Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) All All 3,072,530,751.00 3,752 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Lezhe sha Lezhe 699,821 2023-11-21 2023-11-22 68810130212023 Uje SPITALI RAJONAL LEZHE PAG FAT NR 1206,NR 1246 DT 07.11.2023 PER KONTRATEN 119015,KONTRATEN 119100
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) LABORATORY NETWORKS Lezhe 5,400,000 2023-11-21 2023-11-22 68610130212023 Materiale dhe pajisje labratorik e te sherbimit publik SPITALI RAJONAL LEZHE PAG FAT NR 234 DT 07.11.2023,KONTRATE NR 1924/2 DT 10.04.2023,KONTRATE NR 1924/2 DT 10.04.2019,RAPORT PERMBLEDHES1152 DT 09.11.2023,PROCESVERBAL 45/19 DT 08.11.2023 ,SHERBIME LABORATORIKE
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) ONE ALBANIA Lezhe 25,853 2023-11-17 2023-11-20 68310130212023 Sherbime telefonike SPITALI RAJONAL LEZHE PAG FAT NR 144959 DT 03.11.2023,FAT NR 1537779 DT 04.11.2023 PER KONTRATEN DT 11.04.2023
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) Olsi Motors Lezhe 116,280 2023-11-17 2023-11-20 68210130212023 Pjese kembimi, goma dhe bateri SPITALI RAJONAL LEZHE PAG FAT NR 32 DT25.10.2023,NR 24 DT 26.10.2023,NR 35 DT 03.11.2023,NR 38 DT 15.11.2023,SITUACIONE DT 24,26.10.2023,DT 2&14.11.2023,KONTR 162/4 DT 27.02.2023
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) ZYRA REGJ.PASURISE LEZHE Lezhe 13,000 2023-11-17 2023-11-20 68410130212023 Sherbime te tjera SPITALI RAJONAL LEZHE PAG FAT NR14855,NR 14481,NR 14842,NR 14853,NR14854 DT 16.11.2023,KERKESE 6814 DT 02.06.2023,FAT 6569 DT 02.06.2023,KERKESE 15125,NR 15111,NR 15112,NR 15123,NR 15124 DT 16.11.2023 APLIKIM NE KARTOTEKE
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Lezhe 2,425 2023-11-16 2023-11-17 68010130212023 Posta dhe sherbimi korrier SPITALI LEZHE LIK FAT NR 749 DT 03.11.2023 PER KONTRATEN 675/5 DT 01.09.2017
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) JUNIK Lezhe 578,294 2023-11-16 2023-11-17 68110130212023 Sherbime te tjera SPITALI LEZHE LIK FAT NR 60 DT 03.11.2023,KONTRATE NR 964/4 DT 03.10.2023,SITUACION NR 10 DT 31.10.2023,SHERBIM I LAVANTERISE
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) MEGAPHARMA Lezhe 12,688 2023-11-15 2023-11-16 67610130212023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore SPITALI LEZHE LIK FAT NR 69440 DT 06.11.2023,F HYRJE NR 312 DT 06.11.2023,KONTRATE NR 46/121 DT 31.10.2023,AKT KOLAUDIM DT 07.11.2023,BLERJE BARNA
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) KONFEDERATA E SINDIKATAVE TE SHQIPERISE Lezhe 30,300 2023-11-15 2023-11-16 67710130212023 Paga neto për punonjesit e miratuar në organikë SPITALI LEZHE LIK KUOTAZICION SIPAS KONTRATES 1528/1 DT 30.03.2021,NDALESA TE PUNONJESVE SIPAS LISTEPAGESES TETOR
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) Emiliano Cara Lezhe 43,160 2023-11-15 2023-11-16 67910130212023 Kancelari SPITALI LEZHE LIK FAT NR 35 DT 02.11.2023,URDHER NR 17/10 DT 07.07.2023,SITUACION SHERBIMI FOTOKOPJE &LIDHJE LIBRI PER AUTONOMINE SPITALORE
