Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All InfoSoft Office All 1,935,356,902.00 3,185 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Akreditimit (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 115,200 2024-12-11 2024-12-12 18810121122024 Materiale per funksionimin e pajisjeve te zyres 1012112 - Drej. Pergjithsh. Akreditimit 2024 - shpenz tonera p verbal 4.12.2024 ft 4753 dt 3.12.2024 fh 3.12.2024
    Reparti Ushtarak Nr.5001 Tirane (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 499,826 2024-12-11 2024-12-12 71110170812024 Kancelari 1017081Komanda.Doktrines.Stervitj,RU.5001.2024 kancelari marrveshje kuader 845/21 dt 6.9.24 mini kont 12 dt 28.10.24 ft 18397 dt 26.11.24 fh 26.11.24
    Instituti i Femijeve qe nuk shikojne (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 85,500 2024-12-11 2024-12-12 14110110512024 Shpenz.per miremb.e rrugeve, veprave ujore, rrjeteve hidraulike, elektrike, telefonike, ngrohje etj 1011051 Inst.Nx. qe s'shikojne 2024, Shpenz boje printeri, up nr.51 dt 5.12.24 , ftes of dt 10.12.2024,njo fit dt 10.12.2024 , pvmd dt 10.12.24 fat nr.19072 dt 10.12.24,fh 33 dt 10.12.24
    Muzeu Historik Kombetar (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 171,963 2024-12-11 2024-12-12 14910120102024 Kancelari 1012010  Muzeu Historik 2024 - blerje boje printerash dhe kancelari, up nr 107 dt 12.11.24, ft of nr 317/6 dt 12.11.24, nj fit dt 13.11.24, kontr nr 317/11 dt 18.11.24, ft nr 18125 dt 20.11.24, fh nr 4,5,6 dt 20.11.24, pv dt 20.11.24
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) InfoSoft Office Korçe 229,200 2024-12-11 2024-12-12 75921680012024 Kancelari 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ BLERJE MATERIALE KANCELARIE, UPROKURIMI NR 80 DT 20.09.2024,F.OFERTE DT 20.09.2024,PVERBAL DT 20.09.2024,03,08.10.2024,FAT NR 15396/2024 DHE F.HYRJE NR 122,122/1 DT 08.10.2024,DOK.SISTEMI
    Keshilli Kombetar i Kontabilitetit (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 119,880 2024-12-06 2024-12-11 10410820012024 Kancelari 1082001 Kesh Komb Kont 2024 , lik ft bl kancelari, up nr 9 dt 13.11.2024, pv vl dt 13.11.2024, ft nr 3784/2024 dt 20.11.2024, fh dt 20.11.2024
    Agjensia e Prokurimit Publik (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 71,400 2024-12-10 2024-12-11 16910870012024 Materiale per funksionimin e pajisjeve te zyres 1087001,APP-lik blerje tonera , up nr.8 dt 16.7.24 , njo fit dt 18.7.24 , ft nr.18087 dt 20.11.24 , fh nr.33 dt 20.11.24
    Drejtoria Rajonale Kujdesit Shendetesor Tiranë (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 180,000 2024-12-06 2024-12-10 8110131482024 Kancelari 1013148 Dr.Raj O.Sh.K.Sh 2024 - bl kancelarie, uprok nr 119 dt 14.10.24, ft of nr 2802/10 dt 22.10.24, pv nj fit nr 2802/13 dt 23.10.24, pvmd dt 28.10.24, fh nr 14 dt 28.10.24, ft nr 16517 dt 28.10.24
    Dega e Kujdesit Paresor Elbasan (0808) InfoSoft Office Elbasan 144,000 2024-12-06 2024-12-10 23010130062024 Kancelari 2024Njesia Vendore e Kujd Shendetsor  blere materiale U-P nr.14 dt.13.11.2024 p-v i marrjes ne dorezim  njoftim fituesi  fat nr.18595/2024 fl hr nr.14.14/1. dt.02.12.2024
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Vlore (3737) InfoSoft Office Vlore 342,720 2024-12-06 2024-12-10 39010160222024 Kancelari kancelari drejtoria e policise 1016022 fat 16537 dt 29.10.2024 FH NR 26 DT 29.10.2024 u.prok 2533 dt 21.10..2024 ftes oferte
