Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE All 59,562,137.00 1,202 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Agjencia Rajonale e Sherbimit Veterinar dhe Mbrojtjes se Bimeve Vlore (3737) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Vlore 5,047 2020-12-18 2020-12-21 30310051382020 Uje 2020 AGJENSIA VETERINARE UJE SARANDE FAT NR 200988800900-1 DAT 31.10.2020
    Dogana Sarande (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 3,830 2020-12-18 2020-12-21 17410100912020 Uje likujdim uji fat nr.2011-88803200-1 dt.30.11.2020 nga dogana
    Universiteti i Tiranes Filiali Sarande (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 12,551 2020-12-17 2020-12-21 18010111562020 Uje LIK UJI NGA UT FILIALI SR FAT DAT 30.11.2020
    Komisariati i Policise Sarande (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 1,194 2020-12-16 2020-12-18 32910160522020 Uje likujdim uji fat.2011-88802403-1 dt.31.11.2020 nga policia
    Qendra polivalente Sarande (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 8,292 2020-12-17 2020-12-18 14121380092020 Uje likujdim nr.fat.2011-88801100-1 dt.30.11.2020 nga qendra polivalente
    Prokuroria e rrethit Sarande (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 11,679 2020-12-17 2020-12-18 14210280252020 Uje LIK FAT NR DAT 30.11.2020 NGA PROKURORIA SR
    Drejtoria Rajonale e Monumenteve Vlore (3737) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Vlore 2,208 2020-12-17 2020-12-18 26010120702020 Uje 1012070 DRTK VLORE UJE FAT NR 2011-88803100-1, DT. 30.11.2020 KONTR NR. 88803100
    Zyra Punesimit Vlore (3737) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Vlore 586 2020-12-17 2020-12-18 40010102112020 Uje 1010211 UJE NENTOR 2020 SARANDA ,FAT NR.2011-88802900-1 DT 30.11.20 ZYRA E PUNES 1010211
    Dega e Instat rrethi Vlore (3737) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Vlore 180 2020-12-17 2020-12-18 13510500372020 Uje 1050037 STATISTIKA VLORE PAGESE UJI FAT NR, 2011-88206106-1, DT. 30.11.2020, KONTR NR. 88206106
    Drejtoria e Pergjithshme Detare Durres (0707) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Durres 788 2020-12-16 2020-12-17 30910060982020 Uje 1006098 DREJT PERGJ DETARE SHPENZIME UJE FATURA 2011-88802800-1KONTRATA 88802800 MATESI 95579
    Bashkia-Seksioni Ekonomik (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 182,312 2020-12-15 2020-12-16 21921380072020 Uje LIK FAT DAT 30.11.2020 NGA SEKSIONI EKONOMIK SR LIK UJI
    Bashkia-Seksioni Ekonomik (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 183,574 2020-12-15 2020-12-16 22521380072020 Uje LIK FAT DAT 30.11.2020 NGA SEKSIONI EKONOMIK SR LIK UJI
    Qendra Ekonomike Kultures (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 2,208 2020-12-15 2020-12-16 13121380022020 Uje LIK UJI NGA Q KULTURORE SR FAT DAT 30.11.2020
    Zyra Arsimore Sarandë (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 1,982 2020-12-15 2020-12-16 23510111332020 Uje shp uji nga zyra arsimore
    Dega e Thesarit Sarande (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 383 2020-12-15 2020-12-16 7610100312020 Uje UJI LIK FAT DAT 30.11.2020 NGA THESARI SR
    Shtepia e Femijeve Shkollor Sarande (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 7,684 2020-12-11 2020-12-15 12621380012020 Uje LIK FAT DAT 30.11.2020 NGA SHTEPIA E FEMIJES
    Komisariati i Kufirit dhe Migracionit Sarande (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 789 2020-12-14 2020-12-15 15810161082020 Uje lik faturen e ujit nentor 2020 Policia Kufitare Sarande
    Bashkia Sarande (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 90,138 2020-12-14 2020-12-15 64221380012020 Uje LIK UJI FAT DAT 30.11.2020 NGA BASHKIA SR
    Gjykata e rrethit Sarande (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 23,360 2020-12-11 2020-12-15 20610290352020 Uje likujdojme faturene ujit nentor .2020 Gjykata Sarande
    Ndermarrja e Sherbimeve Publike (3731) NDERMARRJA E UJESJELLSIT SARANDE Sarande 45,504 2020-12-11 2020-12-15 9121380112020 Uje LIK FAT DAT 30.11.2020 NGA ND E SHERBIMEVE SR