Treasury Transactions 2019-2024

Treasury Branch:



Payment Reason:

Transactions Value:

Treasury transactions is a service offered by AIS to provide information, transparency, monitoring and accountability for taxpayers. The service enables citizens to learn how public institutions spend their money. The primary source for these data is the Central Treasury Office spending system. Information provided by AIS through Spending Data Albania and Open Data Albania lists every payment, treasury transaction made by the 1895 budgetary institutions in the country. The data are complete from January 2012 to date. The database is updated every week. The data can be accessed, used and reused by everyone. Search filters enable information by date, institution, beneficiary client, type of expenditure, transaction value, and key word(s). For more information and knowledge about the methodology, please write to [email protected]. Analyzing the records of this well-structured database, one can understand and monitor::

  • How the Albanian administration and state spend taxpayers' money
  • Where allocated funds go
  • How much is paid for certain services and projects.
  • How much money each institution spent
  • How much money is paid at certain time intervals
  • Etc

  • Institution List
  • Supplier List
  • Lista e plote e Kategori Shpenzimi
  • * Vetem Transaksionet 2014 pas Shkurtit jane kategorizuara sipas tipit te shpenzimit.


    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Transactions Value No Transactions Limit value Interval (date registration) Interval (date execute)
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) All All 25,204,990,023.00 2,379 All 2023-01-01 => 2023-12-31 =>

    *Te dhenat e ketij sherbimi jane te aksesueshme ne web-in zyrtar "Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Thesarit"

    Institution Beneficiary Treasury Branch Value Date registration Data executed Invoice No Payment Reason Invoice description
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) VIGA Tirane 7,255,434 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 113853410100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1138534 dt 14.9.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) IMMO INVEST Tirane 10,623,372 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 1170468110100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1170468 dt 12.11.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) VITEREAL Tirane 836,690 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 117955710100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1179557 dt 17.11.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) Translog Albania Tirane 4,176,414 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 116020010100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1160200 dt 19.10.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) Donika Dusho Tirane 3,208,306 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 114806510100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1148065 dt 28.9.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) SBS-Brinkmann Albania Tirane 34,401,389 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 113782610100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1137826 dt 12.9.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) KURUM INTERNATIONAL SH.A. Tirane 233,375,683 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 118586210100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1185862 dt 6.12.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) ANIFIS 2018 Tirane 6,320,879 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 115874310100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1158743dt 17.10.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) ProDyn Albania Tirane 19,880,327 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 116019410100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1160194 dt 19.10.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) "SALIKO - TRANS" Tirane 13,211,127 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 115580710100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1155807 dt 11.10.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) DYRRAH - SPED SHPK Tirane 2,956,481 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 115708910100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1157089 dt 13.10.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) DB WASH INTERNATIONAL Tirane 4,929,515 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 115662110100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1156621 dt 12.10.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) Shell Upstream Albania B V Tirane 4,789,989 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 112925310100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1129253 dt 13.9.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) M.A.M. COLLECTION Tirane 5,190,984 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 117759110100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1177591 dt 14.11.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) ANIFIS 2018 Tirane 6,206,148 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 117824510100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1178245dt 15.11.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) AGROCOOP ALBANIA Tirane 8,686,240 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 117580510100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1175805 dt 16.11.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) Lirim Daja Tirane 3,324,187 2023-12-29 2024-01-04 116535110100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1165351 dt 27.10.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) Illyrian Guard Tirane 257,861 2023-12-27 2024-01-03 98910100392023 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes 1010039-Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve 2023 sherbim roje kontr 18675/6 dt 19.12.2022 ft 3291/2023 dt 30.11.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) Calzaturificio Giada Tirane 1,260,216 2023-12-27 2024-01-03 116676910100392023 TVSH mbi mallrat dhe sherbimet brenda vendit Drejt Pergjith Tatim, lik TVSH sipas, kerkese 1166769 dt 30.10.2023
    Aparati Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve (3535) Illyrian Guard Tirane 329,500 2023-12-27 2024-01-03 98310100392023 Sherbime te sigurimit dhe ruajtjes 1010039-Drejt.Pergj.Tatimeve 2023 sherbim roje kontr 18675/14dt 19.12.2022 ft 3295/2023 dt 30.11.2023