Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All UJESJELLSI FIER All 198,731,405.00 1,919 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Bashkia Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 7,440 2022-01-24 2022-01-25 5521110012022 Uje BASHKIA FIER FAT 3048/2022 DT 10/01/2022
    Bashkia Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 7,620 2022-01-24 2022-01-25 5921110012022 Uje BASHKIA FIER AGROOPTIKA SPORTELI I FERMEREVE FAT 33817/2022 DT 10/01/2022
    Qendra Ekonomike Arsimit (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 248,543 2022-01-24 2022-01-25 1521110182022 Uje Q E A Fier 2111018, kontrata 8200002,5,6,10,13,15,18,19,20,21,22,23,25,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,8920084,85,86,87,89,90,91,92,93,94,101,102,103,104,105,108,8920110,8920113,8920157,8920166,8920167,8920168,8240028,8240029,8240033,8240091
    Qendra Ekonomike Arsimit (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 240 2022-01-24 2022-01-25 1621110182022 Uje Q E A Fier 2111018, kopeshti lagj "15 Tetori",fature 18133
    Qendra Ekonomike Arsimit (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 3,840 2022-01-24 2022-01-25 1721110182022 Uje Q E A Fier 2111018,çerdhe nr 2,fature 35436/2022
    Bashkia Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 240 2022-01-24 2022-01-25 5721110012022 Uje BASHKIA FIER FAT 18194/2022 DT 10/01/2022
    Qendra Ekonomike Arsimit (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 343,099 2022-01-24 2022-01-25 1421110182022 Uje Q E A Fier 2111018, kontrata 8290014,17,18,19,8900044,8910040,8910042,8920001,8920005,8920007,8920008,892009,8920010,8920011,8920012,8920013,8920014,8920015,8920016,8920020,8920021,8920022,8920027,8920116,8920117,8920158,8920160
    Drejtoria Rajonale Tatimore Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 29,760 2022-01-21 2022-01-24 1410100492022 Uje DHJETOR 2021 TATIMET FIER Kl 8910016 FAT 16215/2022 DT 10/01/202
    Qarku Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 15,000 2022-01-21 2022-01-24 920490012022 Uje Qarku Fier 2049001 klienti 890070 Dhjetor 2021 fat.10694/2022
    Gjykata e rrethit Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 4,560 2022-01-21 2022-01-24 910290172022 Uje DHJETOR 2021 GJYKATA FIER FAT 33892/2022 DT 10/01/2022
    Q.Form. Profes. Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 8,063 2022-01-20 2022-01-21 510102242022 Uje DROFPP Fier 1010224 nr fature 7299/2022
    Ndermarrja e Sherbimeve Publike Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 4,520 2022-01-20 2022-01-21 721110062022 Uje DHJETOR 2021 ND. E SHERBIMRVE PUBLIKE FIER KL 8900005
    Prokuroria e rrethit Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 4,668 2022-01-20 2022-01-21 1110280082022 Uje Prokuroria Fier 1028008 fature nr 2882/2022
    Drejtoria Arsimore Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 2,159 2022-01-19 2022-01-20 1410110092022 Uje DHJETOR 2021 ZYRA VENDORE ARSIMORE FIER KL 8900016 FAT 1075/2022
    Drejtoria Rajonale Mjedisit Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 1,200 2022-01-18 2022-01-19 1510260692022 Uje Agjensia Rajonale e Mjedisit Fier 1026069 nderim emri kontrate ,fature nr 35405/2022
    Institucioni i Ekzekutimit te vendimeve Penale IEVP (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 2,499,954 2022-01-17 2022-01-18 710141052022 Uje IEVP Fier 1014105 klienti 8920060 Dhjetor 2021 fat.24268/2022
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 39,944 2022-01-17 2022-01-18 1910160272022 Uje Drejt Ven.e Policise Fier 1016027 fature nr 6566/2022
    Dega e Kujdesit Paresor Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 240 2022-01-17 2022-01-18 710130072022 Uje Njesia Vendore e Kujdesit Shendetsor Fier 1013007 fatura nr 5008/2022
    Bordi i Kullimit Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 1,126 2022-01-17 2022-01-18 810050702022 Posta dhe sherbimi korrier DHJETOR 2021 DREJT E UJITJES DHE KULLIMIT FIER KL 8900004 FAT 24265 DT 10/01/2021
    Drejtoria Rajonale AKU Fier (0909) UJESJELLSI FIER Fier 15,000 2022-01-14 2022-01-17 510051232022 Uje AKU Fier 1005123 fature nr 16132/2022