Treasury Transactions 2019-2025

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    All SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA All 321,658,255.00 1,060 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Agjencia Sherbimeve Funerale (3535) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Tirane 84,468 2024-04-25 2024-04-29 5421010282024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 2101028-Agjensia e Sherbimeve Funerale 2024-shpz per sig mjeti up 80 dt 16.4.2024 njoft fit 18.4.20244 permbl ft 18.4.2024 pv 18.4.2024
    Drejtoria e shendetit publik Gramsh (0810) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Gramsh 18,770 2024-04-25 2024-04-26 5610130282024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 1013028 Fat nr.4248 date 18.04.2024
    Drejtoria e Emergjencave Civile, Mbrojtjes nga Zjarri dhe Shpetimit (3333) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Shkoder 549,820 2024-04-25 2024-04-26 2721410422024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 2141042, D.E.C.M.Z.SH , Siguracion Makinash, u prok 01 dt 18.04.2024, ftese per of 198 dt 18.04.2024, list perfund njoft fit dt 19.04.2024, fature 23868/2024 dt 22.04.2024, pvb dt 22.04.2024
    Ndermarrja e Sherbimeve Publike Fier (0909) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Fier 425,902 2024-04-23 2024-04-24 5721110062024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit SIGURACION MJETESH VITI 2024 NDERMARJA E SHERBIMEVE PUBLIKE B. FIER
    Teatri Operas dhe Baletit (3535) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Tirane 4,594 2024-04-15 2024-04-23 22310120242024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 1012024,TKOB-pagese siguaracion karton jeshil, kerkese nr 95 dt 17.02.2023, UP nr 95/1 dt 28.02.2023, fat nr 49241 dt 06.03.2023
    Bashkia Libohove (1111) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Gjirokaster 144,651 2024-04-19 2024-04-22 8121160012024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 2116001 Bashkia Libohove Gj siguracion mjetesh fat nr 1037,1038,1039,1040,1043/2024 dt 02.04.2024 up nr 254 dt 05.02.2024 kontr 254/4 prot dt 02.04.2024
    Drejtoria Rajonale Tatimore Kukes (1818) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Kukes 18,176 2024-04-19 2024-04-22 3510100582024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 1010058 - Dr.Tatimeve Kukes Shpenz Sigurimi vjetor automjete targa  AA178PX ft n.682/2024 dt.11.04.2024
    Drejtoria Rajonale Tatimore Korce (1515) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Korçe 17,464 2024-04-18 2024-04-19 3610100552024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 1010055 DREJTORIA RAJINALE TATIMORE KORCE SIGURACION I MJETIT TE TRANSPORTIT ME TARGA AA135LK, URDHER PROKURIMI.NR.03 DT.11.04.2024,PROCESVERBAL DT.15.04.2024,FAT.NR.2201/2024 DT.15.04.2024
    Spitali Psikiatrik Elbasan (0808) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Elbasan 57,381 2024-04-16 2024-04-17 7910130592024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 1013059 Sp Psikiatrik Elbasan - Paguar sigurim TPL, Urdher titullari nr 312 dt 15.04.2024. Fature nr 3986 , 3987 dt 11.04.2024. Police sigurimi nr 5908911, 5940828 dt 11.04.2024
    Ndërmarja e Pastrim, Gjelbërim dhe Mirëmbajtja Varreza (0909) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Fier 86,012 2024-04-16 2024-04-17 1321130032024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 2113003 Ndermarja e Past.Gj.Mirembaj. Mjed. Siguracione per mjetin (TIP) AB587IF+AB032HD, fatura nr.1474 11.04.2024
