Treasury Transactions 2015-2018

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All I L M A All 15,330,321.00 50 All => 2015-01-01 => 2015-12-31

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Sp. Mat (0625) I L M A Mat 98,990 2015-12-31 2015-12-31 28810130782015 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative Spitali Mat (1013078) Lik. Shpenz.te tjera mater.e sherb.operat.(ilaçe emergjenc).Fat.Nr.52488 Dt.24.12.2015.Urdh.Prok.Nr.31 Dt.24.12.2015.
    Burgu Burrel (0625) I L M A Mat 80,517 2015-12-30 2015-12-31 16610140062015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore Burgu Burrel (1014006) Lik. Ilace dhe materiale mjeksore.Fat.Nr.49367 Dt.07.12.2015.Urdh.Prok.Nr.36 Dt.27.11.2015.
    Burgu 313 Tirane (3535) I L M A Tirane 123,667 2015-12-30 2015-12-31 20410140092015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1014009 IEVP 313 BL. MEDIKAMENTESH UP NR 1733 DT 28.12.2015 FT 163103915 FH NR 8
    Reparti Ushtarak Nr.2001 Durres (0707) I L M A Durres 249,423 2015-12-30 2015-12-30 82610170312015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore LIK FAT 51219 /REP.USHT.2001 DURRES 1017031/TDO 0707
    Sp. Mat (0625) I L M A Mat 43,200 2015-12-24 2015-12-28 25310130782015 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative Spitali Mat (1013078) Lik. Shepnz.te tjera (emergjenc medikamente).Fat.Nr.45132 Dt.12.11.2015. Urdh.Prok.Nr.29 Dt.06.11.2015.
    Spitali Elbasan (0808) I L M A Elbasan 177,860 2015-12-23 2015-12-24 86710130162015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore Spitali Civil Elbasan medikamente lende kontrasti per CT
    Sp. Mirdite (2026) I L M A Mirdite 159,800 2015-12-23 2015-12-24 37410130792015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore spitali per ilaqe fature nr serial 163102929
    Sp. Skrapar (0232) I L M A Skrapar 294,108 2015-12-22 2015-12-22 30910130852015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013085 Fature 51152 seri 163102217 dt 17.12.2015 ur prok 30 dt 15.12.2015 Drejt.e Sherbimit Spitalor SKRAPAR
    Drejtoria Rajonale AKU Vlore (3737) I L M A Vlore 49,920 2015-12-21 2015-12-22 11510051302015 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave 1005130 DRAKU MIREMBAJTJE PAISJE ZYRE FAT NR 50762 DAT 15.12.2015
    Spitali Ushtarak (3535)/Spitali Universitar i Traumes (Sherbimi Urgjences) (3535) I L M A Tirane 1,175,230 2015-12-17 2015-12-18 58810131042015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013104 SUT barna up. 183/3 dt.27.11.2015 kontr.183/8 dt.11.12.2015 fat.50251(1631101316) dt. 11.12.2015 fh. 293 dt. 11.12.2015
    Spitali Gjirokaster (1111) I L M A Gjirokaster 610,000 2015-12-16 2015-12-17 46510130182015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013018 SPITALI GJIROKASTER MEDIKAMENTE FAT NR 27188 DT 22.07.2015 NR SER 163078252 FH NR 108 DT 27.07.2015 UP NR 213 DT 20.07.2015 FTESE OFERTE
    Burgu Vaqarr Tirane (3535) I L M A Tirane 38,161 2015-12-17 2015-12-17 18510140122015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1014012 IEVP Vaqarr BL . MEDIKAMENE UP NR 1982/1 DT 02.12.2015 FT NR 50580/163101645 DT 14.12.2015 FH 20
    Drejtoria Rajonale AKU Tirane (3535) I L M A Tirane 93,600 2015-12-16 2015-12-17 22710051292015 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e aparateve, paisjeve teknike dhe veglave te punes 1005129 602-Dega Rajonale AKU,paguar miremb.aparateve teknike,,u-p nr 14 dt 04.12..15,p.v. nr 1,2 dt 4/7.12.15,f.t oft dt 04.12.15, dt 09.12..15,fat nr 50200 sr 1631001265 dt 11.12.15
    Drejtoria Rajonale AKU Tirane (3535) I L M A Tirane 89,999 2015-12-16 2015-12-17 22610051292015 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale 1005129 602-Dega Rajonale AKU,paguar materiale+sherb.specl.,u-p nr 13 dt 03.12..15,p.v. nr 1,2 dt 3/7.12.15,f.t oft dt 03.12.15, dt 09.12..15,fat nr 49777 sr 163100842 dt 09.12.15,f.h. nr 14 dt 9.12.15
    Sp. Bulqize (0603) I L M A Bulqize 232,891 2015-12-14 2015-12-14 21410130652015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore Spitali Bulqize (1013065) likujdim furnitorin ILMA per PO numer 4367 st.
    Sp. Puke (3330) I L M A Puke 317,128 2015-12-09 2015-12-10 15910130832015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013083 SPITALI PUKE KODI 1013083 blerje ILACE FAT .46341 DT.19.11.2015
    Sp. Sarande (3731) I L M A Sarande 100,237 2015-11-11 2015-11-11 38710130842015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore likujdim nr.fat.42561 dt.29.10.2015 nga spitali sr
    Spitali Lushnje (0922) I L M A Lushnje 159,000 2015-11-09 2015-11-10 53610130222015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore SPITALI LUSHNJE 1013022 SA XH.PER LIK.BL.MEDIKAMENTE SIPAS PO NR.69 DT.30.09.2015
    Klinika Qeveritare (3535) I L M A Tirane 5,460 2015-10-27 2015-10-28 13610130522015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013052 QSHM ILACE UP. 21 DT. 28.07.2015 FAT.2810(163079165) DT. 29.07.2015 FH. 2 DT. 29.07.2015
    Spitali Elbasan (0808) I L M A Elbasan 161,000 2015-10-22 2015-10-22 58710130162015 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore Spitali Civil Elbasan medikamente vitamina K