Treasury Transactions 2015-2018

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All All All 1,503,958,638,568.00 1,006,810 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Nd-ja Pastrim Gjelbrimit (1515) NDERMARJA UJESJELLES KANALIZIME Korçe 85,689 2018-12-26 2018-12-28 42221220062018 Uje 2122006 NDERMARJA E SHERBIMIT PUBLIK KORCE PAGESE UJI NENTOR NR KLIENTI 752987 FAT 4535738,752808 FAT 4541929,752391 FAT 4525082,750429 FAT4541968,750033 FAT 4535711,750568,4541971,751323 FAT 4535980,751476 FAT 4528420 751544 FAT 4541986
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Korce (1515) SOTIRAQ PLASARI Korçe 817,200 2018-12-26 2018-12-28 33210160292018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e mjeteve te transportit 1016029-DREJ.VEND. POLICISE KO,SHP.MIRMB. MJ.TRANSP,U.P.623 DT 19.04.2018,VEND.DT 07.06.2018,NJOFT.FIT. DT 18 06.2018,KONTR NR.1232 DT 25.06.2018,RAP.PERMBL DT 07.06.18,SHP.BUL.DT 07.05.18,FAT.NR.403-406,410-413,416-420 DT 05-08.12.2018
    ISHSH Rajonal Korce (1515) BANKA CREDINS Korçe 91,400 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 8810131152018 Udhetim i brendshem 1013115 ISHSH KORCE DIETA SHERBIMI MUAJI DHJETOR 2018(INSPEKTIME NE ELBASAN) SIPAS LISTPAGESES
    Bashkia Korce (1515) GJERGJI JANO (L34203003V) Korçe 400,000 2018-12-26 2018-12-28 125321220012018 Shpenzime per ekzekutim te vendimeve gjyqesore per largim nga puna BASHKIA KORCE (2122001) PAGESE VENDIM GJYQI NDAJ L.SPAHO, VENDIM NR.1899 DT 02.11.2015, SHK.PERMB.NR.1292 PROT DT 15.06.2017, GJ.AUDITI NR.2831 DT 14.05.2018, URDHER NR.741 DT 14.11.2018,UB 35030
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Korce (1515) KOTE - KO SHPK Korçe 11,780 2018-12-26 2018-12-28 33010160292018 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat 1016029-DREJTORIA VENDORE E POLICISE KORCE, FURNIZIME ME USHQIM DHJETOR 2018, U.P NR.27 I FT. PER OF. DT 26.09.2018, P.V LLOG. FOND LIMIT DT 25.09.2018,P.V DT 28.09.2018,FAT. NR.405 DT 24.12.2018,U.B 35055 DT 26.12.2018
    Qendra Ekonomike Kultures (1515) VASKE GAQI Korçe 30,000 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 31621220072018 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2122007 QENDRA E ARTIT DHE KULTURES KORCE, SHPEN. PER TE TJERA MAT. E SHERB.OP PROJ 'KONCERT FESTIV' ,U.P NR.66 I FT. PER OF. DT 06.12.2018,P.V DT 10/12/14.12.2018, FAT. NR.231 DT 14.12.2018,F.H NR.72 DT 14.12.2018,U.B 35147
    Qendra Ekonomike Kultures (1515) Shkëlqim Kurti Korçe 47,880 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 30421220072018 Shpenzime per qiramarrje per aparate dhe pajisjet teknike, makineri 2122007 QENDRA E ARTIT DHE KULTURES KORCE, MARRJE ME QERA PAJISJE ,U.P NR.56 I FT. PER OF. DT 06.11.2018,P.V DT 06/09.11.2018 FAT. NR.257 DT 09.11.2018,U.B 35134
    Nd-ja Pastrim Gjelbrimit (1515) Selvije Abasllari Korçe 287,760 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 44921220062018 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e mjeteve te transportit 2122006 NDERMARJA E SHERBIMIT PUBLIK KORCE RIPARIM MJETI UP NR.78 DT.22.11.2018,FTESE PER OFERTE DT.22.11.2018,PVVO DT.26.11.2018,FAT NR.14 DT.01.12.2018,FH NR.113 DT.04.12.2018,PRINTIME SISTEMI,UB NR.35107 DT.27.12.2018
    Qarku Korçe (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 63,750 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 29020150012018 Shpenzime kompesimi per anetaret e parlamentit dhe zyrtare te tjera te zgjedhur 2015001 KESHILLI I QARKUT KORCE PAGESE KESHILLTARE MUAJI NENTOR 2018 SIPAS LISTPAGESES