    Drejtoria Rajonale AKU Berat (0202) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Berat 63,084 2024-04-12 2024-04-15 5010051192024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 1005119 aku berat pagese up nr.2, dt.18.03.2024, ftesa per oferte dt.18.03.2024, pmd dt.21.03.2024, fatura nr.1079/2024,1077/2024,1075/2024, dt.08.04.2024, siguracion automjete
    Drejtoria Rajonale AKU Berat (0202) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Berat 296,000 2024-04-12 2024-04-15 4910051192024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 1005119 aku berat pagese up nr.2, dt.18.03.2024, ftesa per oferte dt.18.03.2024, pmd dt.21.03.2024, fatura nr.900/902/904 dt.21.03.2024, siguracion automjete
    Instituti I Sigurise Ushqimore dhe Veterinarise (3535) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Tirane 555,000 2024-04-12 2024-04-15 8210051112024 Shpenzime per te tjera materiale dhe sherbime operative 1005111 I.S.U.V 2024 - sigurim shendeti per punonjesit, UP nr 136 dt 20.02.24, ft of 136/1 dt 20.02.24, klasif perfund dt 23.02.24, kontr nr 136/3 dt 26.02.24, fat nr 14394 dt 07.03.24, fat nr 14396 dt 07.03.24
    Instituti I Sigurise Ushqimore dhe Veterinarise (3535) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Tirane 987,000 2024-04-12 2024-04-15 8310051112024 Shpenzime per sigurimin e ndertesave dhe te tjera kosto sigurimi te ngjashme 1005111 I.S.U.V 2024 - siguracion ndertese, UP nr 135 dt 20.02.2024, ft oferte nr 135/1 dt 20.02.24, klas perfund dt 23.02.2024, fature nr 16289 dt 20.03.2024
    Paraburgimi Vlore (3737) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Vlore 55,000 2024-04-08 2024-04-09 8310140572024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 3737 PARABURGIMI IEVP VLORE 1014057 SHPENZIME PERS SIGURACION KERKES 646 URDH PROK 945 DT 05.03.2024 FTES OF 05.03.2024 NJOFTIM FIT 06.03.2024 FAT 2951 DT 07.03.2024
    Paraburgimi Vlore (3737) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Vlore 58,450 2024-04-08 2024-04-09 8510140572024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 3737 PARABURGIMI IEVP VLORE 1014057 SHPENZIME PERS SIGURACION KERKES 646 URDH PROK 945 DT 05.03.2024 FTES OF 05.03.2024 NJOFTIM FIT 06.03.2024 FAT 2804 DT 07.03.2024
    Paraburgimi Vlore (3737) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Vlore 28,156 2024-04-08 2024-04-09 8810140572024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 3737 PARABURGIMI IEVP VLORE 1014057 SHPENZIME PERS SIGURACION KERKES 646 URDH PROK 945 DT 05.03.2024 FTES OF 05.03.2024 NJOFTIM FIT 06.03.2024 FAT 2806 dt 07.03.2024
    Paraburgimi Vlore (3737) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Vlore 17,464 2024-04-08 2024-04-09 8210140572024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 3737 PARABURGIMI IEVP VLORE 1014057 SHPENZIME PERS SIGURACION KERKES 646 URDH PROK 945 DT 05.03.2024 FTES OF 05.03.2024 NJOFTIM FIT 06.03.2024 FAT 2807 DT 07.03.2024
    Paraburgimi Vlore (3737) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Vlore 100,305 2024-04-08 2024-04-09 8410140572024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 3737 PARABURGIMI IEVP VLORE 1014057 SHPENZIME PERS SIGURACION KERKES 646 URDH PROK 945 DT 05.03.2024 FTES OF 05.03.2024 NJOFTIM FIT 06.03.2024 FAT 2817 DT 07.03.2024
    Paraburgimi Vlore (3737) SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Vlore 3,400 2024-04-08 2024-04-09 8610140572024 Shpenzimet e siguracionit te mjeteve te transportit 3737 PARABURGIMI IEVP VLORE 1014057 SHPENZIME PERS SIGURACION KERKES 646 URDH PROK 945 DT 05.03.2024 FTES OF 05.03.2024 NJOFTIM FIT 06.03.2024 FAT 2809 DT 07.03.2024