Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All BANKA E TIRANES All 33,930,938,470.00 47,079 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Biblioteka kombetare (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 111,072 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 510120252025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1012025 - Bibloteka Kombetare 2025 - Paga Dhjetor 2025, nr punonjesish ne organike 92/87, listepagese
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Durres (0707) BANKA E TIRANES Durres 1,453,688 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 410160252024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1016025/DREJTORIA VENDORE E POLICISE DURRES/ PAGA DHJETOR 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Zyra Arsimore Kurbin (2019) BANKA E TIRANES Laç 151,911 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 0310111212025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike Zyra Arsimore Kurbin.Paga neto per muajin Dhjetor 2024.
    Komisariati i Policise Sarande (3731) BANKA E TIRANES Sarande 56,167 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 30410160522024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike ORE NATE NGA POLICIA SR
    Universiteti "I.Qemali", Vlore (3737) BANKA E TIRANES Vlore 38,848 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 11710111362024 Shpenzime per pjesmarrje ne konferenca 3737 UNIVERSITETI ISMAIL QEMALI VLORE 1011136   PAGESE FEE KONFERENC KERKES2493/2  DT 3.12.2024
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 2,991,787 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 621010012025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike Aparat, MZSH, PB Pagat e muajit Dhjetor 2024 Listepagese dt 08.01.2025 PL 2475 F43
    Qendra Ekonomike Arsimit (0202) BANKA E TIRANES Berat 86,166 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 521020052025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 2102005 dr. ekonomike arsimit berat pagese pagat  dhjetor 2024 listepagesa
    Qend. Zhvillimit Durrës (0707) BANKA E TIRANES Durres 39,000 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 0810131362025 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale 1013136/Qendra e Zhvillimit Rezidencial KUOTA  SIPAS BORDEROSE
    Drejtori Rajonale AKPA Vlorë (3737) BANKA E TIRANES Vlore 312,895 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 410121252025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1012125 ZYRA E PUNES VLORE PAGA DHJETOR 2024,ME BORDERO
    Bashkia Lac (2019) BANKA E TIRANES Laç 170,000 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 287521260012024 Te tjera transferta tek individet Bashkia  Kurbin .Shperblim per rezultate te mira ne pune..Urdher nr 6477 dt 31.12.2024,sipas ligjit 139/2015 "Per vetqeverisjen vendore " Neni 7/2,pika 2/a dhe 3 te VKM nr 929 dt 17.11.2010,ndryshuar me VKM nr 493 dt 06.07.2011.
    Drejtoria e Verifikimit dhe Koordinimit ne Terren (Rajoni Verior) (3333) BANKA E TIRANES Shkoder 258,687 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 510103192025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike Drejtoria e Verifikimit dhe Koordinimit ne Terren,Rajoni Verior,  paga dhjetor 2024, listepagesa nr 4 dt 08.01.2025,listepagese banke nr 4/5 dt 08.01.2025 per 3 pn
    Aparati i Drejtorise se Policise se Shtetit (3535) / Aparati i Drejtorise se Pergjithshme te Policise se Shtetit (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 9,256,698 2025-01-07 2025-01-09 110160792025 Te tjera transferta tek individet 1016079-Drejtoria Pergj.Polic. 2025   Paga dhjetor 24, pl 605/fk 551, list pag
    Bashkia Berat (0202) BANKA E TIRANES Berat 330,897 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 621020012025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 2102001 bashkia berat  pagese pagat dhjetor 2024  listepagesa
    Agjencia e Mbrojtjes se Konsumatorit (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 210,833 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 421011612025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 210116, AMK-paga dhjetor 2024 nr pun188/185 listepagese
    Drejtoria Vendore e Kufirit dhe Migracionit Durres (0707) BANKA E TIRANES Durres 447,657 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 310161012025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1016101/DREJTORIA VENDORE E KUFIRIT &MIGRACIONIT DURRES/PAGA DHJETOR 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESE
    Tirana Parking (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 89,917 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 721018162025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 2101816,Tir Parking-paga dhjetor 2024 nr pun 158/153 listepg
    Dogana Lezhe (2020) BANKA E TIRANES Lezhe 101,803 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 310100952025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike PAGAT DOGANA LEZHE SIPAS LISTEPAGESES DHJETOR 2024,NR PUNONJESVE 1
    Dega e Kujdesit Paresor Shkoder (3333) BANKA E TIRANES Shkoder 182,760 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 610130132025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1013013 NJVKSH Paga Dhjetor liste pagese numer 6,liste pagesa banke nr 6/6 dt 06.01.2024 numri i punonjesve 3
    Shtepia e foshnjes Shkoder (3333) BANKA E TIRANES Shkoder 150,000 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 14221410352024 Shpenzime për mbështetje financiare të menjëhershme të punonjësve për zbutjen e impaktit të krizës. Shtepia e Foshnjes 0-5 vjec, ndihme financiare e menjehershme, VKM nr 846 dt 26.12.2024, ub nr 22 dt. 31.12.2024,bordero nr 13 dt 31.12.2024, listepagese banke nr 13/1 dt 31.12.2024 per 10 pn
    Agjencia per Zhvillimin Bujqesor dhe Rural (AZHBR) (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 1,584,385 2025-01-08 2025-01-09 310051172025 Paga neto e punonjësve me kontratë të përkohshme mbi numrin organik 600 AZHBR Shpenzime page muaj dhjetor 2024, numer punononje plan 253 fakt 220, plan mbi organike 21, fakt 17 listepagese data 08.01.2025