Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All O.ES. DISTRIMED All 4,819,517,939.00 2,452 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Spitali Ushtarak (3535)/Spitali Universitar i Traumes (Sherbimi Urgjences) (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 236,370 2021-01-11 2021-01-14 42010131042020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013104 Spitali Univesitar i Traumes blerje mat mjeksore sipas kont ne vazhdim nr 32/12 dt 27.10.20.fat nr 360850800 dt 28.12.20.fh nr 714 dt 28.12.2020
    Sp. Mat (0625) O.ES. DISTRIMED Mat 58,268 2021-01-11 2021-01-12 53810130782020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore Spitali Mat(1013078)Lik.Ilace dhe Materiale Mjekimi AMSH Nr.511/22 Dt.4.5.20 Urdh.Prok.Nr.48 Dt.29.1.20 Mrrv-kuad.Nr.511/21 Dt.27.4.20 Kontr.Nr.105 Dt.18.12.20 Fat.Tat.Nr.360850746 Dt.21.12.20 Fl-Hyrje dhe Proc-Verb Nr.140 Dt.21.12.20
    Spitali Shkoder (3333) O.ES. DISTRIMED Shkoder 126,485 2021-01-11 2021-01-12 107410130232020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore blerje materiale mjekimi per nevojat e spitaleve lot 2, VAZHDIM kon nr 2462 dt 04.11.2020 ft 360850827dt 30.12.2020 fh 491 dt 30.12.2020 pv 30.12.20
    Spitali Universitar i Traumes (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 4,224,000 2020-12-29 2020-12-31 82910171382020 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - paisje mjekesore dhe spitalore 1017138 SUT 2020, paisje mjekesore, up 65/6 dt 15.10.20, nj.fitues 26.10.20, kont. 65/16 dt 19.11.20, ft 360850769 dt 23.12.20, fh 15/1 dt 23.12.20
    Materniteti Tirane (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 1,078,800 2020-12-30 2020-12-31 78510130502020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013050 SUOGJ ''M.Geraldine' lik materiale mjekimi , autorizim nr 511/22 dt 4.05.2020 marr kuader 511/21 dt 27.04.2020 kontr 971/1 dt 24.12.2020 ft nr 360850790 nr 360850790 dt 24.12.2020 fh nr 245 dt 24.12.2020 ak kol 24.12.2020
    Spitali Gjirokaster (1111) O.ES. DISTRIMED Gjirokaster 791,918 2020-12-29 2020-12-31 65510130182020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013018 Spitali Gjirokaster materiale mjekimi fat nr 360849766 nr ser 360849766 dt 31.08.2020 fh nr 212 dt 31.08.2020 kontr nr 331/2 dt 19.06.2020
    Materniteti Tirane (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 35,280 2020-12-30 2020-12-31 77910130502020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013050 SUOGJ ''M.Geraldine' lik bl materiale , mjekimi , autorizim nr 511/22 dt 4.05.2020 marr 511/21 dt 27.04.2020 kontr 947/1 dt 18.12.2020 ft rn 360850789 dt 24.12.2020 seri 360850789 fh nr 246 dt 24.12.2020 ak kol 24.12.2020
    Spitali Shkoder (3333) O.ES. DISTRIMED Shkoder 165,000 2020-12-29 2020-12-30 105910130232020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore blerje materiale mjekimi per nevojat e spitaleve lot 2, mk nr 511/21 dt 27.04.2020, autorizim lidhje kon nr 511/22 dt 04.05.2020, njof fit app nr 19 dt 14.04.2020, kon nr 2889 dt 21.12.2020 ft360850763dt 23.12.2020fh450dt23.12.2020pv 23.12
    Spitali Shkoder (3333) O.ES. DISTRIMED Shkoder 952,812 2020-12-29 2020-12-30 106110130232020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013023kon ne vazh 2462 dt 04.11.2020 ft 360850764 dt 22.12.2020 fh 449 dt 22.12.2020 Pv dorezim 22.12.2020
    Aparati Ministrise se Shendetesise (3535) / Aparati i Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 2,520,000 2020-12-23 2020-12-29 101210130012020 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - ndertesa shendetesore 1013001 Min Shend f.v pajis mjek per spit dhe paj hot mjek faz I,urdh prok nr 283 dt 30.04.20,kont 2073.101 dt 28.08.20,form njof fit 2073.96 dt 18.08.20,polic e sig te kont nr 0014951 dt 27.08.20,fat nr 360850359 dt 06.11.20,fle hy 20 dt 0
