Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All GECI All 6,065,203,173.00 916 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Komisioneri per Mbrojtjen e te Dhenave Personale (3535) GECI Tirane 53,382 2022-12-23 2022-12-27 25410890012022 Sherbime te tjera 1089001 KMDIM, lik sherbim mirembajte te sistemitfat nr 5/22 dt 20.12.2022 up nr 3 dtt 28.01.2022 njfit nr 02.02.2022 kontr nr 181/5 dt 07.02.2022
    Aparati i Ministrise se Arsimit, Sportit dhe Rinise (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise Arsimit e Shkences (3535) GECI Tirane 39,900 2022-12-16 2022-12-23 70610110012022 Shpenzime per pjesmarrje ne konferenca MAS, Kongresi sfidat e arsimit (akomodim te ftuar), urdh nr 529 dt 09/09/2022 prot 5827 diference fat nr 1915/2022 dt 14/9/2022, fat nr 1912,1904/2022 dt.13/09/2022 sistemi elektronik 385
    Autoriteti Rrugor Shqiptar (3535) GECI Tirane 135,435 2022-12-21 2022-12-23 156610060542022 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te rrugeve 1006054 ARRSH " Tvsh Lot-1 Kontrata A (Projekti I Bankes Boterore) Shkresa Nr.11023 dt 17.11.2022 Likujdim Sit 60/1Faturat te tabela bashkelidhur shkrese per pagese, Kontrata ne vazhdim RRMSP/CW/2015/1 dt 23.01.2017
    Autoriteti Rrugor Shqiptar (3535) GECI Tirane 51,506 2022-12-20 2022-12-23 156010060542022 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te rrugeve 1006054 ARRSH TVSH e TD Lot-1 Kontrata A (Projekti I Bankes Boterore) Shkresa Nr.10289 dt 27.10.2022 Sit 56/1 Fat nr 14/2021 dt 09.03.2021Kontrata ne vazhdim RRMSP/CW/2015/1 dt 23.01.2017 Marreveshja Fin
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GECI Tirane 7,902,000 2022-12-20 2022-12-23 513621010012022 Shpenzime per pritje e percjellje 2101001 Bashkia Tirane shpenz pritje percj 'Forumi Rinise TR' Urdher 32606/2 dt18.10.22 rap perm32606/3 dt.21.10.22 akt marrv 32606/4 dt.21.10.22 pv dt.27.10.22 fat nr 2486/22 dt.31.10.22 urdh 32606/5 dt.04.11.22
    Autoriteti Rrugor Shqiptar (3535) GECI Tirane 3,323,237 2022-12-21 2022-12-23 156410060542022 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te rrugeve 1006054 ARRSH " Tvsh Lot-1 Kontrata A (Projekti I Bankes Boterore) Shkresa Nr.10956 dt 17.11.2022, Likujduar Sit 58/1 Faturat te tabela bashkelidhur shkreses, Kontrata ne vazhdim RRMSP/CW/2015/1 dt 23.01.2017 Marreveshja Fin
    Autoriteti Rrugor Shqiptar (3535) GECI Tirane 4,998,471 2022-12-20 2022-12-22 154810060542022 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te rrugeve 1006054 ARRSH TVSH e TD Lot-1 Kontrata A (Projekti I Bankes Boterore) Shkresa Nr.6515/3 dt 08.06.2022 Sit 62 Fat nr 30/2022 dt 22.04.2022 Kontrata ne vazhdim RRMSP/CW/2015/1 dt 23.01.2017 Marreveshja Fin
    Autoriteti Rrugor Shqiptar (3535) GECI Tirane 379,611 2022-12-20 2022-12-22 155810060542022 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te rrugeve 1006054 ARRSH TVSH e TD Lot-1 Kontrata A (Projekti I Bankes Boterore) Shkresa Nr.9130/3 dt 21.09.2022 Sit 63 Fat nr 58/2022 dt 10.08.2022 Kontrata ne vazhdim RRMSP/CW/2015/1 dt 23.01.2017 Marreveshja Financiare 8489-
    Autoriteti Rrugor Shqiptar (3535) GECI Tirane 17,860,708 2022-12-20 2022-12-22 154610060542022 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te rrugeve 1006054 ARRSH TVSH e TD Lot-1 Kontrata A (Projekti I Bankes Boterore) Shkresa Nr.4523/3 dt 07.04.2022 Dif Sit 61 Fat nr 21/2022 dt 22.03.2022 Kontrata ne vazhdim RRMSP/CW/2015/1 dt 23.01.2017 Marreveshja Fin
    Autoriteti Rrugor Shqiptar (3535) GECI Tirane 16,092,566 2022-12-16 2022-12-22 147310060542022 Garanci te vitit vazhdim per sipermarje punimesh (2011 - Te Hyra) 1006054 ARRSH Kontrata A "Mirembajtje me performance e akseve kryesore te Rajonit Verior, Shkresa nr. 11634/1 dt 15.12.2022, fat nr. 79/2022 dt 06.12.2022, Sit nr. 5 Nentor 2022, Kontrata nr.3257/23 date 09.06.2022.
