Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    Spitali Korce (1515) All All 4,383,704,164.00 4,499 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Spitali Korce (1515) ALDOSCH - FARMA Korçe 29,341 2023-07-12 2023-07-13 41710130192023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 SPITALI KORCE MEDIKAMENTE SPITALI UP.NR.203 DT.01.04.2022,AUT.LIDH.KONT DT.26.07.2022,KONTR.NR.956 DT 14.06.2023 M.KUADER NR.1532/128 FT 26.07.2022,FAT.NR 1522 DT 12.07.2023 ,FH NR 226 DT 19.06.2023
    Spitali Korce (1515) ALDOSCH - FARMA Korçe 520,896 2023-07-12 2023-07-13 41610130192023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE MEDIKAMENTE PER SPITALIN MAR KUAD NR 1533/152 DT27.07.22,AUT LIDH KON NR 1533/157 21.07.2022 UP NR 204 DT 01.04.22,KON NR 138 DT 24.01.23,FAT NR 1537,1706 FH NR 227,253 DT 19.06.23,03.07.23
    Spitali Korce (1515) FUFARMA Korçe 69,550 2023-07-11 2023-07-12 41510130192023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 SPITALI KORCE MEDIKAMENTE B3 UP NR 489 DT 17.08.2022, M.KUADER NR 3309/12 DT 07.11.2022,AUTOR.LIDHJE KONT NR 3309/13 DT 08.11.2022,KONT NR 964 DT 14.06.2023 ,FAT NR.7833/2023 DHE F.H NR.222 DT 15.06.2023
    Spitali Korce (1515) ALBANIA NEW FARM SHPK Korçe 44,896 2023-07-11 2023-07-12 41310130192023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 SPITALI KORCE MEDIKAMENTE B2 UP NR 204 DT 01.04.2022, M.KUADER NR 1533/152 DT 19.07.2022,AUTOR.LIDHJE KONT NR 1533/157 DT 21.07.2022,KONT NR 749 DT 05.05.2023 ,FAT NR.606/2023 DHE F.H NR.221 DT 15.06.2023
    Spitali Korce (1515) REJSI FARMA Korçe 614,957 2023-07-11 2023-07-12 40910130192023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 SPITALI KORCE MEDIKAMENTE B2 UP NR 204 DT 01.04.2022, M.KUADER NR 1533/152 DT 19.07.2022,AUTOR.LIDHJE KONT NR 1533/157 DT 21.07.2022,KONT NR 947 DT 09.06.2023 ,FAT NR.31022/2023 DHE F.H NR.217 DT 12.06.2023 UB 45815
    Spitali Korce (1515) INCOMED Korçe 57,840 2023-07-11 2023-07-12 41110130192023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 SPITALI KORCE MEDIKAMENTE B2 UP NR 204 DT 01.04.2022, M.KUADER NR 1533/152 DT 19.07.2022,AUTOR.LIDHJE KONT NR 1533/157 DT 21.07.2022,KONT NR 960 DT 14.06.2023 ,FAT NR.3230/2023 DHE F.H NR.233 DT 20.06.2023
    Spitali Korce (1515) FUFARMA Korçe 14,875 2023-07-11 2023-07-12 41410130192023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 SPITALI KORCE MEDIKAMENTE B2 UP NR 204 DT 01.04.2022, M.KUADER NR 1533/152 DT 19.07.2022,AUTOR.LIDHJE KONT NR 1533/157 DT 21.07.2022,KONT NR 963 DT 14.06.2023 ,FAT NR.7840/2023 DHE F.H NR.223 DT 15.06.2023
    Spitali Korce (1515) DELTA PHARMA - AL Korçe 24,960 2023-07-11 2023-07-12 41210130192023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 SPITALI KORCE MEDIKAMENTE B2 UP NR 204 DT 01.04.2022, M.KUADER NR 1533/152 DT 19.07.2022,AUTOR.LIDHJE KONT NR 1533/157 DT 21.07.2022,KONT NR 959 DT 14.06.2023 ,FAT NR.52827/2023 DHE F.H NR.219 DT 14.06.2023
    Spitali Korce (1515) DELTA PHARMA - AL Korçe 38,560 2023-07-11 2023-07-12 41010130192023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 SPITALI KORCE MEDIKAMENTE B2 UP NR 204 DT 01.04.2022, M.KUADER NR 1533/152 DT 19.07.2022,AUTOR.LIDHJE KONT NR 1533/157 DT 21.07.2022,KONT NR 960 DT 14.06.2023 ,FAT NR.52826/2023 DHE F.H NR.218 DT 14.06.2023
