Treasury Transactions 2019-2024

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All AVDULI All 569,791,115.00 209 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Bordi Rajonal i Kullimit Durres (0707) AVDULI Durres 1,442,495 2020-06-10 2020-06-11 10310050682020 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) DREJTORIA E UJITJES DHE KULLIMIT FAT 06 KU PEQIN KAVAJE KONT 78/6
    Bashkia Vlore (3737) AVDULI Vlore 6,084,537 2020-03-18 2020-03-19 19621460012020 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - ndertesa social-kulturore permirsimi i kushteve te banimit komuniteti rom bashkia 2146001 kont 10096 dt 20.11.2019 u.prok 190 dt 11.09.2019 fat 3 dt 06.02.2020 sit perfundimtar akt kolaudimi dhe certifikata e perkoheshme dt 13.02.2020
    Bashkia Vlore (3737) AVDULI Vlore 2,309,864 2020-03-12 2020-03-17 18521460012020 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - te tjera ndertimore rehabilitim lere betoni bashkia 2146001 kont 10095 dt 20.11.2019 u.prok 222 dt 08.10.2019 fat 8 dt 10.12.2019 situacion pjesor 1
    Bashkia Kucove (0217) AVDULI Kuçove 418,937 2020-01-20 2020-01-23 117721240012019 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) 2124001 rik , banesave egzistuese ish parku fat nr 66/53300539 dt 21.12.2019 kontr nr 1807 dt 23.05.2018
    Bashkia Kucove (0217) AVDULI Kuçove 30,552 2020-01-20 2020-01-23 117821240012019 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) 2124001 rik , banesave egzistuese ish parku fat nr 69/53300542 dt 26.12.2019 kontr nr 1807 dt 23.05.2018
    Aparati Qendror INSTAT (3535) AVDULI Tirane 3,032 2020-01-22 2020-01-23 1545210500012019 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - ndertesa administrative INSTAT,lik rikonstr godine Korçe, vazhd urdh prok nr 68 dt 15.10.2019,njoft kontr 15.10.2019,njoft fit 20.11.2019,kontrate 1941/9 dt 27.11.2019,fat 104 dt 30.12.2019 seri 75425478,situacion pjesor,
    Komisioni i Prokurimit Publik (3535) AVDULI Tirane 75,763 2020-01-20 2020-01-23 810900012020 Garanci të vitit në vazhdim për proçedura ankimimi në Komisionin e Prokurimit Publik, Te dala 1090001-Komisioni Prokurimit Publik,466-kthim i tr op ek, ub 471, dt 18.11.2019, v kpp 691 dt 05.11.2019
    Aparati Qendror INSTAT (3535) AVDULI Tirane 679,502 2020-01-21 2020-01-22 153910500012019 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) INSTAT,lik rikonstr godine INSTAT, vazhdim urdh prok nr 68 dt 15.10.2019,njoft kontr 15.10.2019,njoft fit 25.11.2019,kontrate 1941/8 dt 27.11.2019,fat 105 dt 30.12.2019 seri 75425479,situacion ,akt kolaudim 30.12.2019
    Aparati Qendror INSTAT (3535) AVDULI Tirane 3,278,804 2020-01-14 2020-01-15 144710500012019 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - ndertesa administrative INSTAT,lik rikonstr godine INSTAT,urdh prok nr 68 dt 15.10.2019,njoft kontr 15.10.2019,njoft fit 25.11.2019,kontrate 1941/8 dt 27.11.2019,fat 99 dt 13.12.2019 seri 75425473,situacion pjesor nr 1,
    Ndermarrja e Pasurive PNdermarrja e Pasurive Publike Lushnje (0922) AVDULI Lushnje 9,049,404 2020-01-13 2020-01-14 25021290102019 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te rrjeteve 2129010 ND.P.PUBLIKE LU. per sa lik situacion nr.1 Rehabilitim i kanalit ujites Krutje, dt.12.12.2019, dt.20.05.2019, dt.03.12.2019
