Treasury Transactions 2015-2018

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) All All 2,956,068,404.00 2,086 All => =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) GJERGJI JANO (L34203003V) Korçe 235,250 2018-08-14 2018-08-15 44121680012018 Shpenzime per ekzekutim te vendimeve gjyqesore per largim nga puna 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ LIK.VENDIM GJYQI GJ.ADMINISTRATIVE KORCE NR.57-37 DT.26.1.16;NR.52-36 DT.25.1.16(A.FEJZULLARI;T.XHONE) URDHER TITULLARI NR.188;189 DT.24.04.2018;GJURME AUDITI
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) SARK Korçe 343,800 2018-08-14 2018-08-15 44521680012018 Te tjera materiale dhe sherbime speciale 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ MATERIALE MIREMBAJTJE RRUGE,TUBO BETONI UP NR 36 DT 06.04.18 DOK SISTEMI PV DT 11;13.06.2018 RAP PERMBLEDHES,MIRATIM TENDERI DT.21.06.2018 KONTRATE NR 2493/2 DT 05.7.2018 FAT NR.63 DT 19.07.18;FH.55 DT.19.7.18;UB 33657
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) POSTA SHQIPTARE SH.A Korçe 165,673 2018-08-14 2018-08-15 44821680012018 Posta dhe sherbimi korrier 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ POSTARE MUAJI KORRIK 2018 FAT.NR.751;794;806;811 DT.31.07.2018
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 730,575 2018-08-13 2018-08-14 42921680012018 Shpenzime kompesimi per anetaret e parlamentit dhe zyrtare te tjera te zgjedhur 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ KESHILLTARE ,KRYETARET E FSHATRAVE MUAJI KORRIK 2018 SIPAS LISTPAGESES
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) Euglent Osmanaj Korçe 22,000 2018-08-13 2018-08-14 42821680012018 Shtese page per funksionin 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ NDALESE PAGE MUAJI KORRIK 2018 (A.KOLONJARI) SHKRESA DHOMES PERMBARIMORE NR.48/22 DT.09.10.2017
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 59,500 2018-08-13 2018-08-14 43221680012018 Shpenzime per qiramarrje ambjentesh 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ PAGESE QERA AMBJENTI SIPAS LISTPAGESES;URDHER TITULLARI NR.390 DT.10.07.2018;363;364;366 DT.09.11.2017;KONTRATE NR.265 DT.06.06.2018;NR.3930;3934;3864 DT.24;27;28.07.2017
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) Ujesjelles Kanalizime Maliq Korçe 163,591 2018-08-13 2018-08-14 43321680012018 Uje 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ UJE MUAJI KORRIK 2018 FAT.NR.164;165;166;167;168;169 DT.23.07.2018
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) KORSEL SHPK Korçe 575,712 2018-08-13 2018-08-14 43421680012018 Sherbime te pastrimit dhe gjelberimit 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ SITUACION PASTRIMI MUAJI QERSHOR 2018 UP NR 176 DT 01.6.17 DOK SISTEMI KONTRATE SHTESE NR.2930/1 DT 01.06.2017 FAT NR 53 DT 05.06.2018 SITUACION E P.VERBAL QERSHOR 2018 UB 31227
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) ZYRA E PERMBARIMIT - KORCE Korçe 15,000 2018-08-13 2018-08-14 42521680012018 Shtese page per funksionin 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ NDALESE PAGE MUAJI KORRIK 2018 (E.HOXHALLI) SHKRESA DHOMES PERMBARIMORE NR.263/1 DT.28.03.2018;URDHER TITULLARI NR.190 DT.24.04.2018
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) FIRST INVESTIMENT BANK - ALBANIA SH.A Korçe 6,375 2018-08-13 2018-08-14 43121680012018 Shpenzime per qiramarrje ambjentesh 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ PAGESE QERA AMBJENTI SIPAS LISTPAGESES;URDHER TITULLARI NR.365 DT.09.11.2017;KONTRATE NR.4152 DT.10.08.2017
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) ZYRA E RREGJISTRIMIT TE PASURIVE TE PALUJTSHME Korçe 31,500 2018-08-13 2018-08-14 43021680012018 Sherbime te tjera 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ PAGESE TARIFE PER NDRYSHIM PRONESIE KERKESA NR.10492;10502;10485;10496 DT.25.07.2018;URDHER TITULLARI PER LIKUIDIM NR.416;417;418 DT.09.08.2018
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) AA BAILIFF Korçe 16,000 2018-08-13 2018-08-14 42621680012018 Paga baze 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ NDALESE PAGE MUAJI KORRIK 2018 (A.SPAHO) SHKRESA DHOMES PERMBARIMORE NR.43 DT.02.06.2015
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 4,527,894 2018-08-02 2018-08-03 42321680012018 Shtese page per kualifikimin 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ PAGA MUAJI KORRIK 2018, SIPAS LISTPAGESES
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) DREJT. PERGJ. E SHERB. TRANS. RRUG. Korçe 4,000 2018-08-02 2018-08-03 42421680012018 Shpenzime te tjera transporti 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ PAGESE NDRRIM PRONESIE,CERTIFIKATE PRONESIE MJETI AA 076TU DHE PAGESE PER NDRRIM LEJE MJETI AA 224 GR SIPAS URDHER NR.411 DT 01.08.2018, FAT. NR.276865800 DT 23.07.2018 DHE 276875988 DT 26.07.2018, U. B 33841
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 9,976,307 2018-08-01 2018-08-02 42021680012018 Raporte mjeksore te paguara nga punedhenesi 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ PAGA MUAJI KORRIK 2018 SIPAS LISTE PAGESES
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 1,719,707 2018-08-01 2018-08-02 42121680012018 Paga baze 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ PAGA MUAJI KORRIK 2018 SIPAS LISTE PAGESES
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) RAIFFEISEN BANK SH.A Korçe 2,171,803 2018-08-01 2018-08-02 42221680012018 Shtese page per vjetersi ne pune 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ PAGA DHE PAGA ME KONTRATE MUAJI KORRIK 2018 SIPAS LISTE PAGESES
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) Ujesjelles Kanalizime Maliq Korçe 313,740 2018-07-26 2018-07-27 41921680012018 Uje 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ LIKUIDIM UJE DETYRIME TE VITIT 2011 BASHKIA MALIQ(QENDER);URDHER TITULLARI NR.317 DT.18.05.2018;AKT RAKORDIMI PER VITET 2010 -2015
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) LEGA SPORT Korçe 100,000 2018-07-26 2018-07-27 41721680012018 Uniforma dhe veshje te tjera speciale 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ BLERJE UNIFORMA SPORTIVE U.PROKURIMI NR.61 DT.11.07.2018;FAT.NR.11 DT.13.07.2018;FHYRJE NR.54 DT.13.07.2018;PVERBAL DT.13.07.2018;UB 33817
    Bashkia Maliq (1515) ARENA MK Korçe 36,000 2018-07-24 2018-07-25 41521680012018 Shpenz. per rritjen e AQT - konstruksione te veprave ujore 2168001 BASHKIA MALIQ MBIKQYRJE OBJEKTI NDERTIM KANALE SEKONDARE VELITERNE,ZVIRINE,PIRG;UPROK.NR.41 DT.15.3.17;FOFERTE DT.15;28.03.2017;FAT.NR.40 DT.25.10.2017;KONT.NR.1660 DT.31.03.17;PVERBAL DT.17;30.03.17;UB 33802;DOK.SISTEMI