Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) All All 2,217,215,355.00 2,301 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Tirane 60,000 2021-04-13 2021-04-14 7910280012021 Posta dhe sherbimi korrier 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik posta abonim mujor,marrveshje 1754/3 dt 22.2.21, fat 95 dt 07.04.21 ser 81107858
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) UJËSJELLËS KANALIZIME TIRANË Tirane 13,704 2021-04-13 2021-04-14 8110280012021 Uje 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik ft uji nr 1569/2021 dt 06.04.21,kontrate 159317-1
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Tirane 19,457 2021-04-13 2021-04-14 7710280012021 Posta dhe sherbimi korrier 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik posta abonim mujor,marrveshje 1754/4 dt 22.2.21, fat 94 dt 07.04.21 ser 81107857
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) ALBCONTROL Tirane 3,000 2021-04-13 2021-04-14 8210280012021 Shpenzime per pritje e percjellje 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik sherbime pritje percjellje,urdher 20 dt 8.4.21,shkrese nr 511 dt 06.04.2021,fat 16 dt 16.2.2015 ser 16077196,shkrese nr 3508/2 dt 28.10.2014
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA CREDINS Tirane 82,000 2021-04-06 2021-04-07 7510280012021 Ndihme ekonomike 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik ndihme ekonomike, per SH Bregu,urdher nr 27 dt 12.03.2021,listepagese
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Tirane 46,270 2021-04-06 2021-04-07 7310280012021 Posta dhe sherbimi korrier 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik posta mars 2021, fat nr 584 dt 26.03.2021 ser 86821884
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Tirane 264 2021-04-06 2021-04-07 7410280012021 Posta dhe sherbimi korrier 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik posta sekrete mars 2021, fat nr 30/s dt 25.03.2021 ser 81105769
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) SOKOL GALANXHI Tirane 30,240 2021-04-06 2021-04-07 7610280012021 Uniforma dhe veshje te tjera speciale 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik uniforma dhe veshje te tjera speciale,kerkese dt 12.03.2021, up 03 dt 12.03.2021,ft of dt 16.03.2021,njof fit dt 16.3.21,fat nr 1/2021 dt 25.03.21,fh 06 dt 25.3.21,pv dorez dt 25.3.21
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) KRISTALINA.KH Tirane 198,000 2021-04-06 2021-04-07 7210280012021 Kancelari 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik kancelari,autoriz lidhje kont dt 30.12.20,kont 14/1 dt 15.2.21,akt verifikimi dt 30.3.21,fat nr 28/2021 dt 31.3.21,fh 7 dt 31.3.21
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA CREDINS Tirane 634,000 2021-04-06 2021-04-07 7810280012021 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik dieta me jashte,5000 euro me 126.8.leke,shkrese nr 507 dt 19.03.2021,urdher 17 dt 6.4.2021,prog vizite 507/1 dt 01.04.2021
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 61,558 2021-04-01 2021-04-02 6710280012021 Paga baze 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik paga mars 2021, Nr punonj Plan153, fakt111, Listepagesa mars 2021
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA KOMBETARE TREGTARE Tirane 389,707 2021-04-01 2021-04-02 6910280012021 Paga baze 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik paga mars 2021, Nr punonj Plan153, fakt111, Listepagesa mars 2021
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA CREDINS Tirane 243,140 2021-04-01 2021-04-02 6610280012021 Paga me kontrate per kohe te kufizuar 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik paga punonjes me kontrate mars 2021, Nr punonj Plan 7 fakt 7,shkrese MFE 1342/1 dt 28.1.21 Listepagesa mars 2021
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) BANKA CREDINS Tirane 9,016,617 2021-04-01 2021-04-02 6510280012021 Shtese page per funksionin 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik paga mars 2021, Nr punonj Plan 153 fakt 111,Listepagesa mars 2021
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Tirane 769,009 2021-04-01 2021-04-02 7010280012021 Paga baze 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik paga mars 2021, Nr punonj Plan153, fakt111, Listepagesa mars 2021
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) Banka OTP Albania Tirane 218,872 2021-04-01 2021-04-02 6810280012021 Paga baze 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik paga mars 2021, Nr punonj Plan153, fakt111, Listepagesa mars 2021
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) DREJT. PERGJ. E SHERB. TRANS. RRUG. Tirane 242,893 2021-03-30 2021-03-31 5010280012021 Shpenzime te tjera transporti 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik takse vjetore per vitin 2021, tabele permbledhese nr 1 dt 30.3.21
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) CURRI- Sh.p.k Tirane 27,850,576 2021-03-30 2021-03-31 6310280012021 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik rikonstruksion godine,situac nr 2,mbajtur garanci,kont e klasifikuar 29/8 dt 13.11.20,shkrese 1706/3 dt 14.12.20,shkres 1706/9 dt 23.3.21,fat 13/2021 dt 23.3.21,situac nr 2 sekret
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) CURRI- Sh.p.k Tirane 174,026 2021-03-30 2021-03-31 6410280012021 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik rikonstruksion godine,situac nr 1,mbajtur garanci,kont e klasifikuar 29/8 dt 13.11.20,shkrese 1706/3 dt 14.12.20,shkres 1706/9 dt 23.3.21,fat 62 dt 09.12.2020 ser 84499465,situac nr 1 sekret
    Aparati prokurorise se pergjitheshme (3535) FURNIZUESI I SHERBIMIT UNIVERSAL Tirane 94,180 2021-03-26 2021-03-29 6010280012021 Elektricitet 1028001 Prok Pergj, lik ft Energji elektrike Shkurt 2021 , Fat nr 410448772, dt27.02.2021, Kontrata A201115, Shkurt 2021