Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All VODAFONE ALBANIA All 726,897,026.00 10,524 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Instituti i Riedukimit te te Miturve Kavaje (3513) VODAFONE ALBANIA Kavaje 6,090 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 10810140992024 Sherbime te tjera INSTITUTI I TE MITURVE KAVAJE PAGESE FATURE NR 3526113 DT 02.06.2024
    Biblioteka kombetare (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 2,000 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 13710120252024 Sherbime telefonike 1012025 Biblioteka - sherbim telefoni maj 2024, urdh per pagese nr 36 dt 23.02.2024, fat nr 3538036/2024 dt 02.06.2024
    Qendra e Zhvillimit Vlore (3737) VODAFONE ALBANIA Vlore 4,990 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 9121460312024 Sherbime te tjera 2146031 QENDRA E ZHVILLIMIT VLORE SHERBIM INTERNETI DHE TV MAJ  2024 FAT3513965 DT 02.06.2024
    Qendra e Zhvillimit Vlore (3737) VODAFONE ALBANIA Vlore 4,990 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 8621460312024 Sherbime te tjera 2146031 QENDRA E ZHVILLIMIT VLORE SHERBIM INTERNETI DHE TV PRILL 2024 FAT 2449295 DT 02.05.2024
    ISHSH Rajonal Korce (1515) VODAFONE ALBANIA Korçe 1,328 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 4810131152024 Sherbime telefonike 1013115 ISHSH KORCE SHPENZIME INTERNETI  URDHER TITULLARI NR.05 DT 26.04.2023, P.VERBAL DT.26.04.2023, FAT.NR.3522367/2024 DT 02.06.2024
    ISHSH Rajonal Korce (1515) VODAFONE ALBANIA Korçe 1,400 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 4710131152024 Sherbime telefonike 1013115 ISHSH KORCE SHPENZIME INTERNETI  URDHER TITULLARI NR.06 DT 26.04.2023, P.VERBAL DT.26.04.2023, FAT.NR.3513625/2024 DT 02.06.2024
    Instituti i Policisë Shkencore (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 18,500 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 9010161372024 Sherbime telefonike 1016137 IPSH, sherbim interneti, kontrate vijim nr 247/7 dt 01.02.2024, fat 3513828/24 dt 02.06.24, pv 4 dt 2.6.24
    Prokuroria e rrethit Sarande (3731) VODAFONE ALBANIA Sarande 3,640 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 12510280252024 Sherbime telefonike Lik faturen e telefonit maj .2024 Prokurorin Sr
    Bashkia Konispol (3731) VODAFONE ALBANIA Sarande 48,710 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 15721560012024 Shpenzime kompesimi per anetaret e parlamentit dhe zyrtare te tjera te zgjedhur PAGESE FATURE TELEFONI  101842 NGA BASHKIA KONISPOL
    Reparti Special "Renea" Tirane (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 5,000 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 12910160092024 Sherbime telefonike 1016009, Renea, Lik shpenzime telefoni maj 2024, sipas fatures 3513812 dt 2.6.2024
    Drejtoria Rajonale Tatimore Elbasan (0808) VODAFONE ALBANIA Elbasan 4,300 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 5110100482024 Sherbime telefonike 2024 Drejtoria Tatimore Elbasan 1010048 sherbim telefon  fature nr.3513746/2024 dt.02.06.2024 3513675/2024
    Prokuroria e Posaçme Kundër Korrupsionit dhe Krimit të Organizuar (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 70,000 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 19010410012024 Sherbime telefonike 104100 SPAK 2024 - lik interneti Maj 2024, kontr ne vazhd nr 8 dt 09.01.2024, fat nr 3513887 dt 02.06.2024
    Universiteti Politeknik (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 2,909 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 101810110402024 Sherbime telefonike 1011040 UPT REKT - Pag telefon maj 2024, fat nr 3513638/2024 dt 2.6.2024, kod klien 20408
    Kuvendi Popullor (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 20,000 2024-06-11 2024-06-12 48010020012024 Sherbime telefonike 1002001-Kuvendi,lik tel maj 2024, Fat 3167674/2024 dt 3.6.2024 Nr i regj 26902028296
    Nd-ja Komunale Plazh (0707) VODAFONE ALBANIA Durres 77,366 2024-06-10 2024-06-11 5921070152024 Paga neto për punonjesit e miratuar në organikë 2107015 / ND. SHERBIMEVE KOMUNALE PLAZH / DETYRIM I PRAPAMBETUR , ENERGJI LIK FAT 4168166
    Q.SH.A.M.T. Tirane (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 3,300 2024-06-10 2024-06-11 9710160072024 Sherbime telefonike 1016007 DMMT, lik  telefon , kontr nr 1539 dt 17.11.2022, fat 3513825/2024 dt 2.6.2024
    Agjencia Rajonale e Ekstensionit Bujqesor Tirane (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 5,000 2024-06-10 2024-06-11 15410051392024 Sherbime te tjera 1005139 A.R.E.B 2024 - sherbim internet , kontrate nr 135/7 dt 09.02.2024, fature nr 3513712 dt 02.06.2024
    Inspektoriati i Larte i Kontrollit dhe Deklarimit te Pasurive (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 12,599 2024-06-10 2024-06-11 11710760012024 Sherbime telefonike 1076001 ILDKPI 2024, lik telefoni, ft nr 3513867/2024 dt 2.6.2024
    Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Metrologjise (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 14,000 2024-06-10 2024-06-11 19210121092024 Sherbime telefonike 1012109 DPM 2024 - Shpenz interneti maj, fat nr 3513871/2024 dt 02.06.2024, kontr nr 41 dt 03.01.2024
    Drejtoria e Pergjithshme per Krimin e Organizuar dhe Krimet e Renda Tirane (3535) / Drejtoria e Forces se Posacme Operacionale (3535) VODAFONE ALBANIA Tirane 17,470 2024-06-10 2024-06-11 12710161282024 Sherbime telefonike Drejt Forces Posaç Operac internet maj 2024, kontr nr 2/3 dt 10.3.2022, fat 3513878/2024 dt 2.6.2024