Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha All 93,128,202.00 1,363 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Gjykata e rrethit Diber (0606) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Diber 948 2024-08-15 2024-08-16 14810290142024 Uje 2024, Gjykata Diber, 1029014, uje Korrik 2024 fature nr 188753 dt 02.08.2024
    Gjykata e rrethit Diber (0606) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Diber 1,920 2024-08-15 2024-08-16 14710290142024 Uje 2024, Gjykata Diber, 1029014, uje Korrik 2024 fature nr 179894 dt 02.08.2024
    Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Emergjencave Civile/Rezervat e Shtetit (3535) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Tirane 257 2024-08-14 2024-08-15 23610171392024 Uje 1017139-Em.Civ/Rez.Shtetit 2024 Uje korrik 2024 Ft 194079 dt 2.8.2024
    Drejtoria e Mbikqyrjes se Sherbimit te Proves (3535) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Tirane 618 2024-08-14 2024-08-15 44110141002024 Uje 1014100 Drej Pergj Sherb Prv 2024 , Lik uje, ft nr 180089 dt 2.8.2024
    Sp. Bulqize (0603) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Bulqize 62,846 2024-08-13 2024-08-14 24610130652024 Uje Dr.Sh. Spitalor Bulqize (1013065) likujdim uje i pijshem korrik 2024 fatura nr.196796 dt.02.08.2024.
    Bashkia Bulqize (0603) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Bulqize 306,095 2024-08-13 2024-08-14 50821030012024 Uje Bashkia Bulqize (2103001) likujdim  faturat e ujit te pishem per muajin korrik 2024.
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Diber (0606) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Diber 12,468 2024-08-13 2024-08-14 20510160242024 Uje 2024, Policia Diber, 1016024, uje Korrik 2024 fature nr 188760 dt 02.08.2024
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Diber (0606) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Diber 11,328 2024-08-13 2024-08-14 20410160242024 Uje 2024, Policia Diber, 1016024, uje Korrik 2024 fature nr 179897 dt 02.08.2024
    Drejtoria Vendore e Policise Diber (0606) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Diber 24,850 2024-08-13 2024-08-14 20610160242024 Uje 2024, Policia Diber, 1016024, uje Korrik 2024 fature nr 196798 dt 02.08.2024
    Drejtori Rajonale AKPA Diber (0606) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Diber 3,189 2024-08-13 2024-08-14 26310121162024 Uje 2024, AKPA Diber, 1012116, uje Korrik 2024 fatura dt 02.08.2024
    Agjencia Kombëtare e Zonave të Mbrojtura(3535)) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Tirane 1,140 2024-08-13 2024-08-14 29010260872024 Uje 1026087 AKZM 2024 - lik uje , tab. fat permbledhese korrik 2024
    Komuna Klos (0625) / Bashkia Klos (0625) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Mat 1,632 2024-08-13 2024-08-14 90826540012024 Uje Bashkia Klos (2654001) Lik.Uji per muajin Korrik 2024.Kont SC 01624.Shkolla Ibrahim Tema. Nr fat.184802 dt.02.08.2024.
    Komuna Klos (0625) / Bashkia Klos (0625) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Mat 1,296 2024-08-13 2024-08-14 90926540012024 Uje Bashkia Klos (2654001) Lik.Uji per muajin Korrik 2024.Kont SC 01798.Nj.Adm.Suc. Nr fat.184806 dt.02.08.2024.
    Komuna Klos (0625) / Bashkia Klos (0625) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Mat 3,690 2024-08-13 2024-08-14 91126540012024 Uje Bashkia Klos (2654001) Lik.Uji per muajin Korrik 2024.Kont SC 01981.Shkolla Kujtim. Nr fat.184809 dt.02.08.2024.
    Komuna Klos (0625) / Bashkia Klos (0625) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Mat 10,620 2024-08-13 2024-08-14 91026540012024 Uje Bashkia Klos (2654001) Lik.Uji per muajin Korrik 2024.Kont SC 01882.Shkolla Suc. Nr fat.184812 dt.02.08.2024.
    Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Ujesjelles Kanalizimeve (3535) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Tirane 366,248 2024-08-08 2024-08-14 24710060472024 Subvencione per diference cmimi per furnizimin me uje te pijshem 1006047 AKUK, Shperndarje subv, udhezim nr.2 dt.26.03.2024, shkrese pe pag nr.1865 dt.28.06.2024, vendim kesh mbik nr.6 dt.29.05.2024, liste e perfituesve maj 2024
    Shkolla "Nazmi Rushiti"Diber (0606) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Diber 4,800 2024-08-12 2024-08-13 8610121402024 Uje 2024, Shkolla e Mesme, 1012140, uje fature nr 179905 dt 02.08.2024 Korrik 2024
    Komuna Klos (0625) / Bashkia Klos (0625) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Mat 120 2024-08-12 2024-08-13 89526540012024 Uje Bashkia Klos (2654001) Lik.uje i pijshem per muajin Korrik 2024.Kontrate GU 02445 Kopshti shulbater Nr fat 184801 dt.02.08.2024
    Komuna Klos (0625) / Bashkia Klos (0625) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Mat 498 2024-08-12 2024-08-13 90126540012024 Uje Bashkia Klos (2654001) Lik. Uje korrik 2024 Fat. tat. nr 194310 dt 02.08.2024 Kont. KL 02481
    Komuna Klos (0625) / Bashkia Klos (0625) Shoqeria Rajonale Ujesjelles Kanalizime Diber Sha Mat 330 2024-08-12 2024-08-13 89926540012024 Elektricitet Bashkia Klos (2654001) Lik. Uje korrik 2024 Fat. tat. nr 194316 dt 02.08.2024 Kont. GU 02490