    Aparati Ministrise se Shendetesise (3535) / Aparati i Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 2,520,000 2020-12-23 2020-12-29 101310130012020 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - ndertesa shendetesore 1013001 Min Shend f.v pajis mjek per spit dhe paj hot mjek faz I,urdh prok nr 283 dt 30.04.20,kont 2073.101 dt 28.08.20,form njof fit 2073.96 dt 18.08.20,polic e sig nr 0014951 dt 27.08.20,fat nr 360850365 dt 09.11.20,fle hy 7 dt 09.11.20,
    Spitali Fier (0909) O.ES. DISTRIMED Fier 909,691 2020-12-28 2020-12-29 80710130172020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore Spitali Fier 1013017,materiale mjekimi, up 48 dt 29.01.20, mk 511/21,dt 27.04.20, FO 07.12.20, kont 4358 dt 07.12.20, fat 360850686, pcv marre dorez. 15.12.20, fh 300 dt 15.12.20
    Aparati Ministrise se Shendetesise (3535) / Aparati i Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 2,520,000 2020-12-23 2020-12-29 101410130012020 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - ndertesa shendetesore 1013001 Min Shend f.v pajis mjek per spit dhe paj hot mjek faz I,urdh prok nr 283 dt 30.04.20,kont 2073.101 dt 28.08.20,form njof fit 2073.96 dt 18.08.20,polic e sig nr 0014951 dt 27.08.20,fat nr 360850376 dt 10.11.20,fle hy45 dt 10.11.20,
    Aparati Ministrise se Shendetesise (3535) / Aparati i Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 5,220,000 2020-12-23 2020-12-29 101510130012020 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - ndertesa shendetesore 1013001 Min Shend f.v pajis mjek per spit dhe paj hot mjek faz I,urdh prok nr 283 dt 30.04.20,kont 2073.101 dt 28.08.20,form njof fit 2073.96 dt 18.08.20,polic e sig nr 0014951 dt 27.08.20,fat nr 360850392 dt 11.11.20,fle hy15 dt 12.11.20,
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 14,944,143 2020-12-28 2020-12-29 271810130492020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT 2020.602 mat mjeksore sipas kont nr1792/21 dt 16.12.2020.MK1792/7 dt6.8.2020. .fat nr360850725 seri360850725 dt 17.12.2020.fh nr 18041 dt18.12.2020
    Spitali Kukes (1818) O.ES. DISTRIMED Kukes 7,353,000 2020-12-24 2020-12-28 64010130202020 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - paisje mjekesore dhe spitalore 1013020 Spitali Pajisje mjeksore kont nr.778 dt.10.09.2020 fat n.360850547 dt.27.11.2020 fh nr.198 dt.27.11.2020
    Spitali Korce (1515) O.ES. DISTRIMED Korçe 2,103,168 2020-12-24 2020-12-28 78410130192020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 SPITALI KORCE MATERIALE MJEKIMI MM2 UR.P.41 DT.27.01.20,AU.LID.KONT NR940/1 DT15.05.20;M.KUAD.NR.940/17 DT.14.05.20;KONT.NR.883 DT.29.06.20,FAT NR.284347822;360849530;360849530;360849863;36085020&F.H.NR.250;296;346;405 DT.20.10.2019
    Sp. Devoll (1505) O.ES. DISTRIMED Devoll 122,030 2020-12-23 2020-12-24 23710130672020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore SDPITALI DEVOLL PAGESE PER MATERIALE MJEKIMI MR KONTRATE 725 DT 02.12.2020 NR FAT 360850750 DT 22.12.2020
    Sp. Pogradec (1529) O.ES. DISTRIMED Pogradec 29,297 2020-12-23 2020-12-24 48810130822020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013082 Spitali PG lik materiale mjekimi, dt.04.11.2020,FAT NRS.360850680+FH NR.169+PVMDOREZIM DT.14.12.2020
    Spitali Ushtarak (3535)/Spitali Universitar i Traumes (Sherbimi Urgjences) (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 952,320 2020-12-22 2020-12-23 38210131042020 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013104 Spitali Univesitar i Traumes mat mjeksore vazhdim kontr 33/12 dt 27.10.2020 ft 360850614 dt 07.12.2020 fh 629 dt 07.12.2020