Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) All All 2,281,084,033.00 9,260 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) INSIG SH.A Tirane 37,310 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 49910140012024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit Ministria e Drejtesise, Blerje Siguracion TPL per automjete Urdh prok nr174 dt28.03.24 Ftese per Oferte 1585/3dt28.03.24 Klaif Perf29.03.24 PV marr dorez 04.04.24 Ft26425/2024 dt04.04.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Mirela Prifti Tirane 97,695 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 48810140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthimi Dhjetor 2023, Janar 2024,M.Kondo, Ligji nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher Min nr.253 dt.3.4.23, Kontr nr.M-120/1 dt 1.12.23, Urdher nr.98 dt 26.2.24,Ft nr.4/2024 dt.20.3.24
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Nertila Çinari Tirane 7,774 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 47610140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthimi Dhjetor 2023, Ligji nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher Min nr.253 dt.3.4.2023, Kontr nr.N-145 dt.7.12.2023, Urdher Min nr.98 dt 26.2.2024, Fature nr.1/2024 dt.19.3.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Ilir Qorri Tirane 2,067 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 45610140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthim Dhjetor 2023 Ligj nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher nr.253 dt.3.4.2023, Kontrat nr. I-8/1 dt01.12.2023, Urdher nr.98 dt26.02.2024, Fature nr.1/2024 dt18.03.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Global Services Firm Tirane 42,832 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 46110140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthim LuelaLiçiDhjetor2023 Janar2024 Ligj nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher nr.253 dt.3.4.2023, Kontrat nr. L-37/1 dt24.11.23, Urdher nr.98 dt26.02.2024, Fature nr.8/2024 dt18.03.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) YLLI GORKA Tirane 9,904 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 45210140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthim Kristina Sheperi Dhjetor 2023, Ligj nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher nr.253 dt.3.4.2023, Kontrat nr.K-38/1 dt07.12.2023, Urdher nr.98 dt26.02.2024, Fature nr.69/2024 dt18.03.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Fation Kolldani Tirane 313,952 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 46610140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthim Dhjetor2023 Janar2024 Ligj nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher nr.253 dt.3.4.2023, Kontrat nr. F-12/1 dt12.12.2023, Urdher nr.98 dt26.02.2024, Fature nr.5/2024 dt18.03.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) MANIELA SOTA Tirane 41,792 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 45110140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthim Janar 2024, Ligj nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher nr.253 dt.3.4.2023, Kontrat nr.M-406 dt04.12.2023, Urdher nr.98 dt26.02.2024, Fature nr.12/2024 dt18.03.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Klodian Bracaj Tirane 28,896 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 48310140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthimi Dhjeor 2023,M.Bracaj, Ligji nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher Min nr.253 dt.3.4.23, Kontr nr.M-44/1 dt 04.1.24, Urdher nr.98 dt 26.2.24, Ft nr.38/2024 dt.19.3.24
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Rozeta Bici Tirane 77,597 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 47410140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthimi Dhjetor 2023, Ligji nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher Min nr.253 dt.3.4.2023, Kontr nr.R-33/1 dt.24.11.2023, Urdher Min nr.98 dt 26.2.2024, Fature nr.36/2024 dt.19.3.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Kristina Ajazi Tirane 56,648 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 46010140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthim Dhjetor2023 Janar2024 Ligj nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher nr.253 dt.3.4.2023, Kontrat nr. K-42/1 dt01.12.2023, Urdher nr.98 dt26.02.2024, Fature nr.3/2024 dt14.03.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Rezarta Myderizi Tirane 1,456 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 48510140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthimi Dhjetor 2023, Ligji nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher Min nr.253 dt.3.4.23, Kontr nr.G-25/1 dt 23.11.23, Urdher nr.98 dt 26.2.24, Ft nr.37/2024 dt.21.3.24
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Rozeta Koxhaj Tirane 168,865 2024-04-09 2024-04-15 46810140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim perkthim Dhjetor2023 Janar2024 Ligj nr.82 dt.24.6.2021, Udhezim nr.8 dt.19.7.2022, Urdher nr.253 dt.3.4.2023, Kontrat nr. R-21/1 dt24.11.2023, Urdher nr.98 dt26.02.2024, Fature nr.11/2024 dt19.03.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) KOCO BENDO Tirane 83,349 2024-04-08 2024-04-12 43810140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim Perkthimi Dhjetor2023 Janar2024 Ligj82dt24.06.21udhez8dt19.07.22urdhMin253dt03.04.23Kon K-16/1 dt01.12.2023 urdhMin98dt26.02.24Ft6/2024dt13.03.24
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Muharem Çakaj Tirane 12,224 2024-04-08 2024-04-12 42610140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim Perkthimi Dhjetor2023 Jonida çakaj Ligj82dt24.06.21udhez8dt19.07.22urdhMin253dt03.04.23Kont J-18/1dt12.12.2023 urdhMin98dt26.02.24Ft10/2024dt13.03.24
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Ioana Maro Tirane 12,584 2024-04-08 2024-04-12 45010140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim Perkthimi Dhjetor 2023 Ligj82dt24.06.21udhez8dt19.07.22urdhMin253dt03.04.23Kon I-21/1 DT01.12.2023 urdhMin98dt26.02.24Ft1/2024dt16.03.24
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) IKUBINFO Tirane 603,164 2024-04-08 2024-04-12 42010140012024 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Ministria e Drejtesise, SherbMiremb "Sist elek menaxh denonc mbi rekord korrupt per MD" periudha15.02.2024-14.03.2024 Kont29dt09.09.22 shkres85dt18.03.24RaportMujorMirmbajt PV marr dorz26.03.24 Ft125/2024 dt15.03.24
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Giron Basha Tirane 4,381 2024-04-08 2024-04-12 44610140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim Perkthimi Dhjetor 2023 Ligj82dt24.06.21udhez8dt19.07.22urdhMin253dt03.04.23Kon G-28/1DT14.04.2023 urdhMin98dt26.02.24Ft1/2024dt14.03.24
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Iris Klosi Tirane 39,696 2024-04-08 2024-04-12 43310140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim Perkthimi Dhjetor2023 NENTOR 2023Ligj82dt24.06.21udhez8dt19.07.22urdhMin253dt03.04.23Kon I-28/1 dt07.12.2023 urdhMin98dt26.02.24 urdhMin726dt29.12.2023Ft3/2024dt13.03.24
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) Brunilda Kondi Tirane 36,496 2024-04-08 2024-04-12 42210140012024 Sherbime te tjera Ministria e Drejtesise, Sherbim Perkthimi Irena KapoDhjetor2023 Ligj82dt24.06.21udhez8dt19.07.22urdhMin253dt03.04.23Kont I-44/1dt21.12.23urdhMin98dt26.02.24Ft6/2024dt15.03.2024