Treasury Transactions 2019-2024

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k All 486,075,268.00 151 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Tirane 12,169,440 2022-02-14 2022-02-16 25921010012022 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2101001 Bashkia Tirane sherb te integr per god e BT kontr vazhd nr 12178/1 dt.10.04.20 pv dt 15.12.21 rap 190/11 dt15.12.21 per 10.11.21-10.12.21 fat nr 2136/21 dt.15.12.21
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Tirane 12,169,440 2021-12-23 2021-12-30 491821010012021 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2101001 Bashkia Tirane liksherb sigurie per god ne BT kontr vazhd nr 12178/1 dt.10.04.20 pv dt.15.11.2021 rap sherb nr 190/11 dt.15.11.2021 fat nr 1684/2021 dt. 15.11.2021
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Tirane 12,131,880 2021-11-03 2021-11-08 386021010012021 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2101001 Bashkia Tirane sherb te integr sig god ne inst arsimor&inst te tj BT kontr vazhd nr12178/1 dt.10.04.20 PV 16.10.2021 fat 1139/2021 dt 15.10.21 rap 10.09.2021 deri 10.10.2021
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Mat (0625) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Mat 24,000 2021-10-18 2021-10-20 13910130372021 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes NJVKSH(1013037)Lik.Sherb. te sig. dhe ruajtjes muaji Shtator 2021 Fat.Tat.Nr.653/2021 Dt.30.09.2021 Kont.Sherb.Nr.644 Prot.Dt.02.10.2020 Urdh.Prok.Nr.02 Dt.22.09.2020 Kerkese Nr.02. Dt.25.09.2020 Ftese per oferte Nr.616 Dt.22.09.2020
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Tirane 12,131,880 2021-10-11 2021-10-12 330021010012021 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2101001 Bashkia Tirane sherb te integr sig god ne inst arsimor&inst te tj BT kontr vazhd nr12178/1 dt.10.04.20 PV 16.08.2021 fatura 563/2021 dt 15.09.21 rap sherb 190/11 dt.15.09.21
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Mat (0625) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Mat 24,000 2021-09-21 2021-09-22 11810130372021 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes NJVKSH(1013037)Lik.Sherb. te sig. dhe ruajtjes muaji Gusht 2021 Fat.Tat.Nr.118/2021 Dt.02.09.2021 Kont.Sherb.Nr.644 Prot.Dt.02.10.2020 Urdh.Prok.Nr.02 Dt.22.09.2020 Kerkese Nr.02. Dt.25.09.2020 Ftese per oferte Nr.616 Dt.22.09.2020
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Tirane 12,131,880 2021-09-10 2021-09-16 297621010012021 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2101001 Bashkia Tirane sherb te integr sig god ne instc arsimor&instc te tj BT kontr vazhd nr12178/1 dt.10.04.20 fat nr121/2021 dt.13.08.21 pv dt.16.08.21 r.sherb nr190/11 dt.13.08.21 periudh 10.07.21-10.08.21
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Mat (0625) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Mat 24,000 2021-08-25 2021-08-27 10910130372021 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes NJVKSH(1013037)Lik. Sherb. te sig.dhe ruajtjes muaji Korrik 2021 Fat.Tat.Nr.21/2021 Dt.03.08.2021 Kont.Sherb.Nr.644 Prot.Dt.02.10.2020 Urdh.Prok.Nr.02 Dt.22.09.2020 Kerkese Nr.02. Dt.25.09.2020 Ftese per oferte Nr.616 Dt.22.09.2020
    Spitali Vlore (3737) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Vlore 409,418 2021-08-20 2021-08-23 53910130242021 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes 1013024 SPITALI VLORE ROJE PRIVATE KONT NR 2917 DT 15.07.2021 FAT NR 111 DT 09.08.2021
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Tirane 12,169,440 2021-08-16 2021-08-18 260921010012021 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2101001 Bashkia Tirane sherb te integ sig god ne instc arsimor dhe instic ne BT kontr vazhd nr.12178/1 dt.10.04.20 fat nr.53/2021 dt.15.07.2021 pv dt.15.07.21 raport sherb nr.190/11 dt.15.07.21 periudhe 10.06.21-10.07.21
