Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All EURO OFFICE All 38,424,756.00 340 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Arkivi Shteteror i Sistemit Gjyqesor (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 119,880 2022-10-25 2022-10-28 9110141062022 Materiale per funksionimin e pajisjeve te zyres 1014106 Arkivi Shteteror i Sistemit Gjyqesor blerje tonera up nr 555/1 date 21.09.2022 fat nr 10387/2022 date 05.10.2022 fh nr 02 date 05.10.2022
    Shk. Elektrike. "Gjergj Canco", Tirane (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 35,000 2022-10-18 2022-10-24 13110102692022 Sherbime te tjera 1010269 Shkolla Teknike Elektrike, shp. boje printeri, U P 3 dt 19.04.2022, pv fituesi dt 20.04.2022, ft 4745 dt 20.04.2022, fh nr 1 dt 20.04.2022, pv md 20.04.2022
    Federata Shqipetare e Mundjes (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 28,040 2022-10-19 2022-10-20 12210112142022 Transferta per klubet dhe asociacionet e sportit 1011214 Federata Shqiptare e Mundjes, lik materiale kancelarie , UP nr.29 dt 26.8.2022 , PV dt 27.8.2022 , ft nr.8898/2022 dt 30.8.2022 , FH nr.13 dt 30.8.2022 , Udhez i MAS dheMF nr.4 dt 25.2.2022
    Aparati i Ministrise për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Puneve te Jashtme (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 114,000 2022-10-14 2022-10-18 84010150012022 Kancelari Min.per Evropen dhe Punet e Jashtme Boje printeri pv nr 72 date 19.09.2022 fat nr 9752/2022 date 19.09.2022 fh nr 66 date 19.09.2022
    Aparati i Ministrise për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Puneve te Jashtme (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 119,680 2022-10-17 2022-10-18 83910150012022 Kancelari Min.per Evropen dhe Punet e Jashtme kancelari pv nr 80 dt 19.09.2022 fat nr 9730/2022 fh nr 65 dt 19.09.2022
    Aparati i Ministrise për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Puneve te Jashtme (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 21,000 2022-10-13 2022-10-14 83810150012022 Kancelari Min.per Evropen dhe Punet e Jashtme boje printeri pv nr 80 dt 22.09.2022 fat nr 68 dt 22.09.2022
    Agjencia Kombetare Berthamore (AKOB) (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 118,800 2022-10-10 2022-10-12 7610061552022 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale Agjencia Komb.Berth 2022, blerje materiale tonera kerkese 19.09.2022 fat nr 9945/2022 date 23.09.2022 fh nr 1 date 23.09.2022
    Muzeu Kombëtar "Gjethi" (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 99,300 2022-09-30 2022-10-07 10110120982022 Sherbime te pastrimit dhe gjelberimit Muzeu kombetar Shtepia me Gjethe,likujd kanceleri fat nr 9263 dt 08.09.2022 urdh nr 147/1 dt 05.09.2022 fh nr 7 dt 08.09.2022 kerkese nr 147 dt 01.09.2022pv dt 08.09.2022
    Federata Shqiptare Taekwendo Word (WTF) EURO OFFICE Tirane 99,000 2022-09-22 2022-09-23 8810112302022 Transferta per klubet dhe asociacionet e sportit Federat.Taewkondo 1011230 , LIK BLERJE MATERIAL KANCELARIE , AUTOZ DT 21.9.2022 , UP NR.26 DT 7.9.2022 , PV DT 18.9.2022 , FT NR.9738/2022 DT 19.9.2022 , FH NR.11 DT 19.9.2022
    Agjencia Kombetare e Diaspores (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 78,450 2022-09-20 2022-09-21 1910150032022 Kancelari Agjen. Komb. e Diasp. kancelari up nr 124/2 dt 15.09.2022fat nr 9582/2022 fh nr 5 dt 14.09.2022
    Agjencia Kombetare e Diaspores (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 38,100 2022-09-20 2022-09-21 2010150032022 Materiale per funksionimin e pajisjeve te zyres Agjen. Komb. e Diasp. materiale per funksionimin e zyres urdher nr 125/2 dt 15.09.2022 fat nr 9586/2022 fh nr 6 dt 14.09.2022
    Aparati i Ministrise për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Puneve te Jashtme (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 119,680 2022-09-15 2022-09-16 75510150012022 Kancelari Min.per Evropen dhe Punet e Jashtme kancelari pv nr 43 dt 30.08.2022 fat nr 8910 dt 30.08.2022 fh nr 64 dt 30.08.2022
    Prokuroria e rrethit Lezhe (2020) EURO OFFICE Lezhe 51,600 2022-09-08 2022-09-09 14910280172022 Kancelari PROKURORIA LEZHE PAG FAT NR 7937 DT 15.08.2022,URDHER PROK NR 24 DT 04.07.2022,NJ FITUESI DT 12.07.2022,F HYRJE NR 41 DT 15.08.2022,KANCELARI
    Muzeu Kombëtar "Gjethi" (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 58,300 2022-08-08 2022-08-10 7310120982022 Transferta per partite politike Muzeu kombetar Shtepia me Gjethe,likujd projekti Mbresa materiale per programin edukativ fat nr 6486/22 dt 08.06.2022 fh nr 5 dt 08.06.2022 urdh nr 27 dt 26.07.2022
    Agjensia Shteterore per Mbrojtjen e te Drejtave te Femijeve (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 44,800 2022-08-09 2022-08-10 9410131212022 Kancelari 1013121 Agjen Shtete Drejtat e Mbrojt Femij, lik materiale zyre,proc verb 30.06.2022,fat 7307 dt 30.06.2022,fl hyrje 1/1 dt 30.06.2022 ,fat 388/2022 dt 30.06.2022
    Aparati Ministrise se Bujqesise dhe Zhvillimit Rural (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Bujqesise e Ushqimit (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 35,760 2022-08-04 2022-08-10 38410050012022 Kancelari MBZHR,602,Blerje materiale kancelarie,kerk 3432/1 dt 24.6.22,UP 3432/2 dt 29.6.2022,PV dt 29.6.22,ftes of 3432/3 dt 29.6.22,tender dt 01.07.2022,Njoft fit dt 1.7.22.U nr 2 dt 7.1.22 KP V V,PV dt 12.7.22,Fat 7635 dt 12.7.22,FH 13 dt 12.7.22
    Aparati Keshilli i Larte i Prokurorise (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 62,160 2022-08-09 2022-08-10 23310350012022 Sherbime te tjera 1035001 Keshilli i Larte i Prokurorise Blerje kancelari up nr 1676/1 date 15.07.2022 fat nr 7971/2022 date 26.07.2022 fh nr 16 date 26.07.2022
    Qendra Rinore TEN (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 14,250 2022-07-22 2022-07-25 3321018302022 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2101830, Q.R.TEN 602-lik blerje kartona urdher blerje 22 dt 16.6.2022 ft 7017 dt 22.6.2022 fh 4 dt 22.6.2022 pv 22.6.2022
    Qendra Rinore TEN (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 115,300 2022-07-22 2022-07-25 3421018302022 Materiale per funksionimin e pajisjeve speciale 2101830, Q.R.TEN 602-lik blerje tonera urdher blerje 23 dt 6.7.20222 ft 7817 dt 19.7.2022 fh 5 dt 20.7.2022 pv 20.7.2022
    Qendra e Botimeve për Diasporën Tiranë (3535) EURO OFFICE Tirane 117,280 2022-07-21 2022-07-25 2110112752022 Kancelari 1011275, QBD, kancelari ft 28.6.22 nr 7209 shkres 28.6.2022