Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All BANKA E TIRANES All 33,467,457,974.00 46,540 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Zyra Arsimore Përmet (1128) BANKA E TIRANES Permet 435,809 2025-01-06 2025-01-08 0510111092025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike ZYRA VENDORE ARSIMORE PERMET-KELCYRE PAGA DHJETOR 2024
    Inspektoriati Shteteror I Mbikqyrjes se Tregut (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 180,745 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 410121102025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1012110 - ISHMT 2025 - Paga Dhjetor 2024, nr punonjesish ne organike plan/fakt 80/76, me kontr 10/10, listepagese
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Durres (0707) BANKA E TIRANES Durres 15,000 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 70810160252024 Te tjera transferta tek individet 1016025/DREJTORIA VENDORE E POLICISE DURRES/ SHPERBLIM SIPAS VKM 846 DT.26.12.2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Sherbimi i Avokatures se Shtetit (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 466,834 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 510870332025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1087033 - Avokatura e Shtetir 2025, Paga Dhjetor 2024 , listpag dt 7.1.25 , pl 107 fk 3
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Tirane (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 9,282,714 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 410160202025 Te tjera transferta tek individet 1016020 Drejtoria Vendore e Policise, paga neto dhjetor 24, vkm 325 dt 31.5.23, pl 2071/fk1983, listpag
    Drejtoria Arsimore Vlore (3737) BANKA E TIRANES Vlore 3,484,947 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 610110382025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 3737 1011038 ZYRA VENDORE ARSIMORE VLORE-HIMARE PAGA DHJETOR 2024,ME BORDERO
    Agjencia Rajonale e Sherbimit Veterinar dhe Mbrojtjes se Bimeve Tirane (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 3,697,427 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 110051352025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1005135 DRVMB 2025-paga muaji dhjetor 2024, nr i punonj plan;fakt, 121;109, nr i punonj me kontr 10;10, liste pagese
    Bashkia Shijak (0707) BANKA E TIRANES Durres 1,876,875 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 321080012025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 2108001/ BASHKIA SHIJAK / PAGA SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Zyra Arsimore Pogradec (1529) BANKA E TIRANES Pogradec 363,300 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 110111172025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1011117 Zyra Vendore Arsimore Pogradec likuidon paga dhjetor 2024 listepagesa 1 date 7.1.2025 np=4
    Institucioni i Ekzekutimit të Vendimeve Penale Pojskë (IEVP Pojskë) (1529) BANKA E TIRANES Pogradec 498,987 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 520251014131 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1014131, I.E.V.P Pojske likujdon pagat dhjetor 2024, lp 12 dt 6.1.2025, np=15
    Qendra e Inovacionit te Sigurise dhe Mbrojtjes (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 220,571 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 110171532025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1017153 Rep Ushtarak 6027 2025 paga dhjetor nr 16;12 list pag
    Drejtoria Vendore e Kufirit dhe Migracionit Durres (0707) BANKA E TIRANES Durres 60,000 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 37510161012025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1016101/DREJTORIA VENDORE E KUFIRIT &MIGRACIONIT DURRES /SHPERBLIM SIPAS VKM 871 DT.30.12.2024
    Zyra Arsimore Pogradec (1529) BANKA E TIRANES Pogradec 17,786,918 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 610111172025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1011117 Zyra Vendore Arsimore Pogradec likuidon paga dhjetor 2024 permbledhese listepagesa 1 date 7.1.2025 np =223
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Durres (0707) BANKA E TIRANES Durres 126,225 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 70510160252024 Uniforma dhe veshje te tjera speciale 1016025/DREJTORIA VENDORE E POLICISE DURRES/ UNIFORMA DHE VESHJE SPECIALE, URDH I MIN BRENDSHEM  NR.107 DT.27.07.2024 UB.NR 433 DT.31.12.2024
    Bashkia Pogradec (1529) BANKA E TIRANES Pogradec 17,241 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 90521360012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 21306001, Bashkia Pogradec likujdon dieta jashte shtetit ,autorizim 13/11 dt.13.11.2024,listepagese nr.628 dt.30.12.2024
    Bashkia Shijak (0707) BANKA E TIRANES Durres 152,275 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 621080012025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 2108001/ BASHKIA SHIJAK / PAGA SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Aparati Zyres Admin.Buxh.Gjyqesor (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 780,229 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 610290012025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1029001 K.L.GJ. 2025 - lik paga Dhjetor 2024, nr i punonjesve plan/fakt 138/105, me kontr 20/13, listepagesa
    Drejtoria Vendore e Kufirit dhe Migracionit Durres (0707) BANKA E TIRANES Durres 179,233 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 38110161012025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1016101/DREJTORIA VENDORE E KUFIRIT &MIGRACIONIT DURRES /SHTESE PAGE PER TURNE TE DYTA TE TRETA URDHER NR.783 DT.14.06.2024
    Gjykata e rrethit Vlore (3737) BANKA E TIRANES Vlore 30,000 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 27210290402024 Shpenzime per situata te veshtira dhe per fatekeqesi 3737 1029040 GJYKATA E RRETHIT VLORE SHPENZ PER SIT FATKEQSIE URDH NR 604 DT 31.12.2024 PER PUNONJESIN SADIK HODAJ ,ME BORDERO
    Agjencia Kombëtare e Kontrollit të Cannabis-it (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 218,507 2025-01-07 2025-01-08 510131572025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1013157 Agjensia Kombetare e Konrtollit te Canabis paga Dhjetor 2024 nr.punonjesv pl 43 fakt 20 listepagese