Treasury Transactions

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All MEDI - TEL All 53,031,992.00 236 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Dega e Kujdesit Paresor Berat (0202) MEDI - TEL Berat 36,000 2014-12-16 2014-12-17 22110130032014 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale lik fat dhjetor 2014 materiale speciale
    Spitali Lushnje (0922) MEDI - TEL Lushnje 37,440 2014-12-11 2014-12-17 55010130222014 Sherbime te pastrimit dhe gjelberimit SPITALI LUSHNJE 1013022 SA XHIROJME PER LIK.EVADIM I MBETJEVE SPITALORE SIPAS FATURES TETOR 2014,KONTRATE NR.423 DATE 27.05.2014
    Sp. Puke (3330) MEDI - TEL Puke 93,965 2014-12-15 2014-12-16 22910130832014 Sherbime te tjera 1013083 SPITALI PUKE KODI 1013083 sherbim pastrimi fat.249 dt.11.12.2014
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Kucove (0217) MEDI - TEL Kuçove 4,500 2014-12-15 2014-12-15 31710130332014 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale shpenzime tjera drejtoria e shendetit publik kod.1013033 fat.18608617
    Spitali Fier (0909) MEDI - TEL Fier 720,504 2014-12-11 2014-12-12 79910130172014 Sherbime te tjera GRUMBULLIM DHE TRAJTIM I MBETJEVE SPITALORE FIER
    Spitali Psikiatrik Vlore (3737) MEDI - TEL Vlore 70,560 2014-12-11 2014-12-11 25910130602014 Sherbime te tjera 1013060 PSIKIATRI MBETJE SPITALORE NENTOR-DHJETOR FAT NR 203 DAT 10.12.2014
    Maternitet Nr.2T. (3535) MEDI - TEL Tirane 130,560 2014-12-11 2014-12-11 69610130882014 Sherbime te pastrimit dhe gjelberimit SUOGJ K.GLIOZHENI, trajtim mbetje kontr. ne vazhdim nr. 42/8 dt. 03.06.2014 fat. 18608529 dt. 27.11.2014 dt. 24.11.2014 fh. 11 dt. 24.11.2014
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Gramsh (0810) MEDI - TEL Gramsh 10,800 2014-12-11 2014-12-11 19810130282014 Sherbime te tjera 1013028 Sa paguar dt:04.12.2014 nga Drejtoria e shendetit Publik Gramsh
    Universiteti Politeknik (3535) MEDI - TEL Tirane 614,152 2014-12-10 2014-12-11 181410110402014 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - paisje dhe instrumente laboratorike UNIVERSITETI POLITEKNIK rimb tvsh sh 1629 1.12.2014 sh 4.12.2014 fat 7.3.2013
    Sp. Bulqize (0603) MEDI - TEL Bulqize 64,728 2014-12-09 2014-12-10 22210130652014 Sherbime te pastrimit dhe gjelberimit SPITALI BULQIZE (1013065) likujdim furnitorin MEDI-TEL per PO nr. 3935.
    Spitali Vlore (3737) MEDI - TEL Vlore 303,120 2014-12-09 2014-12-10 51210130242014 Shpenzime per mirembajtjen e objekteve specifike 1013024 SPITALI EVADIM MBETURIMEVE TE RREZIKSHME KONTRATE 1634
    Sp. Mirdite (2026) MEDI - TEL Mirdite 180,000 2014-12-05 2014-12-09 47710130792014 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale spitali mirdite mbetje spitalore det te prapamb
    Sp. Mirdite (2026) MEDI - TEL Mirdite 22,911 2014-12-05 2014-12-09 47610130792014 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale spitali mirdite mbetje spitalore det te prapamb
    Sp. Mirdite (2026) MEDI - TEL Mirdite 129,600 2014-12-05 2014-12-09 47810130792014 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale spitali mirdite mbetje spitalore det te prapamb
    Sp. Mirdite (2026) MEDI - TEL Mirdite 22,026 2014-12-05 2014-12-09 47510130792014 Materiale dhe pajisje labratorik e te sherbimit publik spitali mirdite mbetje spitalore det te prapamb
    Spitali Kukes (1818) MEDI - TEL Kukes 401,809 2014-12-06 2014-12-09 57710130202014 Sherbime te tjera 1013020 medikamente seria89410725dt27.02.2012Spitaliu Kukes
    Spitali Kukes (1818) MEDI - TEL Kukes 367,372 2014-12-06 2014-12-09 57810130202014 Sherbime te tjera 1013020 medikamente seria891410764dt27.03.2012Spitaliu Kukes
    Sp. Has (1812) MEDI - TEL Has 36,000 2014-12-09 2014-12-09 226/10130702014 Sherbime te tjera 1812 spitali has ,sa likujdojme fat 89410671 dt 14.08.2012, per sherbime te tjera,(detyrim )
    Sp. Librazhd (0821) MEDI - TEL Librazhd 114,136 2014-12-05 2014-12-05 43510130762014 Sherbime te pastrimit dhe gjelberimit SPITALI LIBRAZHD,LIKUJDIM DETYRIMI PER EVADIM MBETJE SPITALORE,FATURA NR 283 DATE 02.12.2014,KONTRATE NR 31/10DATE 25.03.2014,UB 2975 DATE 03.04.2014
    Sp. Librazhd (0821) MEDI - TEL Librazhd 160,547 2014-12-05 2014-12-05 43310130762014 Sherbime te tjera SPITALI LIBRAZHD,LIKUJDIM DETYRIMI PER EVADIM MBETJE SPITALORE,PER FATUREN NR 9595843 DATE 31.10.2013,NR 12005566 DATE 11.12.2013.