Treasury Transactions 2019-2024

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All HASTOÇI All 3,437,150,906.00 235 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 590,854 2020-06-02 2020-06-04 135621010012020 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh,Te Dala 2101001 Bashkia Tirane PAgese 5% garanci obj Rehabilitim i kanalit te skoranes shk.13159/1 07.05.20 PV petrf 20935/6 19.09.17 sitperf 19.09.17-01.03.18 PV kol 16.03.18
    Fondi i Zhvillimit Shqiptar (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 34,220,962 2020-05-28 2020-06-01 7710560012020 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te rrugeve 1056001, lik ft rikonstr, kontr ne vazhd GOA 2018/P-10 dt 20.11.2018, seri 70762369 dt 26.05.2020, sit nr 8
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Tirane (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 8,500,007 2020-05-22 2020-05-28 16210160202020 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) 1016020 DVP 2020 231-(sipas tabeles se miratimit), ndertim blok.dhoma sig DVP Tirane, sipas kon ne vazhdim nr 14/12, dt 14.08.2019, sit pun 2, dt 27.04.2020, shkrese 102, dt 27.04.2020, ft nr 11, 27.04.2020,seri 70762368, lik pjesor
    Fondi i Zhvillimit Shqiptar (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 5,421,783 2020-04-28 2020-04-30 3610560012020 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh,Te Dala 1056001, lik garanci per kontr GOA 2017 dt 02.05.2017, aktkol dt 22.02.2018, certifikate perfundimtare dt 10.03.2020, urdher per lik dt 05.04.2020
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Tirane (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 17,000,000 2020-04-28 2020-04-30 12410160202020 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - te tjera ndertimore 1016020 DVP 2020 Lik ndertim dhoma sig kontr vazhd 14/12 dt 14.08.2019 fat 70762367 nr 11 dt 27.04.2020 situac 2615 dt 28.04.2020
    Fondi i Zhvillimit Shqiptar (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 23,647,497 2020-03-31 2020-04-15 2710560012020 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) 1056001, Projekti Roskovec kont vazhdim nr 20.11.2018 fat nr 07 date 19.03.2020 sr 70762363 sit 7
    Bashkia Gramsh (0810) HASTOÇI Gramsh 1,961,248 2020-02-27 2020-02-28 46021140012020 Garanci te vitit te meparshem per sipermarje punimesh,Te Dala 2114001 Likujdim 5% g.defe objek "riko shk 9-vjec A.Shahini",akt kolad dtt 30.01.2019,certifik perfund dt 21.02.2020,urdher nr.55 dt 20.02.2020,vend nr.22 dt 21.02.2020,kontrate nr.4303 date 29.06.2018
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 5,940,000 2020-01-31 2020-02-03 474221010012019 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - te tjera ndertimore 2101001 bashkia tirane tvsh per rikosntruksion i shkolles de rada kotn 15.05.2019 sit 31.10.2019 fat 70762347 dt 21.11.2019
    Aparati i Ministrise se Infrastruktures dhe Energjise (3535)( ish Aparati Min se Puneve Publike, Transportit dhe Telekomunikacionit (3535)) HASTOÇI Tirane 4,796,479 2020-01-21 2020-01-23 119410060012019 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) Mie shpenzime per mbylljen e grykave, kontrata vazhdim 9841/6 dt 9.11.2018 amendim kontrate 802/1 dt 18.1.2019 fatura nr 34(70762339) dt 20.9.19 .situacion i punimeve nr 4 permbledhes
    Aparati i Ministrise se Infrastruktures dhe Energjise (3535)( ish Aparati Min se Puneve Publike, Transportit dhe Telekomunikacionit (3535)) HASTOÇI Tirane 13,839,153 2020-01-16 2020-01-22 108410060012019 Shpenz. per rritjen e te tjera AQT Mie shpenzime per mbylljen e grykave, kontrata vazhdim 9841/6 dt 9.11.2018 amendim kontrate 802/1 dt 18..1.2019 fatura nr 7(70762312) dt 1.4.19 .situacion i punimeve nr 3 permbledhes
    Fondi i Zhvillimit Shqiptar (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 229,140 2020-01-16 2020-01-17 335105600120191 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te rrugeve Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit , lik ft rikonstr, kontr ne vazhd GOA/p-01 dt 01.05.2017, seri 51970550 dt 18.01.2019, sit nr 5 perfundimtar
    Bashkia Librazhd (0821) HASTOÇI Librazhd 1,494,192 2020-01-16 2020-01-17 118521280012019 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - ndertesa shkollore BASHKIA LIBRAZHD,LIK.FAT.NR.4 DATE 01.03.2019,SIT.PJESOR NR.2,Kontrate Nr.4341 Prot.dt.27.08.2018 Rikonstruksion i shkolles se mesme te bashkuar,ndertim palestre,sistem ngrohje,shkolla Rrahman Çota,Hotolisht.