    Spitali Korce (1515) Illyrian Guard Korçe 2,118,451 2023-07-07 2023-07-10 40510130192023 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes 1013019 DR.E SHERBIMIT SPITALOR KORCE SHERBIMI I ROJEVE PRIVATE MUAJI QERSHOR 2023 KONTRATE NR.218/1 DT.01.02.2023, FAT.NR.1600/2023 DT 30.06.2023,VKM NR 177 DT.04.04.2020 UB 45701
    Spitali Korce (1515) LABORATORY NETWORKS Korçe 6,890,989 2023-07-06 2023-07-07 40110130192023 Sherbime te tjera 1013019 SPITALI KORCE SHERBIM LABORATORI,KRYERJE ANALIZA ,FAT NR 54/2023 DT 03.04.2023,UB 42555
    Spitali Korce (1515) Messer Albagaz Korçe 1,346,880 2023-07-06 2023-07-07 403110130192023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 SPITALI KORCE OKSIGJEN U.PROK NR.04 DT.22.04.22,NJOFT,FIT.DT.17.05.22,KONTRATE NR.407 DT.03.03.2023,FAT.NR. 3733,3813,3893,4010,4051,4118,4204,4286,FH NR 47-56 DT 01-30.06.23 U.B.45702
    Spitali Korce (1515) MENI Korçe 2,848,464 2023-07-06 2023-07-07 4081010130192023 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e objekteve ndertimore 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE MIREMBAJTJE,NDERTIM DHE IMJANISTIKE,UPROK NR 141 DT 09.06.2022,KONT NR 607 DT 11.04.2023FAT NR 14,16/2023 DT 05.06.23,04.07.23,UB 45745
    Spitali Korce (1515) Messer Albagaz Korçe 1,075,182 2023-07-06 2023-07-07 404110130192023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore 1013019 SPITALI KORCE OKSIGJEN U.PROK NR.04 DT.22.04.22,NJOFT,FIT.DT.17.05.22,KONTRATE NR.407 DT.03.03.2023,FAT.NR.4280,06.07.2023 FH 55 DT 26.06.2023 U.B.45702
    Spitali Korce (1515) SIGMA INTERALBANIAN VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP Korçe 58,332 2023-07-06 2023-07-07 40710130192023 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 1013019 SPITALI KORCE SIGURIM I MJETEVE TPL AA 512,AA 528 AR,UP NR 3 DT 20.02.23,FT OF NR 335 DT 22.02.23,FAT NR 2023345415,2022345416 DT 06.07.23
    Spitali Korce (1515) GRAND KORCA - SHPK Korçe 2,046,184 2023-07-06 2023-07-07 40210130192023 Sherbime te tjera 1013019 SPITALI KORCE SHERBIM I LAVANTERISE UP NR 170 DT 09.05.2022, M.KUADER NR 127/8 DT 01.08.2022,AUTOR.LIDH.KONT NR 127/9 DT 01.08.2022,KONT NR 1860 DT 05.12.2022,FAT NR.72/2023 DT 22.05.2023,UB 45121
    Spitali Korce (1515) INTESA SANPAOLO BANK ALBANIA Korçe 99,920 2023-07-06 2023-07-07 40610130192023 Shpenzime te tjera transporti 1013019 SPITALI KORCE SHPENZIME UDHETIMI PER DIALIZE MUAJI QERSHOR 2023 SIPAS LISTPAGESES
    Spitali Korce (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 5,000 2023-07-04 2023-07-05 39210130192023 Paga neto për punonjesit e miratuar në organikë 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE PENSION USHQIMOR(kRISTO MATO) MUAJI QERSHOR 2023 SIPAS LISTEPAGESE
    Spitali Korce (1515) BANKA E TIRANES Korçe 4,134,968 2023-07-04 2023-07-05 38710130192023 Paga neto e punonjësve me kontratë të përkohshme mbi numrin organik 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE PAGA MUAJI QERSHOR 2023 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Spitali Korce (1515) BANKA KOMBETARE TREGTARE Korçe 28,900 2023-07-04 2023-07-05 39710130192023 Shpenzime per honorare 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE HONORARE PER MBULIM SHERBIMI MJEKESOR MUAJI QERSHOR 2023 URDHER NR.2938/1 DT 15.07.2021, SIPAS LISTPAGESES