇI Adviser KPK
Insidor REXHEPI Adviser KPK
Irida JAHO Adviser KPK
Klodiana BYTYÇI Legal Advisor KPK
Klodjana THEODHOSI Adviser KPK
Lorenca BRAHIMAJ Legal Advisor KPK
Lulzim HAMITAJ Commissioner KPK KPK
Manuela Fadil TANDINI Adviser KPK
Mirela KASTRATI Adviser KPK
Olsi KOMICI Commissioner KPK KPK
Pamela QIRKO Commissioner KPK KPK
Parid SINELLA Legal Advisor KPK
Roland ILIA Commissioner KPK KPK
Saimir EMINI Adviser KPK
Suela ZHEGU Commissioner KPK KPK
Tushka DURIÇI Legal Advisor KPK