Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) All All 2,217,215,355.00 2,301 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 460,802 2020-01-13 2020-01-15 43210280012019 Kancelari 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik kancelari,urdh prok nr 54/1 dt 28.08.2018, njoft fit 29.10.2018,kontrate 13.11.2019,fat dt 5.12.2019 seri 321863070,fl hyr nr 37 dt 5.12.2019
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) Gent Onuzi Tirane 72,000 2020-01-13 2020-01-14 42410280012019 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik sherbime operative,,urdh prok nr 33 dt 7.11.20169,proc verb dt 7.11.2019,fat 5 dt 7.11.2019 seri 14181958
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) AIR KOMPONENT Tirane 401,638 2020-01-13 2020-01-14 43310280012019 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - paisje dhe instalimi i kondicionereve 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik kondicioner,urdh prok nr 35 dt 3.12.20169,ftese oferte 4.12.2019,klasifikim 4.12.2019,fat 2362 dt 10.12.2019 seri 83516108,fl hyr nr 13 dt 10.12.2019
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) VARVARA. Tirane 42,480 2020-01-13 2020-01-14 43410280012019 Pjese kembimi, goma dhe bateri 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik goma,urdh prok nr 36 dt 3.12.20169,proc verb dt 3.12.2019,klasifikim 5.12.2019,fat 4111 dt 6.12.2019 seri 72796111.fl hyr nr 39 dt 6.12.2019
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) ALBTOURS"D"-VAS TOUR OPERATORE Tirane 69,500 2020-01-13 2020-01-14 43510280012019 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik gbileta,urdh prok nr 12 dt 5.12.20169,ftese oferte 5.12.2019,fat 2633 dt 5.12.2019 seri 846262183
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA CREDINS Tirane 241,998 2020-01-06 2020-01-07 910280012020 Paga baze Prok Pergjithshme,lik kthim paga ,listepagese ,urdher 98/1 dt 16.12.2019
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA KOMBETARE TREGTARE Tirane 131,052 2020-01-06 2020-01-07 510280012020 Paga baze Prok Pergjithshme,lik paga dhjetor 2019,listepagese ,nr pun 127-111
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 61,150 2020-01-06 2020-01-07 310280012020 Paga baze Prok Pergjithshme,lik paga dhjetor 2019,listepagese ,nr pun 127-111
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA CREDINS Tirane 10,308,357 2020-01-06 2020-01-07 110280012020 Shtese page per vjetersi ne pune Prok Pergjithshme,lik paga dhjetor 2019,listepagese ,nr pun 127-111
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA CREDINS Tirane 68,283 2020-01-06 2020-01-07 210280012020 Paga me kontrate per kohe te kufizuar Prok Pergjithshme,lik paga kontrate dhjetor 2019,listepagese ,nr pun 3-3
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Tirane 431,293 2020-01-06 2020-01-07 610280012020 Paga baze Prok Pergjithshme,lik paga dhjetor 2019,listepagese ,nr pun 127-111
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) Banka OTP Albania Tirane 42,951 2020-01-06 2020-01-07 410280012020 Paga baze Prok Pergjithshme,lik paga dhjetor 2019,listepagese ,nr pun 127-111
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) RESULI - ER Tirane 295,162 2019-12-23 2019-12-31 41910280012019 Karburant dhe vaj 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik karburant,urdh prok nr 114/1 dt 30.10.2019,proc verb dt 12.11.2019,njof fit 20.11.2019,kontrate 3140/1 dt 27.11.2019,fat 385 dt 5.12.2019 seri 60846532,fl hyr nr 36 dt 5.12.2019
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA CREDINS Tirane 98,500 2019-12-23 2019-12-31 42510280012019 Udhetim i brendshem 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik dieta,urdher 141 dt 10.12.2019,listepagese
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) IT GJERGJI KOMPJUTER Tirane 2,135,462 2019-12-30 2019-12-31 41310280012019 Kancelari 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik KANCEKARI,URDH PROK NR 54/1 DT 28.8.2018,PROC VERB DT 23.10.2018,KONTRATE 2805 DT 20.11.2019,FAT 270014810 DT 20.11.2019.FL HYR NR 33 DT 20.11.2019
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) EXPLORER TRAVEL & TOURS Tirane 38,900 2019-12-23 2019-12-31 41410280012019 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik bileta ,urdher 19.11.2019,program 19.11.2019,urdh prok nr 11 dt 25.11.2019,ftese oferte 26.11.2019,fat 462 dt 26.11.2019 seri 84945416
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) RESULI - ER Tirane 78,290 2019-12-23 2019-12-31 42010280012019 Karburant dhe vaj 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik karburant, vazhd procedure urdh prok nr 114/1 dt 30.10.2019,proc verb dt 12.11.2019,njof fit 20.11.2019,kontrate 3140/1 dt 27.11.2019,fat 372dt 27.11.2019 seri 60846519,fl hyr nr 34 dt 27.11.2019
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) RESULI - ER Tirane 626,007 2019-12-23 2019-12-31 42110280012019 Karburant dhe vaj 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik karburant, vazhd procedure urdh prok nr 114/1 dt 30.10.2019,proc verb dt 12.11.2019,njof fit 20.11.2019,kontrate 3140/1 dt 27.11.2019,fat 371 dt 27.11.2019 seri 60846518,fl hyr nr 35 dt 27.11.2019
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) OLA-1 Tirane 19,440 2019-12-23 2019-12-31 41510280012019 Furnizime dhe materiale te tjera zyre dhe te pergjishme 1028001 Prokuroria Pergjith lik mater zyre ,kerkese dt 20.11.2019,,urdh prok nr 34 dt 20.11.2019,proc ver 20.11.2019,fat 680 dt 20.11.2019 seri 84715431,fl hyr nr 32 dt 20.11.2019
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) Banka OTP Albania Tirane 706,008 2019-12-17 2019-12-18 43510280012019 Shtese page dhe page e menjehershme per funksionaret e larte Prokuroria Pergjith lik paga menjershme funksion larte, urdher 206 dt 12.12.2019,listepagese