Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS All 1,358,656,594.00 716 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 64,208 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 98310870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Zyra ish-presidentit (Kont nr.503 prot dt.29.01.2018) Rap nr 3835 dt.03.08.2018 Fatura Nr.237697062 dt. 01.08.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 122,785 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 102510870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Spitali Elbasan (Kont. nr.500 prot dt.29.01.2018) Rap. 5218 prot, dt 01.10.2018 , Fat nr.237697667, dt 01.10.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 122,785 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 102610870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Spitali Elbasan (Kont. nr.500 prot dt.29.01.2018) Rap. 6109 prot, dt 01.11.2018 , Fat nr.260471022, dt 01.11.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 64,208 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 98610870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Zyra ish-presidentit (Kont nr.503 prot dt.29.01.2018) Rap nr 6823 dt.03.12.2018 Fatura Nr.260471404 dt. 03.12.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 58,167 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 98710870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Zyra ish-presidentit (Kont nr.503 prot dt.29.01.2018) Rap nr 2549 dt.01.06.2018 Fatura Nr.237696431 dt. 01.06.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 122,789 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 104110870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Spitali Elbasan (Kont. nr.500 prot dt.29.01.2018), Fat nr.216676892, dt 31.12.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 41,425 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 102310870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Shtëpia e foshnjes Tiranë (Kont. nr.501 prot dt.29.01.2018) Rap. 6825 prot ,dt 03.12.2018 , Fat nr. 260471398 ,dt 03.12.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 82,158 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 98410870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Zyra ish-presidentit (Kont nr.503 prot dt.29.01.2018) Rap nr 3144 dt.02.07.2018 Fatura Nr.237696755 dt. 02.07.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 197,587 2019-01-14 2019-01-17 103710870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Drejt Sherbimeve Qeveritare (Kontrate nr.2037 prot dt.02.05.2018), FAT nr.216676889,dt 31.12.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 42,805 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 104010870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Qendra Kombetare Pritese e viktimave te trafikimit, (Kont. nr.498 prot dt.29.01.2018 Rap. Nr 2005 prot date 02.05.2018, Fat. Nr.216676900 dt.31.12.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 113,564 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 102710870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Spitali Elbasan (Kont. nr.500 prot dt.29.01.2018) Rap. 2548 prot, dt 01.06.2018 , Fat nr. 237696434, dt 01.06.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 113,439 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 103610870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Ministria e Infrastruktures dhe energjise Kont nr.2515 prot dt.31.05.2018 Fat Nr.S216676887 dt 31.12.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 38,778 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 99210870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Qendra Kombetare Pritese e viktimave te trafikimit, (Kont. nr.498 prot dt.29.01.2018 Rap. Nr 2545 prot date 01.06.2018, Fat. Nr.237696435 dt.01.06.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 549,120 2019-01-15 2019-01-17 99510870062018 Sherbime telefonike Akshi-Loti 1 Sherbim Interneti i perqendruar linja Akshi, Kont nr. 4113 prot dt.29.12.2017 ,Rap Nr.6839 prot date 03.12.2018, Fat. Nr.260471395 dt. 03.12.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 1,038,586 2019-01-14 2019-01-16 110310870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi - Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike SHKP (Kont. nr.504 prot dt.29.01.2018) Rap 4399 Prot dt 03.09.2018, Fat Nr S.237697376,Dt , 03.09.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 419,255 2019-01-14 2019-01-16 101610870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Autoriteti kombetar I Ushqimit (Kontrate nr.502prot dt.29.01.2018), Rap nr 6820 dt 03.12.2018 Fat nr.260471397,dt 03.12.20188
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 5,415,000 2019-01-15 2019-01-16 100010870062018 Sherbime telefonike Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike dhe ISSH,DPD,ZVRPP (Kont nr.4132 prot dt.29.12.2017) Rap nr 6817 dt 03.12.2018 Fature nr 260471393,dt 03.12.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 1,038,586 2019-01-14 2019-01-16 99910870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi - Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike SHKP (Kont. nr.504 prot dt.29.01.2018) Rap6107 Prot dt 01.11.2018, Fat Nr S.260471011,Dt , 01.11.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 1,038,587 2019-01-14 2019-01-16 104310870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi - Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike SHKP (Kont. nr.504 prot dt.29.01.2018) Rap 6822 Prot dt 03.12.2018, Fat Nr S.260471396,Dt , 03.12.2018
    Agjencia Kombetare e Shoqerise se Informacionit (3535) ALBANIAN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Tirane 586,625 2019-01-14 2019-01-16 101510870062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e paisjeve te zyrave Akshi-Loti 2 Sherbim Interneti I perqendruar Institucione Publike Autoriteti kombetar I Ushqimit (Kontrate nr.502prot dt.29.01.2018), Rap nr 3149 dt 02.07.2018 Fatur nr.237696611,dt 02.07.2018