Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All TOP-OIL All 308,531,023.00 222 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Nd-ja Pastrim Gjelbrimit (0909) TOP-OIL Fier 118,800 2021-12-07 2021-12-09 15121110082021 Karburant dhe vaj Nd e Pastimit 2111008, up 49 dt 24.11.2021,fd 1537,amd dt 24.11.2021,fh nr 48 dt 24.11.2021
    Drejtoria Vendore e Kufirit dhe Migracionit Gjirokaster (1111) TOP-OIL Gjirokaster 127,824 2021-10-21 2021-10-22 9710161062021 Pjese kembimi, goma dhe bateri 1016106, Drejtoria Vendore e Kufirit Gjirokaster vaj,bateri fat nr 10,21 dt 10.05.2021 fh nr 20,41 dt 10.05.2021 up nr 10 dt 28.03.2021,up nr 21 dt 05.05.2021 pv
    Bordi i Kullimit Fier (0909) TOP-OIL Fier 2,367,840 2021-10-15 2021-10-18 17510050702021 Karburant dhe vaj KARBURANT PER DREJT E UJITJES DHE KULLIMIT FIER KNTR 69/11 DT 16/04/2021,FAT 505/2021 DT 10/09/2021
    Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e burgjeve (3535) TOP-OIL Tirane 2,647,440 2021-10-13 2021-10-15 38210140482021 Pjese kembimi, goma dhe bateri 1014048 Drejt.Pergjithshme e Burgjeve blerje vajra lubrifikante kont 5924/3 date 03.08.2021 fat nr 563/2021 date 15.09.2021 fh nr 2 date 29.09.2021
    Reparti Special "Renea" Tirane (3535) TOP-OIL Tirane 466,500 2021-09-29 2021-09-30 23810160092021 Karburant dhe vaj 1016009 RENEA, pagese vaji e karburant,up 20/2 dt 16.9.21,ft ofert dt 16.9.21,njof fit dt 17.9.21,fat 664 dt 22.9.21,fh 19 dt 22.9.21
    Komisariati i Kufirit dhe Migracionit Sarande (3731) TOP-OIL Sarande 240,960 2021-09-16 2021-09-20 12510161082021 Karburant dhe vaj likujdim fat nr.380 dt.08.09.2021 nga policia kufitare
    Bashkia Divjake (0922) TOP-OIL Lushnje 1,206,682 2021-09-13 2021-09-14 61221470012021 Karburant dhe vaj 2147001 BASHKIA DIVJAKE per sa lik blerje lubrifikantesh (vaj,filtra,graso) per mjetet e bashkise, dt.30.05.2019, dt.30.05.2019, PV marrje dorez.dt.30.05.2019, dt.20.05.2019
    Nd-ja Komunale Banesa (3737) TOP-OIL Vlore 101,556 2021-09-10 2021-09-13 22021460172021 Karburant dhe vaj vaj lubrifikant komunalja 2146017 fat 243/2021 dt 05.08.2021 u.prok 63 dt 28.07.2021 ftes oferte
    Bashkia Selenice (3737) TOP-OIL Vlore 208,638 2021-09-08 2021-09-09 589121590012021 Karburant dhe vaj 2021 2159001 B SELENICE BLERJE VAJ E GOMA URDHER PROKURIMI NR 12 DAT 11.06.2021 FAT NR 16.08.2021
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Durres (0707) TOP-OIL Durres 23,400 2021-08-30 2021-08-31 47010160252021 Karburant dhe vaj DR POLICISE 1016025 FAT 310/2021 VAJ
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Durres (0707) TOP-OIL Durres 129,480 2021-08-27 2021-08-30 46210160252021 Pjese kembimi, goma dhe bateri DR POLICISE 1016025 FAT 221/2021 VAJ
    Aparati i Ministrise për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Puneve te Jashtme (3535) TOP-OIL Tirane 12,000 2021-08-26 2021-08-27 45510150012021 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e mjeteve te transportit 1015001 Min Jashtme,riparim makine pv nr 4 date 13.07.2021 fat nr 110/2021 fh nr 45 dt 13.07.2021
    Keshilli i Larte drejtesise (3535) / Veprimtaria e Mbikqyrjes dhe Rivleresimit ne sistemin e Drejtesise (3535) TOP-OIL Tirane 21,000 2021-07-19 2021-07-21 20010630012021 Karburant dhe vaj 1063001 Inspektori i Larte i Drejtesise 602- bl adblue per automjetet, kerkese dt 13.07.2021, ft nr 140/2021, dt 16.07.2021, pvmd dt 16.07.2021, fh nr 14, dt 16.07.2021
    Aparati i Ministrise për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Puneve te Jashtme (3535) TOP-OIL Tirane 15,000 2021-07-08 2021-07-09 40110150012021 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e mjeteve te transportit 1015001 Min Jashtme,bateri makine pve nr 38 dt 09.06.2021 fat nr 25/2021 fh nr 38 dt 09.06.2021
    Reparti Ushtarak Nr.2001 Durres (0707) TOP-OIL Durres 7,351,200 2021-06-24 2021-06-25 40010170312021 Karburant dhe vaj 1017031 REPARTI 2001 BLERJE VAJRA FAT NR 24/2021 DT 08.06.2021
    Bordi i Kullimit Fier (0909) TOP-OIL Fier 911,520 2021-05-11 2021-05-12 8710050702021 Karburant dhe vaj VAJ ,GRASO FILTRA PER DREJT E UJITJES DHE KULLIMIT FIER KNTR 69/11 DT 16/04/2021 FAT 20 DT 16042021
    Bashkia Selenice (3737) TOP-OIL Vlore 115,942 2021-04-29 2021-04-30 288121590012021 Karburant dhe vaj 2021 2159001 B SELENICE BLERJE VEJ E GRASO, FAT.NR.15/2021, DT.12.04.2021
    Nd-ja Komunale Banesa (3737) TOP-OIL Vlore 479,520 2021-04-22 2021-04-23 9621460172021 Karburant dhe vaj vaj graso komunale 2146017 fat 14/2021 dt 07.04.2021 u.prok 22 dt 23.03.2021 ftes oferte
    Nd-ja Pastrim Gjelbrimit (0909) TOP-OIL Fier 119,988 2021-04-15 2021-04-16 3521110082021 Karburant dhe vaj Nd e Pastrimit Fier 2111008 , kerkese blerje 126/1 dt 26.03.21, up 9 dt 26.03.21, fat 13, pcv 26.03.21, fh 3 dt 26.03.21
    Aparati i Ministrise për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Puneve te Jashtme (3535) TOP-OIL Tirane 15,000 2021-04-12 2021-04-13 15510150012021 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e mjeteve te transportit 1015001 Min Jashtme, bateri makine pv nr 4 date 01.03.2021 fat nr 8/2021 fh nr 11 dt 01.03.2021