Treasury Transactions 2019-2024

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All Tirana Bus All 63,187,891.00 59 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Agjencia e Rinise (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 661,200 2024-01-18 2024-01-19 821018242024 Te tjera subvencione per te mbuluar humbjet sipas perfituesve 2101824 AGJENS RINISE 2024, subvencion per abone studenti, VKB nr.98 dt 15.09.23, kontrate nr 923/4 dt 2.10.2023 ft nr.20/2024 dt 9.1.2024 rakordim nr 35 dt 17.1.24
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 1,518,245 2024-01-11 2024-01-17 652821010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Subvenc transp Linja 8Dhjetor 23 Subvenc per sherbim transportin qytetas VKB vzhd 177 24.12.2021 Shkresa nr 480 5.1.2024
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 288,720 2023-12-27 2024-01-04 627821010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Rimburs i kostos se shpernd se bilet mujor ne transp qyet VKB ne vzdh 39 dt19.4.23Sipas shkrs 44694 dt 22.12.2023 Rap perf per abonen Dhjetor 2023 Scan dok tek USH 6272 dt 27.12.23 Fat659 dt 11.12.2023
    Agjencia e Rinise (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 832,800 2023-12-26 2023-12-28 17821018232023 Te tjera subvencione per te mbuluar humbjet sipas perfituesve 2101824-Agjensia e Rinise 2023-603 subvencion per abone studenti, kontrate nr 923/5 dt 2.10.2023 VKB 98, dt 15.09.23, rakordim nr 1071 dt 115.12.2023, ft 647/2023 dt 7.12.2023
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 1,557,342 2023-12-18 2023-12-26 594821010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Subvencion Transp Linja 8 Nentor 2023 VKB ne vzhd 177 dt 24.12.21 Shkresa nr 2921/7 dt 14.12.2023
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 1,512,378 2023-12-18 2023-12-21 593821010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Subvencionim transport Linja 8 Tetor 2023 VKB vzhd 177 24.12.2021 Shkresa 2921/6 14.12.2023
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 302,160 2023-11-30 2023-12-05 553721010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Rimburs i kostos se shpernd se biletave mujor ne transp qytetes VKB vzhd 39 dt 19.4.23 Sipas shkreses 16452/8 dt 22.11.23 Rap perf per abonen Nentor 2023 Scan ush 5530 dt 25.11.23 Fat 573/2023 dt 13.11.23
    Agjencia e Rinise (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 892,800 2023-11-22 2023-11-23 15721018232023 Te tjera subvencione per te mbuluar humbjet sipas perfituesve 2101824-Agjensia e Rinise 2023- subvencion per abone studenti, VKB nr.98 dt 15.09.23, rakordim 1017, dt 17.11.2023, ft nr.561/2023 dt 7.11.2023
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 1,445,827 2023-11-08 2023-11-15 517821010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Subvencionim transp linja 8 Shtator 2023 VKB ne vzhd 177 dt 24.12.2021
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 238,560 2023-10-26 2023-11-01 499621010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Rimburs kosto shpernd bileta mujore transp qytetas VKB vzhd 39 19.4.23 sipas shkres 16452/7 25.10.23 raport perf per abone maji Tetor 2023 Skan ush4990 26.10.2023 Fature 501/2023 10.10.2023
    Agjencia e Rinise (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 580,800 2023-10-24 2023-10-25 13721018232023 Te tjera subvencione per te mbuluar humbjet sipas perfituesve 2101824-Agjensia e Rinise 2023-603 subvencion per abone studenti, VKB 98, dt 15.09.23, rakordim 951, dt 10.10.2023, ft 485, dt 06.10.2023
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 113,760 2023-09-26 2023-09-29 432621010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Rimb kost shpern bilet muj trans qyt VKB vzh39 d19.4.23 Sps shk16452/6 21.9.23 Rap perf per abone shtator 2023 skn ush4319 26.9.23 fat 451/2023 25.9.23
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 1,708,760 2023-09-22 2023-09-26 426421010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane lik subv transp gusht 2023 vkb vzhd 177 24.12.21 sipas shkres 2921/5 18.09.2023 skn ush4262 22.9.23
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 1,756,878 2023-08-30 2023-09-08 384221010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane,Likujdim Subvencionim TransportiKorrik 2023VKB nr 177 dt 24.12.2021Urdh Kryet nr 24080/1 dt 30.06.2023 skan ush nr 3835/2023Sipas Shkeses 2921/4 dt 28.08.2023 skan ush nr 3835/2023
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 95,880 2023-08-24 2023-08-28 371121010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Rimb shpend biletave ne transp qytetas VKB nr 39 dt 19.04.2023 ne vzhd Sipas shkreses nr 16452/5 dt 22.08.2023 Fat nr 364/2023 dt 10.08.2023 Raport Perfundimt per Abonen e Gusht 2023
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 2,033,783 2023-08-22 2023-08-25 367721010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane, Likujdim Subvencionim Transporti Qershor 2023 VKB nr 177 dt 24.12.2021 Te skan me ush nr 576/2022 Urdh Kryet nr 20555/1 dt 31.05.2023 Sipas shkreses nr 26801 dt 25.07.2023
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 104,480 2023-07-21 2023-07-26 307321010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane,Rimburi I shpernd te biletaveMujor ne transportin qytetesVKB nr 39 dt 19.04.2023 ne vzhdSipas shkreses nr 16452/4 dt 19.07.2023Fat nr 306/2023 dt 11.07.2023Raport Perfundimt per Abonen e Korrik 2023
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 2,086,444 2023-07-06 2023-07-10 273021010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane,Likujdim Subvencionim TransportiVKB nr 177 dt 24.12.2021 Sipas shkreses nr 24083 dt 30.06.2023 Uk ne vazhd 12245/1 dt 31.03.23 Maj 2023 skanime ush 576/2022
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 256,800 2023-07-06 2023-07-10 270921010012023 Subvencione per diference cmimi per transportin urban te autobuzave 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Rimburi I shpernd te biletave ne transportin qytete VKB nr 39 dt 19.04.2023 ne vzhd Sipas shkreses nr 16452/3 dt 23.06.2023 Fat nr 257/2023 dt 09.06.2023 skan ush nr 2702/2023
    Agjencia e Rinise (3535) Tirana Bus Tirane 736,200 2023-06-19 2023-06-20 10021018232023 Te tjera subvencione per te mbuluar humbjet sipas perfituesve 2101824-Agjensia e Rinise 2023-603 subvencion per abone studenti, VKB 101,dt 19.10.22, rakordim 456, dt 13.06.2023, ft 253, dt 07.06.2023