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Mat (0625) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Mat 24,000 2021-07-27 2021-07-28 9810130372021 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes NJVKSH(1013037)Lik. Sherb. te sig. dhe ruajtjes muaji Qershor 2021 Fat.Tat.Nr.52/2021 Dt.02.07.2021 Kont.Sherb.Nr.644 Prot.Dt.02.10.2020 Urdh.Prok.Nr.02 Dt.22.09.2020 Kerkese Nr.02. Dt.25.09.2020 Ftese per oferte Nr.616 Dt.22.09.2020
    Spitali Vlore (3737) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Vlore 818,834 2021-07-22 2021-07-23 44910130242021 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes SHERBIM I RUAJTJES SE SIGURISE spitali rajonal 1013024, KONTR NR. 2917, DT.15.07.2020 fat 51/2021 dt 30.06.2021
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Tirane 12,207,000 2021-07-05 2021-07-07 207821010012021 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2101001 Bashkia Tirane sherb te integruar sig per godinat ne inst arsimor dhe inst e tj ne BT pv dt.15.06.21 fat elektr nr.46/2021 dt.15.06.21 rap sherb nr.190/11 dt.15.06.2021 periudha 10.05.21-10.06.21
    Spitali Vlore (3737) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Vlore 818,834 2021-06-29 2021-06-30 39910130242021 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes 1013024 SPITALI VLORE ROJE PRIVATE KONT NR 2917 DT 15.07.2020 FAT NR 42 DT 01.06.2021
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Mat (0625) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Mat 24,000 2021-06-22 2021-06-25 8410130372021 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes NJVKSH(1013037)Lik. Sherb. te sig. dhe ruajtjes muaji Maj 2021 Fat.Tat.Nr.41/2021 Dt.01.06.2021 Kont.Sherb.Nr.644 Prot.Dt.02.10.2020 Urdh.Prok.Nr.02 Dt.22.09.2020 Kerkese Nr.02. Dt.25.09.2020 Ftese per oferte Nr.616 Dt.22.09.2020
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Tirane 12,207,000 2021-06-15 2021-06-16 184021010012021 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Sherb.te integr.sig per inst.arsimor, inst.tjera BT Fat 39/2021 dt 14.05.21 pv dt.14.05.21 Rap.190/11 dt 14.05.21
    Spitali Vlore (3737) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Vlore 818,834 2021-05-21 2021-05-24 31010130242021 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes 1013024 SPITALI VLORE ROJE PRIVATE KONT NR 2917 DT 15.07.2020 FAT NR 34 DT 04.05.2021
    Bashkia Tirana (3535) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Tirane 12,207,000 2021-05-20 2021-05-21 154721010012021 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 2101001 Bashkia Tirane Lik sherbime sigurie godina, kontr vazhdim 2178/1, dt 10.4.20, proc verb 13.4.21, fat 29/2021, dt 13.4.21
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Mat (0625) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Mat 24,000 2021-05-19 2021-05-20 7010130372021 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes NJVKSH(1013037)Lik. Sherb. te sig. dhe ruajtjes muaji Prill 2021 Fat.Tat.Nr.35/2021 Dt.04.05.2021 Kont.Sherb.Nr.644 Prot.Dt.02.10.2020 Urdh.Prok.Nr.02 Dt.22.09.2020 Kerkese Nr.02. Dt.25.09.2020 Ftese per oferte Nr.616 Dt.22.09.2020
    Prokuroria e rrethit Mat (0625) GLOBAL SECURITY Sh.p.k Mat 311,653 2021-05-11 2021-05-12 3910280202021 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes Prokuroria Mat (1028020) Lik. Sherb. te sig. dhe ruajtjes fizike te godines muaji Prill 2021.Urdh.Prok.Nr.1 Dt.18.01.2019,Kontr.Nr.1 me Prot.Nr.565 Dt.10.04.2019.Fat.Tat.Nr.38/2021 Dt.10.05.2021.