Treasury Transactions 2019-2024

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) All All 11,493,696,236.00 12,405 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) M.C.CATERING Kruje 174,781 2024-04-29 2024-04-30 19921230012024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat 2024 Bashkia Krujë Blerje Ushqime per kopshtet dhe cerdhet e Bashkise Kruje me origjine jo shtazore kontrate nr 6020 dt 13.07.2023 formular i njoftimit te fituesit nr 5790/1 dt 07.07.2023 fat nr 156-154 fh nr 19-21 dt28.03.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) M.C.CATERING Kruje 264,241 2024-04-29 2024-04-30 19521230012024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat 2024 Bashkia Krujë Blerje Ushqime per kopshtet dhe cerdhet e Bashkise Kruje me origjine jo shtazore kontrate nr 6020 dt 13.07.2023 formular i njoftimit te fituesit nr 5790/1 dt 07.07.2023 fat nr32-28 fh nr 9-10 dt31.01.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) RINIA 96 Kruje 1,941,861 2024-04-29 2024-04-30 18621230012024 Sherbime te pastrimit dhe gjelberimit 2024 Bashkia Krujë Sherbim pastrimi dhe largimi i mbetjeve Urbane te Qytetit Fushe Kruje kontrate nr 6005 dt 13.07.2023 njoftim fituesi nr 5793 dt 06.07.2023 lik fat nr 6/2024 dt02.04.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Kruje 17,006 2024-04-29 2024-04-30 19021230012024 Ndihme ekonomike 2024 Bashkia Krujë  nja Bubq Ndihma ekonomike 6% e fondit te kushtezuar per bllok ndihmen me fondet e pushtetit qendror per bashkine Kruje dhe NJA vkb nr 10 dt12.04.2024 list  pag mars dt 26.04.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) BANKA CREDINS Kruje 49,793 2024-04-29 2024-04-30 18821230012024 Ndihme ekonomike 2024 Bashkia Krujë Ndihma ekonomike 6% e fondit te kushtezuar per bllok ndihmen me fondet e pushtetit qendror per bashkine Kruje dhe NJA vkb nr 10 dt12.04.2024 list  pag mars dt 26.04.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) AUTORITETI KOMUNIK.ELEKTRONIK.E POSTARE Kruje 20,000 2024-04-29 2024-04-30 19221230012024 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2024 Bashkia Krujë Pagese per numeracion sipas VKM nr 599 dt.23.07.2010 i ndryshuar per vitin 2024 per nje numer te gjelbert fat nr 352/2024 dt 05.02.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) M.C.CATERING Kruje 296,916 2024-04-29 2024-04-30 20021230012024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat 2024 Bashkia Krujë Blerje ushqime me origjine shtazore per kopshtet dhe cerdhet e Bashkise Kruje kontrate nr 6022 dt 13.07.2023 formular i njoftimit te fituesit nr 5789/1 dt 07.07.2023 fat nr 157-155 fh nr 20-22 dt 28.03.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) M.C.CATERING Kruje 142,512 2024-04-29 2024-04-30 19621230012024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat 2024 Bashkia Krujë Blerje ushqime me origjine shtazore per kopshtet dhe cerdhet e Bashkise Kruje kontrate nr 6022 dt 13.07.2023 formular i njoftimit te fituesit nr 5789/1 dt 07.07.2023 fat nr 27-29 fh nr 8-11 dt 31.01.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) KASTRATI Kruje 552,600 2024-04-26 2024-04-29 18121230012024 Karburant dhe vaj 2024 Bashkia Krujë Blerje karburanti gasoil 10pm per Bashkine Kruje kontrate nr 3340 dt 12.04.2023 ftese per nenshkrim kontrate ne zbatim te marreveshjes kuader 27.04.2023 lik fat nr 22663/2024 fh nr 18 dt25.03.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) KASTRATI Kruje 1,915,764 2024-04-26 2024-04-29 18021230012024 Karburant dhe vaj 2024 Bashkia Krujë Blerje karburanti gasoil 10pm per Bashkine Kruje kontrate nr 3340 dt 12.04.2023 ftese per nenshkrim kontrate ne zbatim te marreveshjes kuader 27.04.2023 lik fat nr 21025/2024 fh nr 13 dt 19.02.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) KLUBI SPORTIV KASTRIOTI Kruje 5,000,000 2024-04-26 2024-04-29 18321230012024 Transferta per klubet dhe asociacionet e sportit 2024 Bashkia Krujë Transferta per sha klubi sportiv vkb nr 77 vendim dt 12.02.2024 dt.19.02.2024 dt.22.02.2024 dt.26.02.2024 dt.18.03.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) RINIA 96 Kruje 1,637,704 2024-04-26 2024-04-29 18421230012024 Sherbime te pastrimit dhe gjelberimit 2024 Bashkia Krujë Sherbim pastrimi dhe largimi i mbetjeve Urbane te Qytetit Fushe Kruje kontrate nr 6005 dt 13.07.2023 njoftim fituesi nr 5793 dt 06.07.2023 lik fat nr 2/2024 dt 31.01.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) KASTRATI Kruje 555,372 2024-04-26 2024-04-29 18221230012024 Karburant dhe vaj 2024 Bashkia Krujë Blerje karburanti gasoil 10pm per Bashkine Kruje kontrate nr 3340 dt 12.04.2023 ftese per nenshkrim kontrate ne zbatim te marreveshjes kuader 27.04.2023 lik fat nr 23688/2024 fh nr 25 dt12.04.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) KASTRATI Kruje 1,799,124 2024-04-26 2024-04-29 17921230012024 Karburant dhe vaj 2024 Bashkia Krujë Blerje karburanti gasoil 10pm per Bashkine Kruje kontrate nr 3340 dt 12.04.2023 ftese per nenshkrim kontrate ne zbatim te marreveshjes kuader 27.04.2023 lik fat nr 19598/2024 fh nr 5 dt18.01.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) Banka OTP Albania Kruje 6,412,488 2024-04-24 2024-04-25 17121230012024 Pagese paaftesie 2024 Bashkia Krujë Invalid paafte invalid pune list pag per muajin Prill 2024 dt 23.04.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) BANKA CREDINS Kruje 10,029,717 2024-04-24 2024-04-25 17321230012024 Pagese paaftesie 2024 Bashkia Krujë nja fushe-kruje Invalid paafte invalid pune list pag per muajin Prill 2024 dt 23.04.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) BANKA CREDINS Kruje 64,489 2024-04-24 2024-04-25 17521230012024 Pagese paaftesie 2024 Bashkia Krujë nja Nikel Invalid paafte invalid pune list pag per muajin Prill 2024 dt 23.04.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) BANKA KOMBETARE TREGTARE Kruje 6,405,601 2024-04-24 2024-04-25 17421230012024 Pagese paaftesie 2024 Bashkia Krujë nja Thumane Invalid paafte invalid pune list pag per muajin Prill 2024 dt 23.04.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Kruje 3,468,433 2024-04-24 2024-04-25 17721230012024 Pagese paaftesie 2024 Bashkia Krujë nja Bubq Invalid paafte invalid pune list pag per muajin Prill 2024 dt 23.04.2024
    Bashkia Kruje (0716) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Kruje 10,305 2024-04-24 2024-04-25 17221230012024 Pagese paaftesie 2024 Bashkia Krujë Invalid paafte invalid pune list pag per muajin Prill 2024 dt 23.04.2024