Treasury Transactions 2019-2024

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All All All 3,178,932,456,927.00 1,624,299 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Bashkia Bajram Curri (1836) TRAJLER Tropoje 120,000 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 38321450012024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat Bashkia Tropoje up 384 dt 26.11.2024 ft 28 date 10.12.2024 fh 12 dt 4.12.2024 ,12 dt 6.12.2024
    Prefektura e qarkut Vlore (3737) Illyrian Guard Vlore 121,743 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 29810160742024 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes 1016074 PREFEKTURA SHERBIM I RUAJTJES FIZIKE KONT NR 317 DT 04.04.2024 FAT NR 3773 DT 30.11.2024, SITUACION
    Spitali Psikiatrik Vlore (3737) KASTRIOT LIKAJ Vlore 59,367 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 40210130602024 Sherbime te tjera DEZIFEKTIMI I AMBJENTEVE spitali psikiatrik 1013060 KONT NR 11 ,NR 697 DT 28.05.2024 fat 41 dt 17.12.2024
    Shkoll. Prof."Tregtare" Vlore (3737) "O&A" Vlore 454,788 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 12210121632024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat 1012163 SHKOLLA TREGTARE BLERJE MATERIALE PER PRAKTIKAT PROF KONT NR 305 DT 06.06.2024 FAT NR 17 DT 16.12.2024 F.H NR 9 DT 16.12.2024
    Bashkia Vlore (3737) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Vlore 450,000 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 150121460012024 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale 3737 BASHKIA VLORE 2146001 PAGESE SPORTISTE CILESOR DHJETOR 2024 URDHER 528 DT 16.12.2024 ME BORDERO
    Gjykata e rrethit Vlore (3737) PENTA GROUP ALBANIA Vlore 21,000 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 25410290402024 Shpenzime te tjera transporti 3737 1029040 GJYKATA E RRETHIT VLORE LARJE MAKINE URDH DT 05.01.2024 FAT NR 537 DT 17.12.2024
    Bashkia Vlore (3737) 4 S Vlore 138,195 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 149021460012024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat 2146001 BASHKIA VLORE BUKE KONT NR 6319/21 DT 21.08.2024 FAT NR 2783 DT 27.11.2024
    Bashkia Vlore (3737) ANA 2001. Vlore 115,800 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 149621460012024 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale 3737 BASHKIA VLORE 2146001 BLERJE AKT KONTROLLI FAT 214 DT 16.12.2024 FL H 107 DT 16.12.2024 UP 133 DT 2.12.2024
    Universiteti "I.Qemali", Vlore (3737) BANKA KOMBETARE TREGTARE Vlore 58,992 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 104110111362024 Shpenzime per pjesmarrje ne konferenca 3737 UNIVERSITETI ISMAIL QEMALI VLORE 1011136 RIMBURSIM EE KONFERENEC KERKES 2806/2 DT 17.12.2024
    Qendra Ekonomike Kultures (3737) BANKA KOMBETARE TREGTARE Vlore 144,500 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 22021460152024 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale 3737 QENDRA KULTURORE VLORE 2146015 PAGESE ARTISTE PJESMARRES,UB NR 113 DT 10.12.24,ME BORDERO
    Drejtoria Vendore e Kufirit dhe Migracionit Vlore (3737) BANKA E TIRANES Vlore 155,660 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 21110161072024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1016107 DREJTORIA E VETERINARISE PAGESE MBIKOHE PUNE SIPAS URDHERIT NR 1912 DT 19.12.2024, ME BORDERO
    Qendra e Zhvillimit Vlore (3737) ANA 2001. Vlore 60,000 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 21921460312024 Uniforma dhe veshje te tjera speciale 2146031 QENDRA E ZHVILLIMIT P.A.K CARCAFE UB DT 13.12.2024,PV DT 16.12.24,FAT NR 6 DT 16.12.24,FH NR 74 DT 16.12.24
    Dega e Thesarit Vlore (3737) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Vlore 1,225 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 12210100372024 Posta dhe sherbimi korrier 3737 DEGA E THESARIT VLORE 1010037 POSTA FAT 1070 DT 6.12.2024 NENTOR 2024
    Gjykata e rrethit Vlore (3737) Elona Mone Vlore 6,000 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 25310290402024 Shpenzime per honorare 3737 1029040 GJYKATA E RRETHIT VLORE SHPENZIME AVOKATE FAT NR 14 DT 12.12.2024
    Spitali Vlore (3737) FIOAR-2014 Vlore 117,720 2024-12-17 2024-12-23 72710130242024 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - paisje dhe makineri per konstrukione ( ndertime) 1013024 SPITALI BLERJE VEGLA PUNE UP NR 3247 DT 13.08.2024 FAT NR 4436 DT 03.10.2024 F.H NR 10 DT 03.10.2024
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Vlore (3737) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Vlore 68,250 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 42910160222024 Posta dhe sherbimi korrier posta drejtoria e policise 1016022 fat 1083 dt 06.12.2024
    Dega e Thesarit Vlore (3737) NISATEL Vlore 500 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 12110100372024 Sherbime telefonike 3737 DEGA E THESARIT VLORE 1010037 TELEFON FAT 7719 DT 29.11.2024 NENTOR 2024
    Bashkia Vlore (3737) 4 S Vlore 389,097 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 148421460012024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat 3737 BASHKIA VLORE 2146001 BLERJE MISH DHE NENPRODUKTE 2024 KONTRATE 6319/23  DT 21.08.2024 NJOFTIM FITUESI 6319/18 DT 10.07.2024 FAT 2788 DT 27.11.2024 FH PERMBLEDHESE NENTOR 2024
    Federata Te Tjera (3737) SAIMIR ÇUÇI Vlore 109,600 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 45321460252024 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale 3737 SHUMESPORTI 2146025 MATERIALE ADEZIVI BANERA FAR 75 DT 17.12.2024 URDH PROK 19 DT 26.11.2024 FL HYRJE 11 DT 17.12.2024
    Drejtoria Rajonale Kujdesit Shendetesor Vlore (3737) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Vlore 11,000 2024-12-20 2024-12-23 18810131512024 Udhetim i brendshem 1013151 D.R.O.SH DIETA URDHER NR 235 DT 19.12.2024, ME BORDERO