Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA All 14,758,558,614.00 22,931 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Zyra Arsimore Pogradec (1529) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Pogradec 11,007,890 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 32610111172024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1011117 Zyra Vendore Arsimore Pogradec likuidon pagat per muajin nentor 2024, liste pagese mujore nentor 2024  dt.02.12.2024 np.135
    Sherbimi per ceshtjet e biresimeve (3535) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Tirane 80,185 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 21810140492024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1014049 Komit Shqip.Biresim 2024, lik paga m nentor 2024, plan/fakt 9/1 listepagese
    Nd-ja Pastrim Gjelbrimit (1515) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Korçe 16,890,691 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 55221220062024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 2122006-NDERMARRJA E SHERBIMEVE PUBLIKE KORCE, PAGA MUAJI NENTOR 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Komisioni i pavarur i Kualifikimit (3535) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Tirane 380,323 2024-12-03 2024-12-03 25010630022024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1063002 KPK - paga muaji nentor 2024, nr i punonj plan;fakt, 76;70, nr punonj me kontrate 9;7, liste pagese
    Qendra Ekonomike Kultures (1515) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Korçe 43,690 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 34821220072024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 2122007 QENDRA E ARTIT E KULTURES KORCE PAGA MUAJI NENTOR 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Lezhe 119,774 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 63610130212024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike SPITALI LEZHE PAG PAGA NENTOR SIPAS LISTEPAGESES,NR I PUNONJESVE 1
    Kolegji i Posacem i Apelimit (3535) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Tirane 1,451,088 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 33110630032024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1063003 Kol. i Posac. i Apel - paga muaji nentor 2024, nr i punonj plan ; fakt, 63;61, nr i punonj me kontr 1;1, liste pagese
    Biblioteka Durres (0707) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Durres 66,114 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 14221070212024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 2107021 / BIBLIOTEKA / TDO 0707/ PAGA LIST PAGESE
    Drejtoria Mbeshtetese e Arsimit Bashkia Korce (1515) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Korçe 7,647,281 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 42221220172024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 21220017 N.SH.M.A.C KORCE, PAGAT  E MUAJIT NENTOR 2024, SIPAS BORDEROSE
    Qendra Ekonomike Kultures (3731) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Sarande 80,795 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 13721380022024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike Lik page nentor  2024   Qendra Kulturore Sr
    Aparati Ministrise se Financave dhe Ekonomise (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Financave (3535) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Tirane 57,893 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 86010100012024 Paga neto e punonjësve me kontratë të përkohshme mbi numrin organik Min.Fin.Paga muaji Nentor 2024,Liste pagese per muajin Nentor 2024, Përmbledhëse borderoje dt.30.11.2024,Nr. Faktik i punonjesve per MF 1 (strukt 0 kontr 1)vkm 39 dt 24.1.24
    Drejtoria Rajonale Tatimore Durres (0707) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Durres 164,366 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 18310100472024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1010047 / DREJTORIA RAJONALE E TATIMEVE / PAGA LIST PAGESE
    Bashkia Durres (0707) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Durres 35,016 2024-11-27 2024-12-03 130221070012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 2107001/Bashkia Durres Dieta Znj.Floreta Kertusha dhe Alba Kokomani Projekti TERRAIN-Twinning Selanik dt.12-13 nentor 2024 dt.13.09.2024-18.09.2024
    Qendra Kombetare e veprimtarive Folklorike (3535) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Tirane 238,009 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 17610120122024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike QKVT 1012012-paga Nentor, plan/fakt 6/6, listepagese
    Bashkia Fier (0909) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Fier 80,845 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 81421110012024 Te tjera transferta tek individet PAGES KALIMTARE SHTATOR-TETOR 2024 BASHKIA FIER PER MZSH URDH TIT 372 DT 09/04/2024
    Spitali Distrofik (3535) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Tirane 1,019,781 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 31410130542024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1013054,QKTRF- paga neto Nentor 2024, listepagese nr pun 73/68
    Komisariati i Policise Sarande (3731) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Sarande 221,732 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 25410160522024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike PAGA NENTOR 2024 NGA POLICIA SARANDE
    Qendra Kulturore "A.Moisiu" (0707) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Durres 248,743 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 18721070072024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 2107007 / QENDRA KULTURORE / PAGA LIST PAGESE
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Tirane 198,616 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 87910870062024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike AKSHI - Listepagesa Paga për punonjesit e miratuar ne organike AKSHI muaji Nentor 2024 PN 1
    ISHSH Rajonal Durres (0707) BANKA AMERIKANE E INVESTIMEVE SHA Durres 640,752 2024-12-02 2024-12-03 8510131082024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1013108/INSPEKTORIATI SHTETEROR SHENDETESOR DURRES/PAGA SIPAS LISTEPAGESES NENTOR 2024