Treasury Transactions

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All KASTRATI SHA All 2,041,745,896.00 1,003 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Aparati Ministrise se Drejtesise (3535) KASTRATI SHA Tirane 2,427,513 2014-07-11 2014-07-14 31510140012014 Karburant dhe vaj MINISTRIA E DREJTESISE Karburant,autorizim kont 4/11 dt 16.05.2014,kont nr 3827/1 dt 05.06.2014,fat nr 12 dt 01.07.2014,fh nr 6 dt 01.06.2014
    Spitali Elbasan (0808) KASTRATI SHA Elbasan 366,980 2014-07-10 2014-07-11 28510130162014 Karburant dhe vaj Karburant, Spitali Civil Elbasan
    Drejtoria e SHIK Lezhe (2020) KASTRATI SHA Lezhe 1,254,907 2014-07-10 2014-07-11 5110180142014 Karburant dhe vaj SHISH LEZHE PAG FAT NR 24 DT 12.06.2014
    Reparti Ushtarak Nr.4300 Tirane (3535) KASTRATI SHA Tirane 56,680,611 2014-07-10 2014-07-11 42910170512014 Karburant dhe vaj 602-REP 4001 karburant kontrate 2171/2 dt 2.6.14 vazhdim ft seri 14806534,14806532 dt 27.6.14,ft ser.14806508,14806514,14806584,14807148,14807149,14807150 dt 26.6.14 fh 26 dt 7.7.14 seri 189021
    Drejtoria e SHISH Lushnje (0922) KASTRATI SHA Lushnje 200,000 2014-07-09 2014-07-11 7010180172014 Karburant dhe vaj DREJT.SHISH 1018017 SA XHIROJME SHPENZ.BLERJE KARBURANTI(TOLLONA)ME URDH.PROKURIMI NR.4/31 DT.19.02.2014,KONTRATE NR.118 DT.16.06.2014,FLETE DALJE NR.140 DHE FLETE HYRJE NR.7 DT.16.06.2014
    Drejtoria e Bujqesise Gjirokaster (1111) KASTRATI SHA Gjirokaster 1,858,756 2014-07-08 2014-07-10 6410050112014 Karburant dhe vaj DRBU GJIROKASTER 1005011 BLERJE KARBURANTI FAT NR 31 DT 05.06.2014 SERIA 14807431 KONTRATE DT 05.06.2014
    Sp. Has (1812) KASTRATI SHA Has 110,000 2014-07-09 2014-07-10 14810130702014 Karburant dhe vaj 1812 sa lik fat 19 dt 30.06.2014 karburant
    Sp. Puke (3330) KASTRATI SHA Puke 733,960 2014-07-08 2014-07-10 10710130832014 Karburant dhe vaj 1013083 SPITALI PUKE KODI 1013083 blerje ilace mjeksore fatura 38 dt.25.06.2014
    ALUIZNI - Drejtorite Elbasan (1) + Elbasan (2) (0808) KASTRATI SHA Elbasan 50,000 2014-07-09 2014-07-10 7910940052014 Karburant dhe vaj Karburant Aluizni Elbasan
    Prefektura e qarkut Kukes (1818) KASTRATI SHA Kukes 718,360 2014-07-09 2014-07-10 20110160682014 Karburant dhe vaj 1016068 shp karburanti fat 06dt 03.06.2014
    Aparati i Ministrise se Energjisë dhe Industrisë (3535) KASTRATI SHA Tirane 214,881 2014-07-08 2014-07-10 28410930012014 Karburant dhe vaj 602 MEI karburant,shtese kontrate dt 28.02.2014,njoftim dt 28.02.2014,fat nr 43 d t31.03.2014,seri 11949149,fh nr 3 dt 31.03.2014
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Puke (3330) KASTRATI SHA Puke 458,725 2014-07-07 2014-07-09 8710130422014 Karburant dhe vaj DREJ.E SHENDETIT PUBLIK PUKE KODI 1013042 blerje karburant fat.131 dt.24.06.2014
    ALUIZNI - Drejtoria Shkoder (3333) KASTRATI SHA Shkoder 599,018 2014-07-09 2014-07-09 10510940072014 Karburant dhe vaj ALUIZMI SHKODER LIKUJ FAT NR 14808538 DT 02.06.2014
    Gjykata e Apelit Shkoder (3333) KASTRATI SHA Shkoder 283,355 2014-07-09 2014-07-09 10810290062014 Karburant dhe vaj GJYKATA APELIT SHKODER FAT.14807228 DT. 24.06.2014
    Drejtoria e SHIK Shkoder (3333) KASTRATI SHA Shkoder 1,323,290 2014-07-09 2014-07-09 8610180132014 Materiale per pastrim, dezinfektim, ngrohje dhe ndriçim drejtoria shish ft 14807470 dt 11.06.2014
    Bashkia Prenjas (0821) KASTRATI SHA Librazhd 182,290 2014-07-08 2014-07-09 259/121530012014 Karburant dhe vaj BASHKIA PRRENJAS,LIKUJDIM DETYRIMI PER KRBURANT PER FATUREN NR 48 DATE 03.06.2014.
    Sp. Berati (0202) KASTRATI SHA Berat 366,980 2014-07-08 2014-07-09 29710130642014 Karburant dhe vaj spitali berat lik fat qershor 2014 nafte
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Doganave (3535) KASTRATI SHA Tirane 5,440,500 2014-07-07 2014-07-08 69210100772014 Karburant dhe vaj DREJT PERGJ DOGANAVE. lik ft bl karburant up dt 19.2.2014, nj fit dt 14.5.2014, aut dt 16.5.2014, kontr dt 16.6.2014, seri 14807497 dt 16.6.2014, fh dt 16.6.2014
    Q.K.P. Azilkerkuesve Babrru (3535) KASTRATI SHA Tirane 91,210 2014-07-07 2014-07-08 15410160572014 Karburant dhe vaj 1016057,Qendra Komb.Pritese per Azilkerkues pagese kontr vazhdim 287 dt 29.05.14, ft nr 13 14807263 dt 01.07.14, fh 3 dt 01.07.14
    Sherbimi i Kontrollit te Brendshem (3535) KASTRATI SHA Tirane 189,158 2014-07-08 2014-07-08 8810140982014 Karburant dhe vaj 602 Dr. SHKB Burgje blerje karburanti,kont vazhdim nr 481 dt 28.05.2014,fat nr 29 dt 07.07.14 sr 14807279,fh nr 10 dt 07.07.2014