    Bashkia Vlore (3737) AVDULI Vlore 6,650,000 2020-01-13 2020-01-14 129521460012019 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) permirsimi i kushteve te benimit komuniteti rom bashkia 2146001 kont 10096 dt 20.11.2019 u.prok 190 dt 11.09.2019 fat 9 dt 11.12.2019 situacion 1
    Aparati Qendror INSTAT (3535) AVDULI Tirane 389,333 2020-01-13 2020-01-14 144210500012019 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) INSTAT,lik rikonstr godine Korçe,urdh prok nr 68 dt 15.10.2019,njoft kontr 15.10.2019,njoft fit 20.11.2019,kontrate 1941/9 dt 27.11.2019,fat 96 dt 12.12.2019 seri 75425470,situacion pjesor,
    Bordi i Kullimit Fier (0909) AVDULI Fier 92,720 2019-12-24 2019-12-26 56310050702019 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e objekteve specifike SHERBIME NE HIDROVOR DREJT E UJITJES DHE KULLIMIT FIER KNTR 266/11 DT 17/06/2019 FAT 84 ,86 DT 04/12/219
    Bordi i Kullimit Fier (0909) AVDULI Fier 109,027 2019-12-24 2019-12-26 56210050702019 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e objekteve specifike RIPARIM I NENKALIMIT TE CAUSHAJT KNTR 241/11 DT 11/06/2019 FAT 81,82 DT 24/06/2019
    Komisioni i Prokurimit Publik (3535) AVDULI Tirane 75,763 2019-11-13 2019-11-14 38210900012019 Garanci të vitit në vazhdim për proçedura ankimimi në Komisionin e Prokurimit Publik, Te dala 1090001,KPP,466, kthim i tr op.ek, urdh 409, dt 17.09.2019, vkpp 578, dt 03.09.2019
    Bashkia Gramsh (0810) AVDULI Gramsh 231,994 2019-11-11 2019-11-12 270521140012019 Garanci te vitit te meparshem per sipermarje punimesh,Te Dala 2114001 Likujdim 5% garanci,objekti "Rikon shkoll 9-vjec fshati Shemrize",akt kolaudim dt 30.11.2017,urdher nr.291 dt 07.11.2019,vendim nr.135 dt 07.11.2019,certif perfundimtar dt 14.10.2019,kontrate nr.5866 dt 07.09.2017
    Qarku Elbasan (0808) AVDULI Elbasan 328,275 2019-10-29 2019-10-30 31220480012019 Garanci te vitit te meparshem per sipermarje punimesh,Te Dala 2048001 Keshilli i Qarkut 5%Garanci punimesh objekti Rik.shk."Adem Bedalli"Bashkia Peqin Urdh.tit.per pagese nr.142 dt.28.10.2019 Kont.dt.19.6.2018 Akt.kolaudimi dt.9.10.2018 P.verb.i dorez.perf. te objekt. dt.28.10.2019
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) AVDULI Tirane 384,935 2019-10-19 2019-10-23 368521010012019 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh,Te Dala 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Garanci per varrezat murale sharre Kont 32209/6 dt 09.12.2019 sit mar 2017 pv kolad 24.04.2019 pv perfn 10.09.2019 shkresa 17133/4 dt 19.09.2019
    Bashkia Cerrik (0808) AVDULI Elbasan 2,016,800 2019-10-21 2019-10-22 56721100012019 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - ndertesa shkollore Bashkia Cerrik Reabilitim i terreneve sportive te shkollave V.Belshi a,budakontrat dt, 05.12.2018p-v u-p nr, 333 dt. 19.10.2018vendim komisioni dt.14.11.2018 fature nr, 71 dt.04.07.2019 seri 53300544 situacion perfundimtar
    Bashkia Libohove (1111) AVDULI Gjirokaster 624,668 2019-10-07 2019-10-09 28821160012019 Garanci te vitit te meparshem per sipermarje punimesh,Te Dala 2116001 Bashkia Libohove GJ kthim garancie 5% Çertfikate marrje perfundi ne dorezim dt 20.08.2019 akt kolaudimi dt 08.08.2018 certif marrje perkohsh ne dorez 10.08.2018 pv dorezim perfund te 9.8.2019(rikonstr kthese nepra-fushe nepravishte