Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All VODAFONE ALBANIA All 726,897,026.00 10,524 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Drejtoria Qendrore AKPA (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 17,900 2024-06-10 2024-06-11 10910121142024 Sherbime telefonike 1012114 - AKPA 2024, sherbim telefonie, fat nr 3513856/2024 dt 02.06.2024
    Spitali Fier (0909) VODAFONE ALBANIA Fier 10,000 2024-06-07 2024-06-10 44310130172024 Sherbime telefonike Spitali Fier 1013017 shpz per interneti up.13.07.2023 fto.13.07.2023 kontr fat.3513709/2024
    Unversitet "L.Gurakuqi", Shkoder (3333) VODAFONE ALBANIA Shkoder 35,856 2024-06-07 2024-06-10 24610111292024 Sherbime telefonike Universiteti Luigj Gurakuqi Shkoder, sherbime telefonike maj 2024,VKM nr 673 dt. 02.09.2020, fat nr 3513764/2024 dt 02.06.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Financave dhe Ekonomise (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Financave (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 23,960 2024-06-05 2024-06-10 43610100012024 Sherbime telefonike Min.Fin.Shpenz per tel cel, muaji Maj 24,Fat nr 3513703/2024, dt.02.06.2024,Shkrese  nr.18113, dt, 06.10.2023,VKM nr.864 dt 23.07.2010,VKM nr.673 dt 02.09.2020,VKM nr.855 dt.04.11.2020.
    Prokuroria e rrethit Durres (0707) VODAFONE ALBANIA Durres 360 2024-06-06 2024-06-10 14410280062024 Sherbime telefonike 1028006/PROKURORIA E RRETHIT GJYQESOR DURRES/TELEFON  FAT.NR 3513979/2024 DT.02.06.2024
    Dogana Pogradec (1529) VODAFONE ALBANIA Pogradec 5,400 2024-06-07 2024-06-10 6210100832024 Sherbime te tjera 1010083 Dogana Pogradec likuidon Sherbim interneti maj 2024,Kont nr.568/1 dt 01.07.2023,fatura nr.3513705/2024 dt 02.06.2024,Akt verfikimi nr.798 dt 06.06.2024, UB nr.3,nr 568 prot,dt. 03.07.2023
    Aparati Zyres Admin.Buxh.Gjyqesor (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 13,650 2024-06-06 2024-06-07 25110290012024 Sherbime telefonike 1029001 K.L.Gj. 2024 - lik telefoni, ft nr. 2479846/2024 dt 02.06.2024
    Prokuroria e rrethit Shkoder (3333) VODAFONE ALBANIA Shkoder 3,600 2024-06-06 2024-06-07 11710280272024 Sherbime telefonike Prokuroria prane Gjykates se Shkalles se Pare te Juridiksionit te Pergjithshem Shkoder,shp celulari, urdher nr 13 dt 01.02.2023 i Prokurorit te Pergjithshem pika 2, fat nr 3513975/2024 dt 02.06.2024
    Agjencia Kombëtare e Mbrojtjes Civile (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 15,000 2024-06-06 2024-06-07 18110171422024 Sherbime telefonike 1017142 Agj Kom Mb Civ Sherbime telefonike Ft 3513866 dt 2.6.2024 Up 266 dt 13.10.2023 Ft of 1750/5 dt 13.10.2023 Nj fit dt 19.10.2023 Kontr ne vazhd 1750/9 dt 1.11.2023
    Kuvendi Popullor (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 700 2024-06-06 2024-06-07 45410020012024 Sherbime telefonike 1002001-Kuvendi lik karta SIM te serverat, fat 3513886/2024 dt 2.6.2024
    Bashkia Librazhd (0821) VODAFONE ALBANIA Librazhd 9,944 2024-06-06 2024-06-07 51921280012024 Sherbime telefonike BASHKIA LIBRAZHD,LIK.FAT.NR.3513854/2024 DATE 02.06.2024 Shpenzime telefoni muaji Maj 2024.
    Klinika Qeveritare (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 1,800 2024-06-06 2024-06-07 6810130522024 Sherbime te tjera 1013052 Q Sherb Mjek, Pagese Interneti MAJ 2024, FT nr.35133686 dt 02.06.2024
    Qendra Kombtare e Kinematografise (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 500 2024-06-06 2024-06-07 7110570012024 Sherbime telefonike 1057001 Qendra Kombetare Kinematografis, lik telefoni, ft nr 3513885/2024 dt 2.4.2024
    Qendra e Zhvillimit Korce (1515) VODAFONE ALBANIA Korçe 1,800 2024-06-05 2024-06-06 12021220182024 Sherbime telefonike 2122018 QENDRA E ZHVILLIMIT REZIDENCIAL KORCE LIKUIDIM TELEFONI MUAJI MAJ 2024,FAT.NR.3513097/2024 DT.02.06.2024
    Qendra Ekonomike Kultures (1515) VODAFONE ALBANIA Korçe 49,690 2024-06-05 2024-06-06 13521220072024 Sherbime telefonike 2122007 QENDRA E ARTIT E KULTURES KORCE SHERBIM INTERNETI, U.P.NR.19 DT.19.04.2024, NJOFT.FIT. NGA APP DT.17.04.2024, FAT.NR.3513719 DT.02.06.2024
    Agjensia Telegrafike Shqiptare (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 18,000 2024-06-05 2024-06-06 11110310012024 Sherbime telefonike 1031001 Agj Telegraf Shqipt, lik tel 3513188 dt 2.6.2024
    Agjensia Telegrafike Shqiptare (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 1,000 2024-06-05 2024-06-06 11310310012024 Sherbime telefonike 1031001 Agj Telegraf Shqipt, lik tel ft3515886 dt 2.6.2024
    Nd-ja Komunale Plazh (0707) VODAFONE ALBANIA Durres 51,783 2024-06-04 2024-06-05 5321070152024 Paga neto për punonjesit e miratuar në organikë 2107015 / ND. SHERBIMEVE KOMUNALE PLAZH / TELEFON LIK FAT 2449006
    Bordi i Kullimit Lezhe (2020) VODAFONE ALBANIA Lezhe 68,640 2024-06-03 2024-06-05 20410050742024 Paga neto për punonjesit e miratuar në organikë BORDI I KULLIMIT LEZHE LIK FAT.2449002 DT.02.05.2024 PER ABONENT 210617416831
    Drejtoria Rajonale Kombetare e Kultures Korce (1515) VODAFONE ALBANIA Korçe 4,000 2024-06-04 2024-06-05 8210120052024 Sherbime telefonike 1012005 DREJTORIA RAJONALE E TRASHEGIMISE KULTURORE KORCE, TELEFON DHE INTERNET, URDHER NR.71 DT.15.06.2023, P.V.F.L. DT.15.06.2023, P.V FITUES DT.15.06.2023, KONTRATE NR.347/1 PROT DT.15.06.2023, FATURA NR.3513786/2024 DT.02.06.2024