    Qendra Ekonomike Kultures (1515) Selvije Abasllari Korçe 49,800 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 32021220072018 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2122007 QENDRA E ARTIT DHE KULTURES KORCE, SHPEN. PER TE TJERA MAT. E SHERB.OP ,U.P NR.64 I FT. PER OF. DT 06.12.2018,P.V DT 06.12.2018 DHE 10.12.2018, FAT. NR.26 DT 10.12.2018,F.H NR.67 DT 10.12.2018,U.B 35151
    Universiteti Korce (1515) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Korçe 1,557,500 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 37310110462018 Bursa 1011046 UNIVERSITETI FAN.S.NOLI KORCE BURSA VITI II DHE III TETOR-DHJETOR 2018;VENDIM BORDI NR.775 DT.26.12.2018;PVERBAL;RELACION DT.20.12.2018; SIPAS LISTPAGESES
    Nd-ja Pastrim Gjelbrimit (1515) OPERATORI I SHPERNDARJES SE ENERGJISE ELEKTRIKE Korçe 84,078 2018-12-26 2018-12-28 43921220062018 Elektricitet 2122006 NDERMARJA E SHERBIMIT PUBLIK KORCE LIDHJE LINJE E RE URDHER NR.1195 DT.26.12.2018,PREVENTIV NR.876342,1227103,1227053,DT.08-12.11.2018,LIK FAT NR.85,93 DT.23.11.2018
    Bashkia Korce (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 433,290 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 127021220012018 Udhetim i brendshem BASHKIA KORCE (2122001) DIETA SHTATOR DHJETOR 2018 SIPAS LISTE PAGESES
    Drejtoria Mbeshtetese e Arsimit Bashkia Korce (1515) OPERATORI I SHPERNDARJES SE ENERGJISE ELEKTRIKE Korçe 29,898 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 50921220172018 Elektricitet 2122017 N SH M A C KORCE ENERGJI NJ ADMINISTRATIVE NENTOR 2018, NR.KONTRATE B 47853 B 47891 DT 23.11.18 B 47867 B 47854 DT 24.11.18 B 47955 DT 25.11.18 B 50726 DT 26.11.18 B 47851 DT 27.11.18 B 47860 F 113958 DT 30.11.18
    Bashkia Korce (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 41,370 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 130521220012018 Udhetim jashte shtetit BASHKIA KORCE (2122001) DIETA JASHTE VENDIT TETOR NENTOR 2018 SIPAS LISTE PAGESES
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) "MORAVA - L" Korçe 685,000 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 70521680012018 Materiale per pastrim, dezinfektim, ngrohje dhe ndriçim 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ DRU ZJARRI U.PROKURIMI NR.73 DT.24.08.2018;PVERBAL DT.13;17;26.09.2018;RAP.PERMB,MIRATIM TENDERI DT.26.09.2018;KONTRATE NR.3900 DT.15.10.2018;FAT.NR.207 DT.06.12.2018;FH.NR.92 DT.06.12.2018;UB 34371
    Bashkia Korce (1515) INTESA SANPAOLO BANK ALBANIA Korçe 12,000 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 130921220012018 Ndihme ekonomike BASHKIA KORCE (2122001) PAGESE SHPERBLIM NDIHME EKONOMIKE 6 PERQIND E FONDIT TE KUSTEZUAR SIPAS VKM NR.754 DT 19.12.2018, SIPAS LISTE PAGESES
    Drejtoria Mbeshtetese e Arsimit Bashkia Korce (1515) INTESA SANPAOLO BANK ALBANIA Korçe 376,000 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 51721220172018 Bursa 2122017 N SH M A C KORCE BURSA PER NXENESIT E DALLUAR PEERIUDHA 15 SHTATOR 2018 DERI 20 NENTOR 2018 URDHER I BRENDSHEM NR 42 DT 27.12.2018 SIPAS LISTPAGESES
    Bashkia Korce (1515) KORSEL SHPK Korçe 413,662 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 128121220012018 Sherbime te pastrimit dhe gjelberimit BASHKIA KORCE (2122001) MIREMBAJTJE VARREZASH PUBLIKE DHE TE DESHMOREVE U.P NR.19 DT 29.05.2018,MIRATIM PROC.RAP.PERMB.FORM.NJOFTIM FITUESI DT 29.06.2018, KONTRATE DT 13.07.2018, FAT.NR.103 DT 02.11.2018, BULETIN NR.22,27,29 UB 33737
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) BANKA CREDINS Korçe 72,250 2018-12-27 2018-12-28 70921680012018 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ PAGESE ANTARET E KOMISIONIT,EKSPERTE TEK KOMISIONI I PRANIMIT E NGRITJES NE DETYRE SIPAS LISTPAGESES;URDHER TITULLARI NR.563;565 DT.07.12.2018