Treasury Transactions 2015-2018

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    Bashkia Polican (0232) All All 1,195,613,384.00 2,553 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Bashkia Polican (0232) KASTRATI SHA Skrapar 662,080 2017-05-09 2017-05-10 39121400012017 Karburant dhe vaj 2140001 Fatura nr.76 (seri 45410976)fl.hyrje nr.50 dt.26.04.2017 Urdher prokurim nr 05 prot. dt. 16.01.2017 Kontrata nr.483 dt.16.02.2017 Proc-verbal dt.27.01.2017 Bashkia Polican
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 3,800 2017-05-05 2017-05-08 38921400012017 Shtese page per funksionin 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Page Pozicioni (diference te U.Shp. 376)Page Pozicioni (diference te U.Shp 381) Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 20,400 2017-05-02 2017-05-04 38621400012017 Shpenzime per qiramarrje ambjentesh 2140001 Liste -pagese qeramarrje ambjetesh Prill 2017 VKB nr.11,12 dt.27.01.2017 konf.shkres.perf. urdher te brend.te kryetarit dt.26.02.2017 Bashkia Polican
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 9,000 2017-05-03 2017-05-04 38821400012017 Udhetim i brendshem 2140001 Liste-pagesa dieta sherbime Sipas liste pageses te periudhes Janar,Mars Prill Bashkia Polican2017
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 116,910 2017-05-02 2017-05-04 38421400012017 Shpenzime kompesimi per anetaret e parlamentit dhe zyrtare te tjera te zgjedhur 2140001 Shperblimi i keshilltarve Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 4,500 2017-05-02 2017-05-04 386/21400012017 Shpenzime te tjera transporti 2140001 Fat.tatimore nr.215647477 dt.24.04.2017 dt.19.04.2017,fat nr.215637292 dt.19.04.2017 Kontroll fizik i mjeteve Bashkia Polican 2017
    Bashkia Polican (0232) OPERATORI I SHPERNDARJES SE ENERGJISE ELEKTRIKE Skrapar 340 2017-05-03 2017-05-04 38721400012017 Elektricitet 2140001 Energji nr.kontr. C58499 nr.fatures 652861672dt.24.03.2017 Bashkia Polican
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 132,600 2017-05-02 2017-05-04 38521400012017 Shpenzime kompesimi per anetaret e parlamentit dhe zyrtare te tjera te zgjedhur 2140001 Shperblimi i kryepleqt Liste -pagesaGusht-Shtator 2016 Bashkia Polican 2017
    Bashkia Polican (0232) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Skrapar 168,481 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 38121400012017 Shtese page per funksionin 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 107,287 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 37521400012017 Shtese page per vjetersi ne pune 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 131,411 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 37621400012017 Shtese page per gradat ushtarake 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 249,605 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 37221400012017 Shtese page per funksionin 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 83,502 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 38021400012017 Shtese page per funksionin 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 2,374,470 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 37021400012017 Shtese page per veshtiresi dhe rreziqe 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Skrapar 280,092 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 37721400012017 Shtese page per vjetersi ne pune 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Skrapar 1,183,100 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 37921400012017 Shtese page per funksionin 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 245,441 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 37321400012017 Shtese page per vjetersi ne pune 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 848,750 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 37821400012017 Shtese page per funksionin 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 36,107 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 37421400012017 Shtese page per vjetersi ne pune 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia Poliçan
    Bashkia Polican (0232) UNION BANK SHA Skrapar 187,601 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 38221400012017 Shtese page per vjetersi ne pune 2140001 Liste pagesat e muajit Prill 2017 Bashkia poliçan