Money and Power

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Money&Power (One Stop Integrated Data Source) publishes data about the assets, incomes, and expenditures declared by high public officials. Such data were either declared in a certain year or before the public official took office. In any case, the respective documents contain the date in which it was submitted to the High Inspectorate of Declaration of Assets in Albania (HIDAA). Such declarations are made not only by the public officials themselves, but also by their family members, who are subject to declaration in accordance with the national legislation. Annual declarations contain information about the incomes of the respective year, properties gained during the declaring year, and expenditures, which according to the law, should be declared. The high public officials subject to such declaration include: the President of the Republic, Members of the Council of Ministers, and Mayors of main Municipalities, Members of Parliament, high-level Judges, Chief Prosecutor, and directors of independent institutions. The information they declare is published and made transparent in order to inform the public about the economic interests and assets of the high public official, who represent and govern the country. The data published under Money & Power are interlinked with those published under the Open Corporates Albania moneyPowerDesc2

Officials List (Total: 393)

AllA B Ç D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z

Subjct Name Position Institution
Sokol NGRESI Judge - Judge Supreme Court - Gjykata e Apelit Vlore
Sokol PASHO Judge Tirana District Court
Sokol PINA Judge Sarande District Court
Sokol SADUSHI Judge Supreme Court
Sokol SHEHU Judge - Judge Tirane District Court - Shkoder District Court
Sokol TONA Judge Tirana Judicial District Court
Sonila BEJTJA Judge Constitutional Court
Sonila HOXHA Judge Fier Judicial District Court
Sotiraq LUBONJA Judge Korçë Court of Appeal
Stavri KALLÇO Judge Court of Appeal in Korce
Suela LIKA Judge Court of First Instance Mat
Sulejman KURTI Judge - Judge Librazhd Judicial District Court - Elbasan Judicial District Court
Taulant BANUSHI Judge Fier Judicial District Court
Tereza  MERKAJ Judge - Judge Tirana Judicial District Court - Judge at the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime
Tom NDRECA Judge - Judge Supreme Court - Tiranë Court Appeal
Tomor SKRELI Judge Court of Appeal in Gjirokaster
Tomorr KULLOLLI Judge Elbasan Judicial District Court
Tonin STERKAJ Judge Court of the Shkodër Judicial District
Valbon ÇEKREZI Judge - Judge - Judge - Judge Elbasan Judicial District - Elbasan Judicial District - Court of Appeals Durrës - Librazhd Judicial District
Valbona DURRAJ (SEKNAJ) Judge - Judge Court of the Shkodër Judicial District - Court of the Shkodër Judicial District
Valbona VATA Judge Shkodra Court of Appeal
Valdete HOXHA Judge Court of Appeal
Viola CANAJ Judge Vlora District Court
Vitore TUSHA Judge Constitutional Court
Vjosa ZAIMI Judge Tirana Judicial District Court
Vladimir KRISTO Judge Constitutional Court
Vojsava KOLA(OSMANAJ) Judge - Judge Korca Judicial District - Court of Appeal Shkoder
Xhezair ZAGANJORI Judge Supreme Court
Yrfet SHKRELI Judge Permet Judicial District Court
Zamir PODA Judge Court of Appeal
Zegjine dhe Theodhori SOLLAKU Judge Court of Appeal
Zeta TERPOLLARI Judge Lushnje District Court
Zihni SHAHU Judge Elbasan District Court