Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    Spitali Korce (1515) All All 4,383,704,164.00 4,499 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Spitali Korce (1515) BANKA KOMBETARE TREGTARE Korçe 22,710 2024-09-03 2024-09-04 53210130192024 Udhetim i brendshem 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE SHPENZIME UDHETIMI MUAJI QERSHOR 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Spitali Korce (1515) BANKA E TIRANES Korçe 21,140 2024-09-03 2024-09-04 53410130192024 Udhetim i brendshem 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE SHPENZIME UDHETIMI MUAJI QERSHOR 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Spitali Korce (1515) V.A.L.E RECYCLING Korçe 21,120 2024-09-03 2024-09-04 53010130192024 Sherbime te pastrimit dhe gjelberimit 1013019 SPITALI KORCE EVADIM I MBETJEVE SPITALORE UP NR 8 DT 06.09.2023,M.KUADER NR 1308 DT 22.08.23,MIRATIM PROC.TENDERI 1277 DT 11.08.23,NJ FIT NR 1276 DT 11.08.23,KONTRATE NR 1102 DT 29.05.2024,FAT NR 1936/2024 DT 07.08.2024
    Spitali Korce (1515) INTESA SANPAOLO BANK ALBANIA Korçe 3,500 2024-09-03 2024-09-04 53310130192024 Udhetim i brendshem 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE SHPENZIME UDHETIMI MUAJI QERSHOR 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Spitali Korce (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 179,710 2024-09-03 2024-09-04 53110130192024 Udhetim i brendshem 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE DIETA DHE SHERBIME MUAJI QERSHOR 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESE
    Spitali Korce (1515) BANKA KOMBETARE TREGTARE Korçe 3,227,623 2024-09-02 2024-09-03 51910130192024 Paga neto për punonjesit e miratuar në organikë 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE PAGA MUAJI GUSHT 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Spitali Korce (1515) INTESA SANPAOLO BANK ALBANIA Korçe 1,162,181 2024-09-02 2024-09-03 52110130192024 Paga neto për punonjesit e miratuar në organikë 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE PAGA MUAJI GUSHT 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Spitali Korce (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 30,529,199 2024-09-02 2024-09-03 51810130192024 Paga neto e punonjësve me kontratë të përkohshme mbi numrin organik 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE PAGA MUAJI GUSHT 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Spitali Korce (1515) BANKA E TIRANES Korçe 4,611,394 2024-09-02 2024-09-03 52010130192024 Paga neto e punonjësve me kontratë të përkohshme mbi numrin organik 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE PAGA MUAJI GUSHT 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Spitali Korce (1515) BANKA KOMBETARE TREGTARE Korçe 67,754 2024-09-02 2024-09-03 52710130192024 Shpenzime per honorare 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE HONORAR PER MBULIMIN E SHERBIMIT SPITALOR MUAJI GUSHT 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES ,URDHER TITULLARI NR 2938/1 DT 15.07.2021
    Spitali Korce (1515) INTESA SANPAOLO BANK ALBANIA Korçe 38,930 2024-09-02 2024-09-03 52810130192024 Shpenzime per honorare 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE HONORAR PER MBULIMIN E SHERBIMIT SPITALOR MUAJI GUSHT 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES ,URDHER TITULLARI NR 1673/3 DT 21.07.2021
    Spitali Korce (1515) BANKA CREDINS Korçe 589,870 2024-09-02 2024-09-03 52210130192024 Paga neto e punonjësve me kontratë të përkohshme mbi numrin organik 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE PAGA MUAJI GUSHT 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES
    Spitali Korce (1515) ZYRE E PERMBARIMIT PRIVAT QEVA Korçe 18,000 2024-09-02 2024-09-03 52510130192024 Paga neto për punonjesit e miratuar në organikë 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE PENSION USHQIMOR (T.QIRINXHI) MUAJI GUSHT 2024 URDHER SEKUESTRO KONSERVATIVE NR 573/1 DT 26.07.2024
    Spitali Korce (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 5,000 2024-09-02 2024-09-03 52310130192024 Paga neto për punonjesit e miratuar në organikë 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE PENSION USHQIMOR(kRISTO MATO) MUAJI GUSHT 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESE
    Spitali Korce (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 78,540 2024-09-02 2024-09-03 52610130192024 Shpenzime per honorare 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE HONORAR PER MBULIMIN E SHERBIMIT SPITALOR MUAJI GUSHT 2024 SIPAS LISTEPAGESES ,URDHER TITULLARI NR 2938/1 DT 15.07.2021
    Spitali Korce (1515) KONFEDERATA E SINDIKATAVE TE SHQIPERISE Korçe 5,000 2024-09-02 2024-09-03 52410130192024 Paga neto për punonjesit e miratuar në organikë 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE NDALESE PAGE PER SINDIKATEN MUAJI GUSHT 2024 SIPAS STATUTIT KONTARTA KOLEKTIVE E PUNES
    Spitali Korce (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 80,000 2024-08-20 2024-08-21 51710130192024 Shpenzime per situata te veshtira dhe per fatekeqesi 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE NDIHME PER RAST FATKEQESIE DHE SEMUNDJE  NGA FONDI I VECANTE SIPAS LISTEPAGESE,URDHER TITULLARI NR 54,63 DT 12.07.2024,05.08.2024
    Spitali Korce (1515) BANKA KOMBETARE TREGTARE Korçe 50,000 2024-08-20 2024-08-21 51610130192024 Shpenzime per situata te veshtira dhe per fatekeqesi 1013019 DR.SPITALORE KORCE NDIHME PER RAST SEMUNDJE  NGA FONDI I VECANTE SIPAS LISTEPAGESE,URDHER TITULLARI NR 63 DT 05.08.2024
    Spitali Korce (1515) LABORATORY NETWORKS Korçe 6,620,093 2024-08-19 2024-08-20 51510130192024 Sherbime te tjera 1013019 SPITALI KORCE SHERBIM LABORATORI,KRYERJE ANALIZA ,FAT NR 123/2024 DT 01.07.2024,KONTRATE NR 2570/25 DT 04.01.2024,UB 42555
    Spitali Korce (1515) NELSA Korçe 88,164 2024-08-15 2024-08-16 50210130192024 Furnizime dhe sherbime me ushqim per mencat 1013019 SPITALI KORCE BLERJE FRUTA PERIME UR.PR.NR.385 DT.27.09.2022,AUT.LIDHJE KONT DT.11.01.2023,KONTRATA NR.57 DT 12.01.2024 MARV.KUADER NR.176/24 DT.11.01.2023,FAT.NR 625/2024 DHE F.HYRJE NR33 DT 31.07.2024 UB 46041