    Universiteti i Tiranes, fakulteti Histori Filologji (3535) GECI Tirane 162,000 2022-12-17 2022-12-21 30210111382022 Shpenzime per pjesmarrje ne konferenca Fakulteti.Histori.Filologji 2022 shp qeraje up 22.11.22 ft of 23.11.22 nj fit 23.11.22 ft 8.12.2022 nr 110
    Qendra e parandalimit të Krimeve të të Miturve dhe të rinjve (3535) GECI Tirane 42,960 2022-12-15 2022-12-20 11110141302022 Shpenzime per qiramarrje ambjentesh 1014130 QPKMR shpenz qera ambjenti urdher nr 72 date 30.11.2022 fat nr 2889/2022 date 14.12.2022
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GECI Tirane 420,000 2022-11-09 2022-12-15 430421010012022 Shpenzime per pritje e percjellje 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Lik pritj perc kafe Forum urb faber pvkt 12.10.22 pvkv 12.10.22 rp 35813/2 dt 12.10.22 akt marv 35813/3 dt 12.10.22 pvmd 14.10.22 urdh 35813/4 dt 27.10.22 fat 2379/2022 dt 18.10.22
    Kuvendi Popullor (3535) GECI Tirane 32,383 2022-12-09 2022-12-13 104610020012022 Shpenzime per pritje e percjellje Kuvendi i Shqiperise 2022-602-shp fjetje, kerk 3075/2,dt 16.09.2022, prog 3074/5,dt 20.09.2022, realz 3075/4,dt 05.10.2022, ft nr 1985,dt 20.09.2022,diference
    Reparti Ushtarak Nr.2001 Durres (0707) GECI Durres 81,987 2022-12-09 2022-12-12 73010170312022 Shpenzime per pritje e percjellje AKOMODIM FAT 2577/2022 DT 10.11.2022 /REPARTI USHTARAK 2001/1017031/ TDO 0707
    Aparati i Akademise (3535) GECI Tirane 7,944 2022-12-06 2022-12-09 57410220012022 Shpenzime per pritje e percjellje 1022001 Akademia e Shkencave, lik shpenz pritje dhe akomd , VKM nr.243 dt 15.5.95 , ft nr.2693/2022 dt 23.11.22 , kerkesa nr.764 dt 15.11.22
    Reparti Ushtarak Nr.2001 Durres (0707) GECI Durres 43,551 2022-12-06 2022-12-07 69010170312022 Shpenzime per pritje e percjellje AKOMODIM FAT 2595 DT 11.11.22 /REPARTI USHTARAK 2001/1017031/ TDO 0707
    Inspektoriati Qendror (3535) GECI Tirane 24,375 2022-11-23 2022-11-30 13910870112022 Shpenzime per pritje e percjellje 1087011 I Qendror, 602- lik shp pritje percjellje prog nr 440 dt 19.10.2022 ur pag 440/1 dt 26.10.2022 ft nr 2389/2022 dt 20.10.2022 vkm nr 243 dt 15.05.1995
    Aparati i Ministrise se Arsimit, Sportit dhe Rinise (3535)/ish Aparati Ministrise Arsimit e Shkences (3535) GECI Tirane 176,266 2022-11-18 2022-11-24 63310110012022 Shpenzime per pjesmarrje ne konferenca MAS, Kongresi Sfidat e Arsimit, Akomodim te ftuar, urdh min nr 529 dt 09/09/2022 prot 5827, fat nr 1912/2022 dt.13/09/2022 sistemi elektronik 385
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GECI Tirane 32,400 2022-11-09 2022-11-24 431121010012022 Shpenzime per pritje e percjellje 2101001 Bashkia Tirane pritje percjellje akomodim hotel ndaj deleg te huaja PV kom test 07.10.22 PV 07.10.22 rap permb 35150/2 dt 07.10.22 akt marr 35150/3 dt 07.10.22 PV drz 12.10.22 fat 2314/2022 dt 13.10.22 urdh 35150/5 dt.12.10.2022