Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All DORINA KARAISKAJ All 146,725,791.00 946 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 25,200 2024-08-26 2024-08-30 66910170012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017001, Ministria e Mbrojtjes,udhetim jashte shtetit,USHSHP 743, 23.07.2024,up 176,25.07.2024,fo 25.07.2024,pv1 25.07.2024,njfit 25.07.2024,fat 388 466/2024,26.07.2024
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 6,200 2024-08-26 2024-08-30 67310170012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017001, Ministria e Mbrojtjes,udhetim jashte shtetit,UMM 1211 24.07.2024, up 181 31.07.2024,Fo 31.07.2024,PV 1 31.07.2024, Njfit 31.07.2024,fat 388 476/2024 31.07.2024
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 38,600 2024-08-26 2024-08-30 67210170012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017001, Ministria e Mbrojtjes,udhetim jashte shtetit,UMM 1209 24.07.2024,up 18 30.07.2024,fo 30.07.2024,pv1 30.07.2024,njfit 30.07.2024,fat 388 474/2024 30.07.2024
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 122,800 2024-08-26 2024-08-30 66810170012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017001, Ministria e Mbrojtjes,udhetim jashte shtetit,UMM 1174 19.07.2024,up 175,25.07.2024,FO 25.07.2024,Pv 1 25.07.2024,njfit 25.07.2024,fat 388 465/2024 25.07.2024
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 190,740 2024-08-26 2024-08-30 66710170012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017001, Ministria e Mbrojtjes,udhetim jashte shtetit,UZVM 1090 03.07.2024,up 173,23.07.2024,Fo 23.07.2024,PV1 23.07.2024,njfit 23.07.2024,fat 388 461/2024,24.07.2024
    Qendra Kulturore Tirana (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 3,771,768 2024-08-23 2024-08-27 13021011512024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 2101151-Qendra Kulturore Tirane 2024-bileta avioni up 107 dt 16.08.2024 ft of 16.8.2024 nj fit 19.8.2024 ft 518 dt 20.08.2024 pv 20.08.2024
    Federata Shqipetare e Boksit (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 184,580 2024-08-14 2024-08-15 5410112062024 Transferta per klubet dhe asociacionet e sportit 1011206 Fed e Boksit 2024 - lik bileta avioni Tirame - Tbilisi -Tirane,  pv rast emergjence dt 04.06.2024, urdh nr 74/1 dt 09.08.2024, fat nr 389 dt 10.06.2024
    Kuvendi Popullor (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 879,500 2024-08-09 2024-08-12 67510020012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1002001-Kuvendi lik shp bileta udhetimi, up 97 dt 24.5.24, ft of 2062/2 dt 24.5.24, pv kpvv dt 24.5.24, fat 336/2024 dt 28.05.24, (vkm 285 dt 19.5.2021)
    Kuvendi Popullor (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 54,000 2024-07-23 2024-07-24 59810020012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1002001-Kuvendi lik shp bileta udhetimi, up 2390/1 dt 13.6.24, ft of 2390/2 dt 13.6.24, pv kpvv dt 14.6.24, fat 412/2024 dt 19.6.24, (vkm 285 dt 19.5.2021)
    Kuvendi Popullor (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 27,940 2024-07-18 2024-07-19 58010020012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1002001-Kuvendi lik shp bileta udhetimi (Tr-Rome), up 2392/1 dt 13.6.24, ft of 2392/2 dt 13.6.24, pv kpvv dt 14.6.24, fat 411/2024 dt 19.6.2024, (vkm 285 dt 19.5.2021)
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 64,000 2024-07-16 2024-07-19 56410170012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017001,Ministria e mbrojtjes,udhetim jashte shteti,USHSHP 100 30.01.2024, UP 20 31.01.2024,fo 31.01.2024,pv 1 31.01.2024,njfit 31.01.2024,fat 388 77/2024,31.01.2024
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 44,600 2024-07-08 2024-07-12 55310170012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017001, Ministria e Mbrojtjes,udhetim jashte shtetit,usp 960 25.06.2024,up 161 25.06.2024,fo 25.06.2024,pv 1 25.06.2024,njfit 25.06.2024, fat 388 419/2024 25.06.2024
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 58,300 2024-07-08 2024-07-12 55210170012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017001, Ministria e Mbrojtjes,udhetim jashte shtetit,uzvm 886  13.06.2024,up 154 14.06.2024,fo 14.06.2024,pv1 14.06.2024,njfit 14.06.2024,fat 388 407/2024 14.06.2024
    Rektorati i Universitetit te Mjekesise Tirane (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 24,480 2024-07-11 2024-07-12 14410111992024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1011199 Univers.Mjekes.Rektorati 2024,Shpenz udhetimi bileta avioni,UP 101 dt 10.5.24,ftese of 1372 dt 10.5.24 ,njoft fit dt 10.5.24, ,pv 1372/6 dt 10.5.24 ,fat 319 dt 16.5.24
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 114,600 2024-07-08 2024-07-12 5510170012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017001, Ministria e Mbrojtjes,udhetim jashte shtetit, ushshp.619. 13.06.2024,up 153 14.06.2024,fo 14.06.2024, pv1 14.06.2024,njfit 14.06.2024,fat 388 406/2024 14.06.2024
    Komisioneri per Mbrojtjen e te Dhenave Personale (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 63,400 2024-07-04 2024-07-08 11010890012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit KMDIM1089001  bilete udhetimi up 270 dt 21.6.2024 ft of 21.6.2024 njf 21.6.2024 ft 418/2024 dt 24.6.2024 pv md 24.6.2024
    Komisioneri per Mbrojtjen e te Dhenave Personale (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 125,660 2024-07-04 2024-07-08 11110890012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit KMDIM1089001  bilete udhetimi up 28 dt 25.6.2024 ft of 25.6.2024 njf 26.6.2024 ft 422/2024 dt 27.6.2024 pv md 27.6.2024
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 125,440 2024-06-25 2024-07-05 50810170012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017001, Ministria e mbrojtjes,udhetim jashte shteti,uzvm 790 23.05.2024,up 131 23.05.2024,fo 23.05.2024 pv 1 23.05.2024, njfit 23.05.2024 23.05.2024,fat 388 331/2024 24.05.2024
    Kolegji i Mbrojtjes dhe Sigurisë (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 125,440 2024-07-04 2024-07-05 15710171452024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017145-Reparti Ushtarak nr.6680-2024 Lik udhetim jashte vendi Bilete avioni Up 131 dt 23.5.2024 Ft ofert 23.5.2024 Nj fit  dt 23.5.2024 Ft 332 dt 24.5.2024
    Aparati i Ministrise se Mbrojtjes (3535) DORINA KARAISKAJ Tirane 113,000 2024-06-25 2024-07-03 51010170012024 Udhetim jashte shtetit 1017001, Ministria e mbrojtjes,udhetim jashte shteti,uzvm 815 28.05.2024, up 140 31.05.2024,fo 30.05.2024,pv 1 31.05.2024,njfit 31.05.2024 fat 388 371/2024 03.06.2024