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) KESH. KOMB. URDHERIT TE MJEKUT Lezhe 18,400 2023-11-15 2023-11-16 67810130212023 Paga neto për punonjesit e miratuar në organikë SPITALI LEZHE LIK KUOTAZICION NDALESA TE PUNONJESVE SIPAS LISTEPAGESES TETOR
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) MEDI - TEL Lezhe 164,731 2023-11-14 2023-11-15 66710130212023 Sherbime te tjera SPITALI RAJONAL LEZHE PAG FAT NR 6594 DT 10.10.2023,FAT NR 7261 DT 27.10.2023,KONTRATE NR 521/1 DT 16.06.2023,SITUACION DT 31.10.2023,EVADIM I MBETJEVE TE MPREHTA
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) DION-AL Lezhe 1,367,791 2023-11-14 2023-11-15 67510130212023 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat SPITALI RAJONAL LEZHE PAG FAT 255 DT 01.11.2023,KONTRATE NR 935/1 DT 12.10.2022,SITUACION PER PERIUDHEN 1-31 TETOR 2023,KATERING MUAJI TETOR
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) DELTA PHARMA - AL Lezhe 17,900 2023-11-13 2023-11-14 67110130212023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore SPITALI LEZHE LIK FAT NR 99468 DT 31.10.2023,F HYRJE NR 309 DT 01.11.2023,KONTRATE NR 46/120 DT 18.10.2023,AKT KOLAUDIM DT 01.11.2023,BLERJE BARNA
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) REJSI FARMA Lezhe 278,700 2023-11-13 2023-11-14 67310130212023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore SPITALI LEZHE LIK FAT NR 56274 DT 31.10.2023,F HYRJE NR 311 DT 01.11.2023,KONTRATE NR 46/93 DT 03.08.2023,AKT KOLAUDIM DT 01.11.2023,BLERJE BARNA
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) GTS-GAZRA TEKNIKE SHQIPTARE Lezhe 429,768 2023-11-13 2023-11-14 67410130212023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore SPITALI LEZHE LIK FAT NR 7460 DT 04.11.2023,F HYRJE NR 61 DT 04.11.2023,KONTRATE NR 684/6 DT 02.10.2023,AKT KOLAUDIM DT 04.11.2023,OKSIGJEN
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) FLORFARMA Lezhe 111,480 2023-11-13 2023-11-14 67210130212023 Ilaçe dhe materiale mjeksore SPITALI LEZHE LIK FAT NR 11560 DT 01.11.2023,F HYRJE NR 310 DT 01.11.2023,KONTRATE NR 46/93 DT 03.08.2023,AKT KOLAUDIM DT 01.11.2023,BLERJE BARNA
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) MEDI - TEL Lezhe 20,430 2023-11-10 2023-11-13 66810130212023 Sherbime te pastrimit dhe gjelberimit SPITALI LEZHE LIK FAT NR 6595 DT 13.10.2023,FAT NR 7262 DT 27.10.2023,KONTRATE NR 266/1 DT 21.03.2023,SITUACION DT 30.10.2023 MBETJE ANATOMIKE
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) SERDADO Lezhe 282,360 2023-11-10 2023-11-13 66910130212023 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e mjeteve te transportit SPITALI LEZHE LIK FAT NR 92,93 DT 26.10.2023,KONTRATE NR 251/4 DT 07.03.2023,SITUACION 325.10.2023,MIREMBAJTJE AMBULANCASH
    Spitali Lezhe (2020) Illyrian Guard Lezhe 810,958 2023-11-10 2023-11-13 67010130212023 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes SPITALI RAJONAL LEZHE PAG FAT NR 2880 DT 31.10.2023,KONTRATE NR 161/4 DT 21.09.2023,GRAFIK SHERBIMI DT 31.10.2023,SHERBIM I ROJEVE CIVILE