    Fondi i Zhvillimit Shqiptar (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 10,452,204 2019-12-31 2020-01-14 27210560012019 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te rrugeve Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit , lik ft rikonstr , kontr ne vazhd GOA 2018/P-10 dt 20.11.2018, seri 70762349 dt 05.12.2019,. sit nr 6
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Tirane (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 13,076,171 2020-01-13 2020-01-14 590210160202019 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - te tjera ndertimore 1016020 DVP 2019 Lik ndert dhomat e sigurise kontr vazhd 14/12 dt 14.08.2019 situac 182 dt 12.12.2019 fat 70762354 nr 49 dt 12.12.2019
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 32,801,727 2019-12-26 2019-12-31 101110170012019 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - te tjera ndertimore TERMET Shpenzime ndertesa , emergjenca civile u prokurim 1370, dt 8.11.19, kontrata 7169/2 dt 22.11.19,umm lidhje kontrate 1811, dt 18.11.2019, fat. 51, dt 18.12.2019 seri 70762356
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 8,630,883 2019-12-12 2019-12-27 452821010012019 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh,Te Dala 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Pagese 5% garanci obj ndertim shkolla mesme Hoxha Tahsim faza I shk.38307/1 05.12.19 kont 7065/3 30.08.13 sit perf -08.09.17 PV kol 06.10.17 PV perf 22.11.19
    Autoriteti i konkurrences (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 1,099,920 2019-12-13 2019-12-16 33310770012019 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e objekteve ndertimore 1077001,A.Konkurences,lik shp term , rip dem, ven750dt27.11.2019,shk20641dt18.11.2019,shk631/5dt5.12.2019,kontr631/7dt10.12.2019,akt4.12.2019,kol631/6dt10.12.2019,pv11.12.2019,ft46dt11.12.2019ser70762351
    Autoriteti i konkurrences (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 798,600 2019-12-13 2019-12-16 33110770012019 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e objekteve ndertimore 1077001,A.Konkurences,lik shp term rip dem,u prok587/10dt19.11.2019,ft of20.11.2019,urdh587/8dt13.11.2019,pv20.11.2019,pv2.12.2019,shkr19150/1dt4.11.2019,shk587/1dt24.10.2019,akt21.09.2019,ft 50dt13.12.2019seri70762355,ko587/15dt13.11.2019
    Autoriteti i konkurrences (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 799,992 2019-12-13 2019-12-16 33210770012019 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e objekteve ndertimore 1077001,A.Konkurences,lik shp ter ripa dem , akt 4.12.2019, ve750 dt 27.11.2019, shkrese nr 20641 dt 18.11.2019 , shkrese 631/5 dt 5.12.2019,akt kolaudimi631/8 dt10.12.2019,urdher 631/6 dt10.12.2019, pv 12.12.2019ft48 dt12.12.2019,70762353
    Fondi i Zhvillimit Shqiptar (3535) HASTOÇI Tirane 37,483,241 2019-12-04 2019-12-05 245105600120191 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te rrugeve Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit , lik ft rikonstr kontr ne vazhd GOA 2018/p-10 dt 20.11.2018, seri 70762346 dt 18.11.2019, sit nr 5