Treasury Transactions

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A All 1,500,638,329.00 748 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Komuna Mollaj (1515) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Korçe 1,551,750 2014-02-25 2014-02-25 2825080012014 Unspecified KOMUNA MOLLAJ PAGESE PAAFTESIE SHKURT 2014
    Komuna Voskop (1515) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Korçe 10,000 2014-02-24 2014-02-24 4125060012014 Unspecified 2506001 KOMUNA VOSKOP ND.EKONOMIKE NGA TE ARDHURAT E KOMUNES
    Bashkia Korce (1515) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Korçe 21,322,900 2014-02-24 2014-02-24 12821220012014 Unspecified BASHKIA KORCE 2122001 TE VERBER,PARA-TETRAPLEGJIKE,INVALIDE SHKURT SHKURT
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Tirane 18,000 2014-02-24 2014-02-24 8810100392014 Unspecified DREJT PERGJ TATIMEVE . lik SHP TRANSPORTI
    Klubi I Futbollit Fier (0909) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Fier 935,000 2014-02-19 2014-02-21 2421110132014 Unspecified SHUMESPORTI FIER 2111013ltrajtim ushqimor janar 2014
    Bashkia Fier (0909) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Fier 21,325,340 2014-02-20 2014-02-21 5121110012014 Unspecified BASHKIA FIER 2111001PAAFTESI FADIL TARE
    Klubi I Futbollit Fier (0909) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Fier 178,600 2014-02-19 2014-02-21 2721110132014 Unspecified SHUMESPORTI FIER 2111013dieta
    Bashkia Fier (0909) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Fier 5,143,900 2014-02-20 2014-02-21 5221110012014 Unspecified BASHKIA FIER 2111001 INVALID PUNE FADIL TARE
    Klubi I Futbollit Fier (0909) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Fier 364,320 2014-02-19 2014-02-21 2521110132014 Unspecified SHUMESPORTI FIER 2111013likujdim ore stervitje tetor nentor 2013
    Komuna Voskop (1515) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Korçe 1,519,450 2014-02-20 2014-02-20 4025060012014 Unspecified 2506001 KOMUNA VOSKOP PAAFTESIA SHKURT
    Komuna Libonik (1515) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Korçe 555,000 2014-02-19 2014-02-20 4025020012014 Unspecified 2502001 KOMUNA LIBONIK ND.EKONOMIKE JANAR
    Spitali Fier (0909) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Fier 66,150 2014-02-19 2014-02-20 7910130172014 Unspecified SPITALI FIER 1013017 shperblim dalie ne pensione
    Klubi I Futbollit Fier (0909) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Fier 13,500 2014-02-19 2014-02-20 2021110132014 Unspecified SHUMESPORTI FIER 2111013 QERA ZYRE MARSELA MANAJ
    Komuna Libonik (1515) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Korçe 3,311,450 2014-02-18 2014-02-19 3525020012014 Unspecified 2502001 KOMUNA LIBONIK PAAFTESIA SHKURT
    Spitali Elbasan (0808) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Elbasan 23,800 2014-02-18 2014-02-19 7510130162014 Unspecified Dialize Spitali Civil Elbasan
    Universiteti Korce (1515) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Korçe 192,728 2014-02-17 2014-02-18 2610110462014 Unspecified 1011046 PAGA PER PUNONJES ME KONTRATE JANAR. UNIVERSITETI F.S. NOLI KORCE
    Qendra Ekonomike Arsimit (0909) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Fier 1,541,080 2014-02-17 2014-02-18 1621110182014 Unspecified Q E A FIER 2111018 PAGA JANAR IRENA PRIFTI
    Komuna Voskop (1515) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Korçe 31,477 2014-02-14 2014-02-14 2625060012014 Unspecified 2506001 KOMUNA VOSKOP ND.EKONOMIKE SHTATOR,TETOR,NENTOR
    Drejtoria Arsimore Berat (0202) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Berat 1,260 2014-02-13 2014-02-14 7610110022014 Unspecified 1011002 drejt e arsimit per transportin e mesuesve
    Klubi I Futbollit Fier (0909) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Fier 574,237 2014-02-14 2014-02-14 1721110132014 Unspecified SHUMESPORTI FIER 2111013 PAGA JANAR MARSELA MANAJ