Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All BANKA E TIRANES All 33,467,457,974.00 46,540 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Bashkia Lezhe (2020) BANKA E TIRANES Lezhe 66,300 2025-01-20 2025-01-21 5721270012025 Kompensime speciale te tjera BASHKIA LEZHE PAG KESHILLTARE SIPAS LISTEPAGESES PER PERIUDHEN DHJETOR 2024,NR PERFITUESVE 3
    Federata Shqipetare e Mundjes (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 420,000 2025-01-16 2025-01-21 12910112142024 Transferta per klubet dhe asociacionet e sportit 1011214 Fed e Mundjes 2024 , shperb per rezult te larta sport, VKM nr 789 dt 15.12.2021, udhez nr 4 dt 25.2.2022, urdh nr 624, 625, 626 dt 30.12.2024, listpag
    Aparati Ministrise se Shendetesise (3535) / Aparati i Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 226,671 2025-01-15 2025-01-21 82610130012024 Te tjera transferta tek individet 1013001 Min shend dhe mbr sociale Shperblim per dalje ne pension,pages per leje te pa kryer,shkresa nr 3268 dt 23.07.2024,shkresa nr 3268/1 dt 23.07.2024
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Fier (0909) BANKA E TIRANES Fier 10,503 2025-01-20 2025-01-21 62710160272024 Te tjera transferta tek individet Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Fier 1016027 ore shtese pune listepagesa
    Qendra e Formimit Policor Tirane (3535)/Akademia e Sigurise Tirane (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 45,000 2025-01-17 2025-01-20 36010160032024 Udhetim i brendshem 1016003 AST, lik dieta dhjetor 24, urdher dr 1600 dt 6.12.24, listepagese
    Bashkia Kavaja (3513) BANKA E TIRANES Kavaje 122,882 2025-01-17 2025-01-20 7021180012025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike BASHKIA KAVAJE PAGE NETO ARSIMI baze dhe MBESHTETES DHJETOR 2024
    Rektorati i Universitetit te Mjekesise Tirane (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 79,276 2025-01-16 2025-01-20 310111992025 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1011199 Univ Mjekesise Tirane,Paga Dhjetor 2024,nr punonjesi plan/fakt 59/50,listpagese
    Shkolla e Magjistratures (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 17,000 2025-01-18 2025-01-20 66110550012024 Shpenzime per honorare 1055001-Shkolla Magjistratures 2024 , lik honorar kesh drejtues,urdher nr 233 dt 4.12.2024,listepagese
    Agjencia Rajonale e Sherbimit Veterinar dhe Mbrojtjes se Bimeve Vlore (3737) BANKA E TIRANES Vlore 63,750 2025-01-17 2025-01-20 33010051382024 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 1005138 DREJTORIA E VETERINARISE PAGESE SHERBIM KESHILLTAR I JASHTEM, KONT NR 349 DT 10.06.24 UB NR 162 DT 31.12.2024, ME BORDERO
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Lezhe (2020) BANKA E TIRANES Lezhe 2,632,070 2025-01-17 2025-01-20 74510160312024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat DREJTORIA VENDORE E POLICISE LEZHE PAG KOMPENSIM USHQIMOR  SIPAS URDHER NR 1020 DT 16.07.2024,LISTEPAGESA,NR I PUNONJESVE 321
    Aparati Ministrise se Financave dhe Ekonomise (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Financave (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 8,885 2025-01-10 2025-01-20 101010100012024 Sherbimet bankare Min.Fin.Rimbursim i vleres  komis transf ekzek Nent,Dhjet 2024(88,50 Eur),Nxjerrje llogarie dt.09.01.2025 per periudh 01.12.2024-31.12.2024, dt 02.12.2024 per periudhen 01.11.2024-30.11.2024,email,kurs kembi
    Agjencia per Zhvillimin Bujqesor dhe Rural (AZHBR) (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 774,000 2025-01-16 2025-01-20 191510051172024 Te tjera transferta tek individet 606 AZHBR Mbesh  Fermer kesti 2 ,vkm 130, date 06.03.24,udhezim Perbashket Nr.06 ,dt.07.03.24 i MBZHR dhe MFE kesti 2,aut  232,233,245 ,273  date 30.12.2024 dhe 31.12.2024 bashkgj. ur shp 1909 lista pag.1915 dt 31.12.2024,
    Bashkia Bilisht (1505) BANKA E TIRANES Devoll 3,300 2024-12-31 2025-01-20 85321050012024 Pagese paaftesie BASHKIA DEVOLL PAGESE PER NDIHME PAAFTESI ME BORDERO MUAJI DHJETOR 2024
    Qendra e Formimit Policor Tirane (3535)/Akademia e Sigurise Tirane (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 169,325 2025-01-17 2025-01-20 35610160032024 Uniforma dhe veshje te tjera speciale 1016003 AST, lik pagese kompensim veshje civile 24, urdher rektor 3539/1 dt 31.12.24, list pag
    Agjencia per Zhvillimin Bujqesor dhe Rural (AZHBR) (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 540,570 2025-01-15 2025-01-20 190510051172024 Te tjera transferta tek individet 606 AZHBR Mbesh  Fermer Nafte kesti 2 ,vkm 130, date 06.03.24,udhezim Perbashket Nr.06 ,dt.07.03.2024 i MBZHR dhe MFE  AN  nr.6 dt.31.12.24 dhe memomkredi dhe kesti 1 bnashkengjitur ur shp 1898 , lista pag.1905 dt 31.12.2024
    Qendra e Formimit Policor Tirane (3535)/Akademia e Sigurise Tirane (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 464,773 2025-01-17 2025-01-20 36410160032024 Paga neto per punonjesit e miratuar ne organike 1016003 AST, lik pagese leje e pakryer 23, urdher Dr Pergj Policise Shtetit 1670 dt 31.12.24, listpag
    Bashkia Bilisht (1505) BANKA E TIRANES Devoll 2,564,953 2025-01-17 2025-01-20 2121050012025 Pagese paaftesie BASHKIA DEVOLL PAGESE ME BORDERO NDIHME PAAFTESI MUAJI JANAR 2025
    Agjencia per Zhvillimin Bujqesor dhe Rural (AZHBR) (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 10,000 2025-01-16 2025-01-20 192510051172024 Te tjera transferta tek individet 606 AZHBR Mbesh  Fermer kesti 2 ,vkm 130, date 06.03.24,udhezim Perbashket Nr.06 ,dt.07.03.24 i MBZHR dhe MFE kesti 2,aut 272,275 dhe  ekstra Pv   date 31.12.2024   bashkgj. ur shp 1920 lista pag.1925 dt 31.12.2024,
    Gjykata e Apelit Tirane (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 592,739 2025-01-17 2025-01-20 99410290072024 Shpenzime per ekzekutim te vendimeve gjyqesore per largim nga puna 1029007 Gjyk Apel Tirane - shpenz ekz vendime gjyqesore, shkrese nr.20555/1 dt 15.11.24,vendim nr.2240 dt 17.10.23,vendim nr.179 dt 20.2.24,mbajtur tb 15%, listepagesa, kreditori Aleks Nikolli
    Aparati Ministrise se Financave dhe Ekonomise (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise se Financave (3535) BANKA E TIRANES Tirane 314,246 2025-01-14 2025-01-20 110910100012024 Sherbimet bankare Min.Fin.Publikim  gaz. Financial Time  2,640 GBP,Fat. Nr.2120924540, date 25.09.24, nr.prot.15749/1 dt.14.11.24, dt 28.08.24, nr.11512 prot,shkr.16190/1 dt 07.01.25,