    Prokuroria e rrethit Durres (0707) InfoSoft Office Durres 133,200 2024-12-06 2024-12-10 41810280062024 Kancelari 1028006/PROKURORIA E RRETHIT GJYQESOR DURRES/KANCELARI  FAT.NR 17789/2024 DT.14.11.2024
    Prokurori Apeli Tirane (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 119,999 2024-12-06 2024-12-10 38310280372024 Kancelari 1028037 PPGJA, bl kancelarie,kerkese nr 51 dt 21.11.24, dt. 25.11.2024, fh nr 46 dt 25.11.24,pvmd nr 51/2 dt 25.11.24
    Agjencia Kombetare e Planifikimit te Territorit (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 333,300 2024-12-05 2024-12-06 23810870342024 Materiale per funksionimin e pajisjeve te zyres 1087034,AKPT- lik  blerje tonera , up nr.1039/2 dt 15.10.24 ,njo fit dt 17.10.2024 , ft nr.17313 dt 7.11.24 , fh nr.54 dt 7.11.24
    Agjencia Kombëtare e Pyjeve (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 265,920 2024-12-05 2024-12-06 15910260952024 Kancelari 1026095 AKP- bl mjete kancelarie,up nr 11 dt 29.10.2024,ft of nr 869/2 dt 30.10.2024, njf  dt 31.10.2024, fat nr 17276 dt 07.11.2024,fh nr 4 dt 07.11.24,pvmd nr 869/4 dt 07.11.24
    Administrata Kopshte Cerdhe (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 2,956,874 2024-12-05 2024-12-06 32621010542024 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - te tjera paisje zyre 2101054-DPKC 2024- Blerje Lodrash, UP nr 579 dt 28.06.2024, NJF nr 784/33 dt 03.10.2024, Kontr nr 784/35 dt 04.10.2024, Permbledhese FT dt 05.11.2024, Permbledhes FH dt 05.11.2024
    Gjykata e rrethit Gjirokaster (1111) InfoSoft Office Gjirokaster 140,400 2024-12-04 2024-12-05 49510290192024 Materiale per funksionimin e pajisjeve speciale 1029019 Gjykata e Rrethit GJ. Materiale per paisje speciale, Fature nr.18378 dt 26.11.2024, Flete hyrje nr.18 dt 26.11.2024, Urdher prokurimi nr.29 dt 13.11.2024, Ftese oferte, Njoftim fituesi, Procesverbal.
    Instituti i Policisë Shkencore (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 99,321 2024-12-03 2024-12-05 21010161372024 Sherbime te printimit dhe publikimit 1016137 IPSH, Sherbim print, fotokopje e skan. Kont. ne vazhdim nr 386/12 dt 09.02.2024, ft nr 17333/2024 dt 07.11.2024, pv md nr 8 dt 07.11.2024
    Zyra Arsimore Tropojë (1836) InfoSoft Office Tropoje 118,800 2024-12-03 2024-12-04 13210111202024 Kancelari Zyra Vendore Arsimore Tropoje, kacleari, up nr.4, datë 18.11.2024, ftese per oferte datë 20.11.2024, njoftim datë 25.11.2024, fatura nr.18338/2024, datë 26.11.2024, flete-hyrje nr.9, datë 27.11.2024.
    Komisioni i Prokurimit Publik (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 39,200 2024-12-03 2024-12-04 92610900012024 Garanci të vitit në vazhdim për proçedura ankimimi në Komisionin e Prokurimit Publik, Te dala 1090001 Kom Prok Publik 2024, lik kthim garanci e derdhur nga operatoret per ankimim, urdher br  nr 815 dt 20.11.2024, vendim KPP nr 1621/2024 dt 18.11.2024
    Aparati Ministrise se Shendetesise (3535) / Aparati i Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale (3535) InfoSoft Office Tirane 679,495 2024-11-27 2024-12-03 66110130012024 Kancelari 1013001 min Shend dhe mbrojt soci Blerje toner,U-Prok nr 14/5 dt 11.06.2021,marr-kua nr 14/57 dt 11.04.2022Njof fitus nr 14/59 dt 14.04.2022,Ftes per of nr 787/1 dt 15.02.2024,kont nr 787/3 dt 29.2.2024fatnr4213/2024dt25.3.24,f-h 7dt29.3.24