Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All O.ES. DISTRIMED All 4,819,517,939.00 2,452 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 78,120 2021-08-04 2021-08-06 176310130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602- blerje mat mjeksore sipas MK nr 66/5dt27.4.21,Kerk DSHF 66/16dt12.5.21.kon66/20dt 25.5.21.fat 360852407/2021 dt 27.5.21.fh nr 19138 dt 19.07.21
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 2,325,000 2021-08-04 2021-08-06 173910130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602 mat mjekesore, kon nr 181/50, dt 15.06.2021, ft 360852386, dt 15.07.2021, fh 19122, dt 15.07.2021
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 1,105,238 2021-08-04 2021-08-06 174310130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602 mat mjek. sipas kon ne vazhdim, nr 1697/5, dt 24.06.2021, fh 19121,dt 15.07.2021, ft nr 360852387, dt 15.07.2021
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 2,376,684 2021-08-04 2021-08-06 177010130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602-Shp blerje mat mjeksore sips mk nr511/21 dt 27.04.21..kont nr 1697/5 dt 24.06.21.fat nr 360852415/2021 dt 21.07.21.fh nr 19152dt 22.07.21
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 609,000 2021-08-04 2021-08-06 173310130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602 barna MK 3256/20, dt 07.10.2020, AMSH 3256/24,dt 12.10.2020, kon 1687/4,dt 07.07.2021, ft nr 360852376,dt 14.7.2021, fh 19116,dt
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 8,484,960 2021-08-03 2021-08-05 170610130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602-Shp blerje mat mjeksore sipas kont ne vazhdim nr 394/11 dt 15.6.21.fat nr360852322/2021 dt8.7.21.fh nr19083 dt 9.7.2021
    Komisioni i Prokurimit Publik (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 46,843 2021-08-03 2021-08-05 31810900012021 Garanci të vitit në vazhdim për proçedura ankimimi në Komisionin e Prokurimit Publik, Te dala 1090001-Kom.Prok.Publik, lik kthim garancie e derdhur per ankimim pjesmarrje ne tender, urdher nr 285 dt 27.07.2021, vendim KPP nr 384/2021 dt 16.07.2021
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 1,612,800 2021-08-03 2021-08-05 170910130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602-Shp blerje mat mjeksore sipas kont ne vazhdim nr 1697/5 dt 24.6.21.fat nr360852298/2021 dt5.7.21.fh nr19057 dt 5.7.2021
    Spitali Lushnje (0922) O.ES. DISTRIMED Lushnje 1,346,510 2021-08-02 2021-08-03 43510130222021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013022 Spitali Ihsan Cabej Lushnje per sa,dt.05.07.2021 Blerje materiale mjekimi, fat.fiskalizuar nr.360852360 dt.13.07.2021, dt.13.07.2021, PCV dt.13.07.2021
    Sp. Mat (0625) O.ES. DISTRIMED Mat 149,265 2021-07-29 2021-08-02 23810130782021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore Spitali Mat(1013078)Lik.Ilace dhe Mat.Mjekimi,AMSHMS.Nr.511/22 Dt. 04.05.20 ,Marrv.Kuad.Nr.511/21 Dt.27.04.20,Urdhr.Prok.Nr.48 Dt.29.01.20,Kontr.Nr.04 Dt.05.07.2021,Fat.Nr.360852321/2021 Dt.7.07.2021 Fl-Hyrje dhe Proc-Verb.Nr.35 Dt.7.7.2021
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 8,572,954 2021-07-28 2021-08-02 168110130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602-Shp blerje materiale mjeksore sipas kont nr1697/5 dt 24.6.2021.MK 511/21DT 27.4.20.AMSH 511/22dt 4.5.20fat nr360852276/2021 dt1.7.21.fh nr 19037 dt 1.7.2021
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 6,396,396 2021-07-28 2021-08-02 167810130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602-Shp blerje materiale mjeksore sipas kont nr392/11 dt 25.6.2021.MK 4700/12DT 21.1.21.AMSH 4700/14dt 21.1.21fat nr360852270/2021 dt30.6.21.fh nr 19032 dt 25.6.2021
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 10,177,300 2021-07-28 2021-08-02 168410130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602-Shp blerje mat mjeksore sipas kont ne vazhdim1393/10 dt 14.6.2021.fat nr360852295/2021 dt 5.7.21.fh nr 19056 dt 5.7.2021
    Spitali Gjirokaster (1111) O.ES. DISTRIMED Gjirokaster 404,302 2021-07-28 2021-07-29 51210130182021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013008 Spitali "Omer Nishani" materiale mjekimi fat nr 360851892/2021 dt 06.05.2021 fh nr 83 dt 07.05.2021 pv, kontr 331/3 dt 12.10.2020
    Spitali Universitar i Traumes (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 824,240 2021-07-26 2021-07-28 46310171382021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1017138,SUT materiale mjekesore, vazhdim kont.80/17 dt 9.3.21, ft 360852159/2021 dt 15.6.21, fh 912 dt 15.6.21
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 52,800 2021-07-26 2021-07-28 165110130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602-Shp blerje mat mjeksore sipas kont ne vazhdim nr 983/11 dt 20.5.2021.fat nr360852294/2021 dt 5.7.2021.fh nr 19051dt 5.7.2021
    Qendra spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza" (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 574 2021-07-26 2021-07-28 164010130492021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013049-QSUT-602-Shp blerje mat mjeksore sipas kont ne vazhdim nr 181/50 dt 15.6.2021.fat nr 360852289/2021 dt 2.7.2021.fh nr 19046dt 5.7.2021
    Spitali Universitar i Traumes (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 6,644,457 2021-07-26 2021-07-28 45610171382021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1017138,SUT materiale mjekesore, vazhdim kont.80/21 dt 26.5.21, ft 360852160/2021 dt 15.6.21, fh 911 dt 15.6.21
    Spitali Universitar i Traumes (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 11,057,622 2021-07-23 2021-07-27 44310171382021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1017138,SUT materiale mjekesore, up 80 dt 21.12.20, m.kuader 80/7 dt 15.2.21, kont.80/21 dt 26.5.21, ft 360852072/2021 dt 2.6.21, fh 899 dt 2.6.21
    Spitali Universitar i Traumes (3535) O.ES. DISTRIMED Tirane 2,031,471 2021-07-23 2021-07-27 42310171382021 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1017138,SUT materiale mjekesore, up 80 dt 21.12.20, m.kuader 80/7 dt 15.2.21, kont.80/21 dt 26.5.21, ft 360852048/2021 dt 31.5.21, fh 890 dt 31.5.21