Treasury Transactions 2019-2024

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All All All 3,164,600,276,159.00 1,614,876 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Sp. Bulqize (0603) Illyrian Guard Bulqize 525,243 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 37510130652024 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes Dr.Sh. Spitalor Bulqize (1013065) likujdim  sherbimi me rojet private, date 29.12.2023, fatura nr.3669/2024 dt.30.11.2024, pv mujor i kryerjes se sherbimit per muajin nentor 2024.
    Sp. Bulqize (0603) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Bulqize 70,363 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 37410130652024 Uje Dr.Sh. Spitalor Bulqize (1013065) likujdim uje i pijshem nentor 2024 fatura nr.293667 dt.29.11.2024.
    Sp. Bulqize (0603) I L M A Bulqize 2,910 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 37310130652024 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore Dr.Sh. Spitalor Bulqize (1013065) likujdim blerje ilace, fatura nr.172308/2024 dt.25.11.2024, fh nr.102 dt.26.11.2024, pvmd dt.26.11.2024
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Bulqize (0603) Donika Cani Bulqize 819,000 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 11610130252024 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - te tjera paisje zyre NJ.V.K.SH. Bulqize (1013025) likujdim  blerje matriale elektronike,  miratim kerkese,urdher prok nr 27.dt.13.11.2024 51/2024 dt.05.12.2024,Fh nr.25 dt.05.12.2024.pv marrje ne dorezim date 05.12.2024.
    Sp. Bulqize (0603) ERGI-PINK Bulqize 24,000 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 36610130652024 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e objekteve ndertimore Dr.Sh. Spitalor Bulqize (1013065) likujdim  certifikate e vleresimit te konfirmitetit , fatura nr.795/2024 dt.25.11.2024, up nr.16 dt.20.11.2024, pvmd dt.25.11.2024
    Sp. Bulqize (0603) T R I M E D Bulqize 5,880 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 36710130652024 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore Dr.Sh. Spitalor Bulqize (1013065) likujdim blerje ilacesh, fatura nr.115119//2024 dt.19.11.2024, fh nr.98 dt.20.11.2024, pvmd dt.20.11.2024.
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Bulqize (0603) FURNIZUESI I SHERBIMIT UNIVERSAL Bulqize 57,540 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 11310130252024 Elektricitet NJ.V.K.SH. Bulqize (1013025) likujdim fature shpenzime energjie elektrike nr.15252598 date 02.12.2024 per muajin nentor 2024.
    Sp. Bulqize (0603) NELSA Bulqize 1,044 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 36910130652024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat Dr.Sh. Spitalor Bulqize (1013065) likujdim blerje  ushqime, fatura nr.1106/2024 dt.21.11.2024, fh nr.104 dt.21.11.2024, pvmd dt.21.11.2024.
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Bulqize (0603) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Bulqize 905 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 11510130252024 Posta dhe sherbimi korrier NJ.V.K.SH. Bulqize (1013025) likujdim fature sherbime postare nr.205 date 09.12.2024 per muajin nentor 2024.
    Bashkia Bulqize (0603) SIGA Bulqize 522,000 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 74921030012024 Materiale per pastrim, dezinfektim, ngrohje dhe ndriçim Bashkia Bulqize (2103001) likujdim sherbime  per mjetin tip eskavator, up nr.5279 dt.25.10.2024,kontr. dt.11.11.2024,fat nr.35/2024 dt.19.11.2024, fh nr.29 dt.20.11.2024, pvmd, dt.20.11.2024
    Bashkia Bulqize (0603) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Bulqize 1,182,000 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 75421030012024 Shpenzime gjyqesore Bashkia Bulqize (2103001) likujdim vendime gjygjsore  per z.Gafurr Deda dhe z.Shkelzen  Qoku prill maj 2024
    Sp. Bulqize (0603) I L M A Bulqize 7,020 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 37110130652024 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore Dr.Sh. Spitalor Bulqize (1013065) likujdim blerje ilace, fatura nr.172307/2024 dt.25.11.2024, fh nr.103 dt.26.11.2024, pvmd dt.26.11.2024
    Zyra Arsimore Delvinë (3704) BANKA E TIRANES Delvine 34,500 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 29410111322024 Shpenzime te tjera transporti lik transp mesues ZA Finiq-dropull 2024
    Sp. Delvine (3704) T.M.A Delvine 1,066,000 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 17810130662024 Shpenzime gjyqesore LIK FAT 252/024Spitali Delvine
    Bashkia Finiq (3704) ONE ALBANIA Delvine 133,083 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 75423260012024 Sherbime telefonike lik fat 5313501/2024 Bashkia Finiq
    Sp. Delvine (3704) V.A.L.E RECYCLING Delvine 218,880 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 17510130662024 Sherbime te tjera lik fat 1667/2024 Spitali Delvine 2024
    Sp. Delvine (3704) ALFARMAKOS Delvine 184,700 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 17210130662024 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore LIK FAT 23.09.2024 SPITALI DELVINE
    Sp. Delvine (3704) T R I M E D Delvine 30,975 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 17310130662024 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore LIK MEDIKAMENTE FAT NR 106973, 106974 SPITALI DELVINE
    Sp. Delvine (3704) Persida Myftari Delvine 2,900 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 17010130662024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat lik fat 68,69,70,71 Spitali Delvine
    Bashkia Delvine (3704) BANKA KOMBETARE TREGTARE Delvine 41,940 2024-12-12 2024-12-13 60221040012024 Udhetim i brendshem lik djeta Bashkia Delvine 2024